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China government starts the evacuation of Chinese from India

Right about now Indian Army has ordered 100,000 of these.


In a replay of 1962 when the entire Indian Army ran down the mountains back to the Ganga plains terrified of the "Chini". This time Indian Army will be suitably prepared to do a "Usain Bolt" down the mountains.


I am here to get pity ... from Indians:agree:

Says a country that spent better part of 1,000 years enjoy being part of "Dar ul Islam".

Look at your signature, you are insulting Gandhi like this? @WebMaster
Just like Doarka being blown into smithereens?

Still boasting about attacking a tiny fishing harbour, that isn't even a minor seaport or a naval base ?

We blockaded your main sea ports on both fronts & sunk multiple naval vessels. Try harder.

We came, we spanked, we has our fun and we went back to our lands

After getting pounded by IA & IAF & being told by the US to vacate ?
Still boasting about attacking a tiny fishing harbour, that isn't even a minor seaport or a naval base ?

After getting pounded by IA & IAF & being told by the US to vacate ?

Thats why I said, your state is biggest propaganda machine, churning out headless chicken like yourself constantly.
Its sad if war has to happen.
But these Indians don't learn otherwise.
I got really pissed off when they honor that criminal 'human shield' officer in Kashmir where they tied an innocent guy to the front of a military jeep.
They have lost their humanity.
Israel stink bomb failed in India because Indians have a high threshold for stench.
I agree. Some indians here are even going as far as to suggesting that they will do a 'nanking' style massacre agaisnt China, man what are these indians on?
That is some very seriously twisted shit, coming from indians should we even find it suprising they think like this?

India about to get their *** whooped
Right about now Indian Army has ordered 100,000 of these.

Says a country that spent better part of 1,000 years enjoy being part of "Dar ul Islam".
So now what happened to your mental gymnastics of how "India" was not India before 47, selective amnesia?
A full scale war is unlikely, but if India keeps stepping on China's red line, then China will probably send to the troops to capture those Indian soldiers. And if India dares to fire back, then there will be a full scale war.
It would make sense to target all of Indians missile sites and airbases, maybe blow up all their capital ships. Target all their military but leave indian civillians alone. :)
It would make sense to target all of Indians missile sites and airbases, maybe blow up all their capital ships. Target all their military but leave indian civillians alone. :)
It would make MORE SENSE if you masturbate and sleep, that will give you more pleasure than this dream
Still boasting about attacking a tiny fishing harbour, that isn't even a minor seaport or a naval base ?

We blockaded your main sea ports on both fronts & sunk multiple naval vessels. Try harder.

After getting pounded by IA & IAF & being told by the US to vacate ?

After butchering countless Indian soldiers, knocking out many Indians helis and jets. and all was done by hand full. So much so, that head of state at that time also joined the party and stayed overnight in kargil.
After butchering countless Indian soldiers, knocking out many Indians helis and jets.

And PAF bombed....wait PAF wasn't there ? :lol:

And losing 700 of your own if you haven't forgot- all for returning to status quo ?

BTW does the 700 include non state actors too ?
:blah: I am not interested in your gibberish, Jihadi Abdul.

Much unlike Pakistan, we are not known worldwide as a sponsor or supporter of terror.

You can cry about it though.

Lal Lu Parsad, you are terrorism, you define what terrorism is, when you got your head of state , a terrorist.

What is "world" for you? your sugardaddies the yank? :D
really. Indian army is still there. Who said anything about withdrawal.
The purpose of them is notconquering the area. But to stop your road construction. As long as there is no road it's victory for India.

All other scenarios are BS.

And it is not alleged. The Bhutanese army requested the presence of Indian forces. Till date Bhutan has not contested Indian presence in the area.
What nonsense are you spouting ?
Bhutan has kept quiet till now, not a word that they requested help from India.
Not a word on India in the demarche sent under Indian pressure to China.
Instead many Bhutanese voices of dissent against India are emerging.

If India really believe Donglang don't belong to China.
Give Balls to Modi to take it back for Bhutan.
Whats there to conquer if land don't belong to China.
Just remain stuck at Donglang and wait for response from China and don't bullshit Diplomatic solution.
No country will tolerate enemy troops sitting on land it has control for decades.
India want to test China's patience, GOOD LUCK.
How many Chinese are left in India now after the evacuation.these guys create their own imaginary world first showing old clips as live fire in Tibet then the movement of equipment for their 90th anniversary as they are moving to the border and now Chinese evacuation,but the truth is not even close on the ground.

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