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China has forced India to have Military alliance with Japan and Vietnam: Defence analyst

China was the key to winning the Vietnam war. Soviet weapons poured into Vietnam thorough China. Plus, Vietnamese trained on air defense equipment and fighter jets in China. Plus, Chinese troops entered Vietnam and fought the Americans. Much of air defense in Vietnam were manned by Chinese troops.

There are some 2.5 million Koreans living in China, as one of China's 56 ethnic groups. Korean Chinese keep their own language and culture. Even if China takes over Korea, Koreans would have nothing to fear for their culture.

Koreans in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India is very intereted in China's problem, but non of the those is caused by mighty India. Don't take other effort as yours kid.

Most Indians don't know anything about the histories of China-Koreas-Japan. They'd be surprised to know the three hate each other. But as I've stressed before, our Governments do not think on similar lines. China will exploit any weaknesses of India and India will exploit any weaknesses of China. That's how Pakistan is China's all-weather friend and India is keen to extend her friendship with Vietnam & Japan.
Chinese, Koreans, Japanese are the same race. Says who they hate each other? :p: Americans love to slice and dice, make everyone else fight each other. :usflag:
Do you guys ever watch the American TV series Battleship Galactica, Cylon wanna kill humanbeing as its creator just explains the reason why Japanese wanna annhilate all Chinese.
Pretty soon, China is going to force India to open up its bases and even its territories to house US bases and marines.
Still can't forget the deep emothion commorade Ho Chi Minh hold for Chinese people, Do you really hate Chinese that much @Viet?
I don´t hate Chinese, most Viets don´t hate China, either. The problem is politics. If there is no such thing, we are best friends on earth. Politics is a dirty business.

It is like France and Germany. Both are best friends, but beware if it comes to politics, they hate each other to the bones.
I don´t hate Chinese, most Viets don´t hate China, either. The problem is politics. If there is no such thing, we are best friends on earth. Politics is a dirty business.

It is like France and Germany. Both are best friends, but beware if it comes to politics, they hate each other to the bones.

Sure, way to sugar coat it.
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