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China gets 40-year rights at Pakistani port

No I'm not Indian. It's just a huge deal to give a foreign country so much power over your land and it can be a risky thing too. I think the reason for handing it over to China is not because China is an expert, I think it's because the current Pakistani government is clueless on what to do with the land.

I think you're totally uninformed about the Gwadar project. You should do some research before spewing nonsense. Gwadar project has been on the cards for decades. This isn't some clueless project. Get your facts right.

Yes, China is going to run the port in its full glory. Anyone that opposes it isn't and cannot be a friend of Pakistan.

LMAO @ all Indians having constipations.


I have identified the pain.
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I do not think RAW will attempt that...

since 1950's it is the gulf which has been destabilizing that region. They created BLA to fight against Iranians

The only foolishness is, Pakistan thought that the geo politics will remain what is is now even after 40 years.

If there is some new political rise in Pakistan within next 40 years and disbands Chinese activities in Gwadar because of xyz reasons, then Pakistan has to pay the remittance.
I think you're totally uninformed about the Gwadar project. You should do some research before spewing nonsense. Gwadar project has been on the cards for decades. This isn't some clueless project. Get your facts right.

Yes, China is going to run the port in its full glory. Anyone that opposes it isn't and cannot be a friend of Pakistan.
Dude I'm not Indian, and definitely not an enemy. It's not a clueless project but it's definitely going slow and not where it was intended to be at this point. There is a lot of potential there but Pakistan hasn't been able to do it by itself that's why before China, Singapore was given the responsibility. But that was a small thing I was pointing out. What I meant was ideally Pakistan should be running the whole thing but it's hard so Pakistan has to ask for outside help, but I have legitimate concerns about giving the project to China. I'm curious if it has the relevant experience. Maybe it does and I definitely think China will do a better job than Pakistan can do or Singapore ever did.

Hopefully all turns out well.
Dude I'm not Indian, and definitely not an enemy. It's not a clueless project but it's definitely going slow and not where it was intended to be at this point. There is a lot of potential there but Pakistan hasn't been able to do it by itself that's why before China, Singapore was given the responsibility. But that was a small thing I was pointing out. What I meant was ideally Pakistan should be running the whole thing but it's hard so Pakistan has to ask for outside help, but I have legitimate concerns about giving the project to China. I'm curious if it has the relevant experience. Maybe it does and I definitely think China will do a better job than Pakistan can do or Singapore ever did.

Hopefully all turns out well.

That's what you like to think. China will do just fine. Simply because it's in its own interest to make it a definite success. So what if things are running a little slow? Better slow than no progress at all. Besides, anyone that has tiny knowledge about this project also knows the challenges. Those challenges include an insurgency which is fuelled by our dear neighbours. We will overcome them with our ally China and make Gwadar a huge success. No matter what the ill wishers think or say. Gwadar isn't some little project confined to one area. Gwadar is the lifeline of entire Pakistan.

I don't know what you're talking about, but China has excellent experience and credentials running some of the biggest ports in the world. China is the best candidate for running the port. Even better than Singaporeans.
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atleast better than Ch**tya Pakistan who has mastery in blowing off its own people in every nook and corner...

Well see how easy it is to talk like sh1t....however was it really necessary to speak that way??

Still better than ch**tya India that trained terrorists to blow themselves in peaceful countries like SriLanka. And later got their PM blown up by the same terrorists. How a great ch**tyapa was that.

And yes that was necessary, since your compatriots don't understand logic and reasoning and their intellect is less than of a monkey even if they worship a monkey.
40 years is too long time. I think Pakistan offered too much in return.
Still better than Ch**tya Pakistan because at least we were blowing people in lanka...not in our own backyard....
Anyhow idea was to put a point and the kind of logic and reasoning you are showing is a marvel on its own...I am not into f1lth talking so feel free to reply/ignore...my last message on this....

Well people who blow up in Pakistan also get support from India. So this ch**tya country of India would pay the price for this ch*tyapa if we go by the past.

I don't care if it is your last post or not, if your countrymen aren't going to learn behave as a Insan ka bacha then they would get such kind of response from us. Not our mistake if you guys aren't taught to behave like a normal human.
Money will come to invest(Aid) from China
Contract will come to China
Labours will come from China
Remittance go back to China
Unlimited free access for ship goes to China
And Pak pay back Aid money with interest ?? Right ??
According to the agreement, the Gwadar Port Authority, the Government of Pakistan would get a fixed share i.e. 9% of the revenue from cargo and maritime services, and 15% of the revenue earned from the free-trade zone. PSA International is expected to invest US$550 million in the next five to ten years on creating the operational facilities.


