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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

You are right. :tup:
And the worst is the Apple Daily.

AD is notorious

Look at these 2 汉奸 traitors:




Above credits: i.ssimg.cn/guancha.cn
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Beijing upset after Martin Lee and Anson Chan meet Joe Biden at the White House
PUBLISHED : Monday, 07 April, 2014, 4:54am
UPDATED : Monday, 07 April, 2014, 4:54am
Johnny Tam johnny.tam@scmp.com

US Vice President Joe Biden meets Anson Chan and Martin Lee at the White House.
Beijing's Foreign Ministry representative in Hong Kong has accused the United States of "meddling" in the city's internal affairs and warned Washington not to hamper Sino-US relations after US Vice-President Joe Biden met two heavyweight pan-democrats from Hong Kong.

Anson Chan Fang On-sang, the former chief secretary and the convenor of pro-democracy group Hong Kong 2020, and Martin Lee Chu-ming, founding chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party, met the US politician on Friday.

They told him that the central government has been "tightening its controls" over the city and voiced fears that only candidates "hand-picked" by Beijing would be allowed to run in the 2017 chief executive election.

In the question-and-answer format on the website of the Office of the Commissioner of the Foreign Ministry in Hong Kong, the spokesman for the office said: "Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs. We firmly oppose any countries meddling in the city's internal affairs in any way."

He added: "Hong Kong is now in a sensitive political reform period. [We] would hope the US would be cautious of their words and actions regarding Hong Kong affairs and not let Hong Kong issues impede Sino-American relations."

The White House meeting came a day after the pair met the Democratic Party leader of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, in Washington.

During their discussion with the vice-president, Chan and Lee also expressed concern over press freedom in the city, saying that Beijing was pressuring advertisers to shun media critical of the central government.

In response to the remarks, Beijing's Foreign Ministry representative in Hong Kong commented that the city "has successfully implemented 'one country, two systems' since the handover for 17 years" and its residents enjoy "unprecedented democracy and freedom".

Chan and Lee will be visiting Canada this week.
Monday, April 7, 2014, 14:16
China warns U.S. not to meddle in Hong Kong over democratic reform
By Reuters

HONG KONG - China has cautioned the United States not to interfere in Hong Kong affairs after Vice President Joseph Biden met two prominent pro-democracy advocates, state news agency Xinhua said.

A former British colony that reverted to Chinese rule in 1997, Hong Kong enjoys considerable autonomy and broad freedoms as a capitalist hub.

Anson Chan, a respected former senior Hong Kong official, and Martin Lee, one of the founders of the main opposition Democratic Party, met Biden at the White House last Friday.

But the United States must "refrain from interfering", Xinhua quoted an official of the Foreign Commissioner's office in Hong Kong as saying.

The official urged the United States to "proceed discreetly" on Hong Kong affairs to avoid damage to China-US ties as the city is now in a "sensitive period" of political reform.

Earlier in their two-week trip to North America, Chan and Lee also met Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the US Democratic Party in the House of Representatives, and testified before a Congressional panel on China.

China has agreed to let Hong Kong elect its next leader in 2017. Specific arrangements, however, have yet to be hammered out, including whether public nominations of candidates will be allowed.

China warns US against meddling in Hong Kong- News- China Daily Asia
The young man in the pic is Jiang Zemin in the 1950s, he was graduating from the University of Moscow for the electrical engineering.

omg it really doesnt ring a bell in me
what a difference that time has made to change the face of a man


credit: biz.itc.cn


Credit: powerapple.com
I like this leader.

I treat the stupid westernized opposition and journalists of my country in the same way.

China, and Islamic World should lead the world out of this imposed Westernization and help the people to write their own histories and destinies.

I hope India join us too, but they are too Westernized to begin with..and they love it.
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