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China has 10 DF-31 ballistic missiles in service: Pentagon report

Rarely do you have a writer so bad that they directly contradict themselves in the same article. But there you have it. Whomever wrote that Wantchinatimes article takes the cake for worst effort in journalism in 2015.

The year's still young so the Wantchinatimes can still easily outdo themselves by publishing an article on how the PLAAF "just purchased 300 Su-35s" or something while showing pictures of a J-15 factory replete with Chinese workers as proof of the "Russian arms deal."

Those Taiwanese cowards are just so afraid to tell the truth about China's real nuclear capability, because the US won't militarily interfere Taiwan if China has achieved the MAD status with the US.
Those Taiwanese cowards are just so afraid to tell the truth about China's real nuclear capability, because the US won't militarily interfere Taiwan if China has achieved the MAD status with the US.

I personally don't think the Taiwanese have any choice in the matter anymore. They can interfere all they want but the die has been cast. China is finally taking its nuclear security seriously and realizes that minimal deterrent is no deterrent at all in the light of a potential adversary that's determined to take the war to your soil.

That China is proceeding with the DF-41 proves that China's nuclear doctrine is no longer the same.
I personally don't think the Taiwanese have any choice in the matter anymore. They can interfere all they want but the die has been cast. China is finally taking its nuclear security seriously and realizes that minimal deterrent is no deterrent at all in the light of a potential adversary that's determined to take the war to your soil.

That China is proceeding with the DF-41 proves that China's nuclear doctrine is no longer the same.

China's current status cannot rely on the minimal nuclear deterrence anymore.

Back then, China was poor and with little budget, that's why we did rely on the minimal nuclear deterrence.

But now, we are becoming rich and the most worthy target for the US, thus we need to upgrade our nuclear deterrence according to our current rank in the world.

Xi Jinping is not fool, and under his rule, China will increase it military power in both nuclear and conventional by several folds for sure.
Want China times....full of crap as usual. See the picture below? I count 12 DF-31s. And that's just what China put on parade in 2009. I doubt any country would be dumb enough to risk putting their entire inventory of ICBMs out in the open for a parade. Whatever China finally puts on public parade, China usually has something more advanced and an order of magnitude more, at minimum.

Also, anyone notice that the WantChinatimes article said in the first line that the PLA had 10 DF-31s but then later stated that the PLA had 30 DF-31s in the last paragraph...in the same article? Also the article said that the DF-31s are difficult to transport by road? I mean...they're road mobile missiles and you see them being transported by road. In the parade. Because they were designed that way.

Who writes this stuff? :crazy:

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I think what the author was trying to say was, they have a total of 30 DF-31 and DF-31A combined.
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