7.2 The Ties That Bind Pakistan and China Pakistan’s foreign policy is determined by its hostility with India and security-dominated relations with US. Historically, both Pakistan and China have tense relations with India over border disputes and closer cooperation between these two is actually driven by their common animosity with India. China, unlike the US, has maintained a positive image in the Muslim world to refrain from any attack on its soil and desisted from the clash of interests (Kabraji, 2012, p. 8). Now relationship between these two countries is grounded in almost all sector of economy (p. 3). The rhetoric about Sino-Pak relationship is based on Pakistan’s loyalty to China. In turn, China always rewarded Pakistan with huge financial investment for infrastructure improvement to establish strong strategic and trade links. Unlike US, China has provided unconditional substantial military and strategic assistance to Pakistan and the aid brought about a strategic shift in the Sino-Pak relationship. Since then, Pakistan started defending China’s interest in Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan and the South China Sea for which the Chinese leadership applauded Pakistan’s role (p. 7). As a goodwill gesture, China always provided Pakistan with all sort of political and diplomatic support in the international arena to defend its national interests. Subsequent international and regional developments further strengthened the Sino-Pak relationship. Today, China recognizes Pakistan as one of key factors in its foreign policy to secure its national interests and maintain stability in Xinjiang province. Strategic partnership between China and Pakistan has actually helped China keep the United States influence at bay in the region and also facilitated it to maintain a check on the Indian ambitions to safeguard Chinese regional economic and security interests (Kabraji, 2012, p. 21).
Gwadar Port - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:Pak China:Party
First export should be a ship load of tissue papers to India. :pakistan: :china:

The Gwadar Port is one integral component of the PK-CN Economic Corridor (which comprise of a portfolio of infrastructures e.g. an eastern expressway linking the harbor and coastline, an international airport, breakwater and nine other projects expected to be complete in three to five years), and which in turn is part of Eurasian integration plan ("Silk Road"). The port It is one of the few regional ports to provide comprehensive warehousing, transhipment and logistics services, while being a gateway to the the Gulf states, land-locked Central Asian republics, and land-locked inner China provinces.

Current the Colombo port is still #1 largest cargo port in South Asia by 4.31M TEU (world rank #33), and will be increased to 6.7M TEU (among world top 20) upon completed of newly added terminal. The port is expected to continue to be #1 in South Asia through leadership in transhipment business.


Schematic of Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd., (CICT), a joint venture Company between China Merchants Holdings (International) Co., Ltd. (CMHI) and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA). It is developing the new port under a 35 year build, operate, and transfer agreement with the SLPA.


Comparatively speaking ,Pakistan's combined volume at the all 3 current ports (Port Qasim, Hutchison Karachi, ICTSI Karachi) is limited to 2.1~2.6M TEU.

Upon its completion, just the Gwadar alone will add 6M TEU to make Pakistan surpass 8.6M TEU, exceeding Colombo. In addition to container terminals, there are 2 oil terminals, conversion facilities for natural gas (termination point for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan natural gas pipeline), and many other infrastructures, making Gwadar port second only to Colombo Port in cargo volume, and the top most comprehensive port in South Asia.

With a capacity of 6M TEU, Gwadar Port can absorb some transhipment with inner China and relief pressures on over-loaded ports in Southern China e.g. Shenzhen (23.3M), Hong Kong (22.4M), Guangzhou (15.3M).
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China has been granted operation rights for 40 years at a port in Gwadar, a strategic deep-water seaport in Pakistan, Hong Kong-based Pheonix TV reported on Tuesday.

Infrastructure construction is nearly complete and the port could be put into full use by the end of the year, Dostain Khan Jamaldini, chairman of the Gwadar Port Authority, was quoted as saying. It could serve as a vital economic hub linking China and Pakistan, he said.

Gwadar, on the shores of the Arabian Sea in Pakistan's western province of Balochistan, occupies a strategic location between South and Central Asia and the Middle East, being situated at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, just outside the Strait of Hormuz, gateway for about 20 per cent of the world's oil.

