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China fears India backing Japan as tussle escalates. (Feeling the heat?)

japan is totally dependent on western technology and china on Russian so we know who is the real game player behind these country
Hold on a minute, Japan is dependent on Western Technology ? :woot:

Its not even dependent on anything except military support due to its small size and treaties that have restricted to have certain weapons.
We will loose all the friends if we deny Pakistan. I am saying we will not let India overrun Pakistan in any circumstance. We neither will help Pakistan harm India. Better status quo.Both china and India hold similar standing on lots of world affairs. We should strengthen cooperation and set aside the difference.

This too also
Sorry for double post
Instead of fear, word "anger" should be there. India should consider things seriousl;y and remain neutral. If we don't then we shouldn't expect China being neutral if dispute between India and Pakistan get worsens.

India should realize that China is the country which can successfully mediate between India and Pakistan as far as economic policies are concerned and keeping border disputes to be minimum as all three countries need ease regarding this for their economic development.

India should ask China's support for our neutrality regarding Japan dispute. Win-win for both and would be a good confidence-building measure.

Mate - care to shed some light into this?
China is encircling around India..now India is encircling China....and China's a$$ started burning....
Many Indians are suggesting neutrality wrt Japan and China tussle. Why not people realise that there is a very large threat at hand for India with China-Pakistan relationship stronger than ever with Pakistan leaning more towards China. And with China growing militarily and economically very powerful and questions about string of pearls being raised, what is that neutrality is going to bring for Indians? Even without Pakistan in the mix, China will neutralize India's whatever influence it has in its neighbourhood with its economy and military might. And India will forever be relegated to a semi-regional power. Think what NAM has bought for India after 1947 and it is time to shove that policy to the pages of history(take a leaf out India's own history when the alignment with USSR in 1971 is what brought a decisive win for India instead of bringing in a defeat in 1962 and stalemate in 1965)
Mate - care to shed some light into this?
It will be very long discussion and will be better if there is a dedicated thread (if it doesn't exist at present). Few basic points are following:

China is the only country which shares borders with both India and Pakistan. For China, Pakistan is strategically important for China while India is economically important. China's aim are not centered in Asia-Pacific region only.

It wants to become a world Super Power and to come at Equal standing to US. For that it needs market of India and Africa which is in hundreds of millions of people, access to Gulf through Pakistan, resources from Afghanistan and Africa without leaving it exposed as in current time all its vital sea lane goes through IOR controlled by US.

India has it s regional ambition and Global vision. Trade with China is mutually beneficial and an option to tilt towards if things with US go south, like it did in 1998.

About Pakistan, we all know how China is important for them too.

Now put all this in and see from one common frame of reference and you will start seeing the linkages of why China can successfully mediate between India and Pakistan.

If still you need more explanation, let me know.
China was never neutral to India Pakistan relation....why should we neutral in China Japan relation......

Today's war is 25% army war..... 50% economical war... and 25% diplomacy war.....

That is why ...China is feeling the heat of India and US back up for Japan......

and that is why ...China did not dare to attack Japan yet
It will be very long discussion and will be better if there is a dedicated thread (if it doesn't exist at present). Few basic points are following:

China is the only country which shares borders with both India and Pakistan. For China, Pakistan is strategically important for China while India is economically important. China's aim are not centered in Asia-Pacific region only.

It wants to become a world Super Power and to come at Equal standing to US. For that it needs market of India and Africa which is in hundreds of millions of people, access to Gulf through Pakistan, resources from Afghanistan and Africa without leaving it exposed as in current time all its vital sea lane goes through IOR controlled by US.

India has it s regional ambition and Global vision. Trade with China is mutually beneficial and an option to tilt towards if things with US go south, like it did in 1998.

About Pakistan, we all know how China is important for them too.

Now put all this in and see from one common frame of reference and you will start seeing the linkages of why China can successfully mediate between India and Pakistan.

If still you need more explanation, let me know.

Krait - I wouldn't mind having a separate thread to discuss it and so holding off my views at this time. But here is my view in short - unless China shows its cards, India should be really cautious wrt China.
A war must break out between china and Japan. USA play a very dirty role within all what happened. We have to fight and defend our land in any price we might have to pay.

Kindly do a cost benefit analysis; before talking of war. In any circumstances I don't think the island territory with all its minerals would be able to justify the cost of war for any party.

Yeah I do think that countries like US, India and may get benefits as they can help in reconstruction and then boost the global economy after the war at the cost of destruction of Japan and China
What happen if we give santuary to Talibans, Osama Bilanden or other?? how you americans will react?? when come to Japan...your gorverment deliberately transfer our Island to Japan and voice to protect them under your aliance treaty if eventual war with China including the arm conflict for this island.

What Japan did in WWII you American not only turn blind eyes...but offer protect for it

The greatest mass murderer of Chinese People is Mao zedong, During Long March revolution Chinese were systmatically killed. And through out Chinese imperial history it was the emperors who killed or mass murdered you peasants. Do not increase the animosity towards Japan because CCP had said so.
There are massacers and genocides done in China during Longmarch and chinese imperial rule.

Chinese people call it determination to get what is theirs but the rest of the world call it as False propaganda inflicted society.
China has nothing to be concerned from India on Japan as long as she doesn't recognize Kashmir as Pakistani territory.

PS: Indo-Japanese relations have far greater prospects than China alone.
You cant even provide roads without potholes for 90% of your countries areas, challa aya infrastrucutre dena factories ko :rofl:

Have you seen your infrastructure before commenting on my post.... you forgot "Jo Log shisha kae Ghar pa rahete hai wo dusre ka ghar me phattar nahi marte"

Chota Hati


Krait - I wouldn't mind having a separate thread to discuss it and so holding off my views at this time. But here is my view in short - unless China shows its cards, India should be really cautious wrt China.
Yup....International Diplomacy especially when nations of size of India and China are involved, its not Zero-Sum game, its about optimal strategy to gain relatively good payoff.

India will happily accept 60-40 in favor of China rather than 100-0 in favor of China.

China has nothing to be concerned from India on Japan as long as she doesn't recognize Kashmir as Pakistani territory.

PS: Indo-Japanese relations have far greater prospects than China alone.
P.S. is not true. Indo-China means a lot to India if you care to take many factors into account. We don't want hostile China if we have to focus on our economic growth and solving our internal problems first.
Why not China accepts current LAC as border and be done with it. One cannot expect to change the border when after 65 years there is absolutely zero sign of any eagerness of north east to join China. If no one is interested to join China, why keep the issue open.

China wants to sort out each of it's neighbors by pushing its might against them one at a time, their biggest worry is their opponents ganging up. This is just a feeler to gauge India's reaction if things go out of control. GOI should not and will not say anything to sooth their nerves and keep them guessing as to its reaction during conflict.
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