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China fears India backing Japan as tussle escalates. (Feeling the heat?)

P.S. is not true. Indo-China means a lot to India if you care to take many factors into account. We don't want hostile China if we have to focus on our economic growth and solving our internal problems first.

In the PS part i meant that Indo-Japanese relations do not entirely revolve around China.

Indo-Japanese has huge technological and economical benefits for India, which are more important than China.
We would be stupid if we dont back Japan .
With a country such as China we should play the tit for tat game .
They support Pakistan against us , so naturally we must support and back Japan against them ;)

I agree to this, so when the Chinese turn their attention towards us, we too will have all the support needed ;)
China was never neutral to India Pakistan relation....why should we neutral in China Japan relation......

Today's war is 25% army war..... 50% economical war... and 25% diplomacy war.....

That is why ...China is feeling the heat of India and US back up for Japan......

and that is why ...China did not dare to attack Japan yet
China amy has the ability to face 2 or 3 different frontier, we definitely not count India in while deciding how to deal with Japan. When it comes to USA, anwser might be yes.
China amy has the ability to face 2 or 3 different frontier, we definitely not count India in while deciding how to deal with Japan. When it comes to USA, anwser might be yes.

Alone India may not....but China would never want India to Join Japan and USA....That would certainly would affect China....
The greatest mass murderer of Chinese People is Mao zedong, During Long March revolution Chinese were systmatically killed. And through out Chinese imperial history it was the emperors who killed or mass murdered you peasants. Do not increase the animosity towards Japan because CCP had said so.
There are massacers and genocides done in China during Longmarch and chinese imperial rule.

Chinese people call it determination to get what is theirs but the rest of the world call it as False propaganda inflicted society.
When you come here and pay a visit, you won't be able to sayso. Is there any possibility that all the information instilled by your freedom media are fake or incomplete? Seeing is believing. Welcome to Japanese Invasion Memorial in my city, you will see lots of surprise you can't image in your dreams...........
China amy has the ability to face 2 or 3 different frontier, we definitely not count India in while deciding how to deal with Japan. When it comes to USA, anwser might be yes.

IF there is a War with Japan will be dragged into it.

When it come to US.... China has to face multi front this time.... All surrounded

South Korea and Japan
Philippines and Taiwan
India and Afghanistan

It will be good to see which side Pakistan takes US or China... I am 100% they will ditch China and go to US like to they did in Afghanistan.
Alone India may not....but China would never want India to Join Japan and USA....That would certainly would affect China....
Of course, No single sensible Chinese wanna make country like India to be enemy. But, could India resisit the temptation and sugars from USA?

IF there is a War with Japan will be dragged into it.

When it come to US.... China has to face multi front this time.... All surrounded

South Korea and Japan
Philippines and Taiwan
India and Afghanistan

It will be good to see which side Pakistan takes US or China... I am 100% they will ditch China and go to US like to they did in Afghanistan.
Taiwan KMT party is our fellow. South Korean? no way ! Still remember there is a country named North Korea? As to Afganistan, Arab nights!
The best of Indian could do when it come to confrontation between China and Japan is sit and watch.
There will be no war btn China and Japan. Japan is a matured country and they know the cost of War unlike India.
India might try to repeat 1962 and dig its own grave but Japan thats a big NO.
The enemies China face are:
Japan(No.1 and always be)
USA(No.1's boss)
Philippine(little clown)
India(it depends,wish not)

I agree to this, so when the Chinese turn their attention towards us, we too will have all the support needed ;)
very luck you are not the top brass of India~
Of course, No single sensible Chinese wanna make country like India to be enemy. But, could India resisit the temptation and sugars from USA?

Thanks for the sensible post. As far as the temptation and sugar are concerned, India resisted this temptation way back in 1949-50s.And still continuing this policy. Having a trade relation surplusing 30billion mark we can not afford to go provocative against each other.
The enemies China face are:
Japan(No.1 and always be)
USA(No.1's boss)
Philippine(little clown)
India(it depends,wish not)

very luck you are not the top brass of India~

CPC considers Russia as an enemy as well don't they? and what about South Korea, Vietnam,
CPC considers Russia as an enemy as well don't they? and what about South Korea, Vietnam,

Don't know about CPC, but Russia does, as per their new military doctrine, they plan to use tactical nukes against China.

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a
large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most
likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most
serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long
ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army,
he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has
little infrastructure, and a small Russian military
contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly
respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on
its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack.
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