It is also the end of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which runs about 3,000 kilometres from Gwadar to the northwestern Chinese city of Kashgar, an important part of the ancient Silk Road linking China with Eurasia and Africa.

Oil from the Middle East could be offloaded at Gwadar and transported to China through the corridor, cutting the current 12,000 km journey to 2,395 km.

The TV station quoted Riaz Mohammad Khan, advisory board member of the Centre for International Strategic Studies as saying: "It (the port) will turn the tables… it will really benefit Pakistan and China".

The economic corridor is an under-construction development connecting Gwadar to China's Xinjiang via roads, railways and pipelines to transport oil and gas. It will act as a bridge for the new Maritime Silk Route that envisages linking 3 billion people in Asia, Africa and Europe, part of a trans-Eurasian project proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013.

"Oil from the region to China will be facilitated," said Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in 2013 when China was given the contract to operate the port. Gwadar would become a hub of trade and commerce in the region, bringing together the countries of Central Asia and lending new impetus to Pakistan-China relations, he said.

China is expected to invest $1.62 billion in the Gwadar project, including construction of an eastern expressway linking the harbor and coastline, an international airport, breakwater and nine other projects expected to be complete in three to five years.

Gwadar will soon start building a container terminal measuring 1,200 metres and a 300-metre-long cargo terminal that can harbor four berths.

When fully operational, Gwadar will promote the economic development of Pakistan and become a gateway for Central Asian countries, including Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, linking Sri Lanka, Iran and Xinjiang to undertake marine transport. (***)

- See more at: China gets 40-year rights at Pakistani port | The Jakarta Post

Guys let's be serious here ok? Are you guys seriously happy with it ? That's 40 years of lease which you cannot take back from China . It may be sounds sweet in urban ears but in reality it's not . First you gave away a part of Azad Kashmir . Ok it's any way disputed so it's understandable . But giving away a port and the land around ?

Let's look what is going on now . Americans are going away from you so does the Saudi Arabia .Even if the things get normal between u and the gulf countries the damage is already done in terms of trust . You are literally isolated with in the region itself . Afghanistan will have nothing to give to you . Iran and India have strategic partnership for a very lo get time now. And India is your feet big threat (in your view) which you can't match in numbers in future also . Now you are left with China alone . And this is very serious if you don't see what China is doing here. They keep giving you soft loans , weapons etc for which you cannot pay back to them. They might exploit your Anti India views to doing all these stuff but slowly and steadily they are inching into your territories . Let's saw by chance if ties between India and China is normalised and they stopped arming you against India . if it strains your ties with them due to these kind of 40 year or soft loans you can't take it back from China .

Very bad policy by Pakistan Government . Only god know where Pakistan will be in next 10 years . Chinese don't respect friendship but the power .

What are u r views on this . ? I really like to know .
Look at Gwadar port of google maps. There is just one terminal for one ship with 4 cranes. That too incomplete and took decades.
First export should be a ship load of tissue papers to India. :pakistan: :china:
Did you forget you just sold that port to China? Chinese will decide what will be exported from gwadar not you. That port belongs to China not you.
Guys let's be serious here ok? Are you guys seriously happy with it ? That's 40 years of lease which you cannot take back from China . It may be sounds sweet in urban ears but in reality it's not . First you gave away a part of Azad Kashmir . Ok it's any way disputed so it's understandable . But giving away a port and the land around ?

Let's look what is going on now . Americans are going away from you so does the Saudi Arabia .Even if the things get normal between u and the gulf countries the damage is already done in terms of trust . You are literally isolated with in the region itself . Afghanistan will have nothing to give to you . Iran and India have strategic partnership for a very lo get time now. And India is your feet big threat (in your view) which you can't match in numbers in future also . Now you are left with China alone . And this is very serious if you don't see what China is doing here. They keep giving you soft loans , weapons etc for which you cannot pay back to them. They might exploit your Anti India views to doing all these stuff but slowly and steadily they are inching into your territories . Let's saw by chance if ties between India and China is normalised and they stopped arming you against India . if it strains your ties with them due to these kind of 40 year or soft loans you can't take it back from China .

Very bad policy by Pakistan Government . Only god know where Pakistan will be in next 10 years . Chinese don't respect friendship but the power .

What are u r views on this . ? I really like to know .
Read all posts by Pakistani and Chinese posters you would get your answer:wink: thanks but no thanks to be worry so much.
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