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China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

Execpt we came out a great power and a permanent member of UN, and a victory nation. India came out with non of that, but we had a history of subjugating the Japanese, I can show source if you wish, but I assume you know, at no time did India ever do the same to British.

We are also close to getting even with the Japanese, is India trying to do the same?
I dont care,you trolled thats why i also trolled,i just showed you that i can also troll so its better to have a discussion in civil manner.....
Curious, but what are 67 and 87?

Indian like to invente fictive hisotry event to compensate for it 1962's humiliation :lol:

I dont care,you trolled thats why i also trolled,i just showed you that i can also troll so its better to have a discussion in civil manner.....

lol you seem to reply humbly now after got so much troll from Chineses, your unworthy comments just amused me :lol:
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Indian like to invente fictive hisotry event to compensate for it 1962's humiliation :lol:

From a quick reading of the 62, 67, and 87 skirmishes, it sounds like when the Indians aren't prepared for war, the Chinese easily won (62), but when they were prepared they won pretty handily (67 and 87). Sounds to me like the Indians have the upper hand when it comes to border skirmishes with the Chinese (as long as they're prepared, which would be the situation right now).
Indian like to invente fictive hisotry event to compensate for it 1962's humiliation :lol:

lol you seem to reply humbly now after got so much troll from Chineses, your unworthy comments just amused me :lol:
Looks like your brain has stopped functioning......:lol:
He replied to me humbly thats why i replied to him in same way......:lol:
From a quick reading of the 62, 67, and 87 skirmishes, it sounds like when the Indians aren't prepared for war, the Chinese easily won (62), but when they were prepared they won pretty handily (67 and 87). Sounds to me like the Indians have the upper hand when it comes to border skirmishes with the Chinese (as long as they're prepared, which would be the situation right now).
This is the result of Quick Reading!
No body ever heard of any war between China and India after 1962.
From a quick reading of the 62, 67, and 87 skirmishes, it sounds like when the Indians aren't prepared for war, the Chinese easily won (62), but when they were prepared they won pretty handily (67 and 87). Sounds to me like the Indians have the upper hand when it comes to border skirmishes with the Chinese (as long as they're prepared, which would be the situation right now).

That's remain to be seen, India like to sent s.o.s for help when fighting China, we don't have a problem to set a duel anytime they wants.
No Chinese person has ever heard of any war between China and India after 1962.

Fixed it for you. Looks like the state-controlled media doesn't like to accentuate Chinese failures.
I not born in China or Chinese citizen, China government can't control what i want to know.

Probably India and China have some border guard skirmish and couple soldiers being killed, this isn't a major wars that everyone in the world know about.
This is the result of Quick Reading!

Yes, I thought I made that clear?

That's remain to be seen, India like to sent s.o.s for help when fighting China, we don't have a problem to set a duel anytime they wants.

You mean like what every country does... goes to the U.N and lobbies for support?

I not born in China or Chinese citizen, China government can't control what i want to know.

No, your red color shades with little gold stars on them do that for you. You seem to only read/comprehend only positive things about your nation.

Probably India and China have some border guard skirmish and couple soldiers being killed, this isn't a major wars that everyone in the world know about.

Trust me, not a single westerner knows about the 1962 skirmish either.
hehe...what's matter, to harsh to swallow what I said. :lol:
You are getting boring now......:lol:
You need to uplift the level of trolling and english both......:lol:
And why do you take so much time to reply my posts?
Do you ask your teacher to verify if it is gramatically correct or not....:lol:
Or you dont have faith in your translator......:lol:
Yes, I thought I made that clear?

You mean like what every country does... goes to the U.N and lobbies for support?

No, your red color shades with little gold stars on them do that for you. You seem to only read/comprehend only positive things about your nation.

Trust me, not a single westerner knows about the 1962 skirmish either.
Then I am not sure who Neville Maxwell is. I wonder if he's Chinese/Asian.

Also don't read up Wiki. It's a joke.
Yes, I thought I made that clear?

You mean like what every country does... goes to the U.N and lobbies for support?

No, your red color shades with little gold stars on them do that for you. You seem to only read/comprehend only positive things about your nation.

Trust me, not a single westerner knows about the 1962 skirmish either.

How would I know if there isn't report by the westerner about the 1962 war between India and China and confirm by youtube video proof of the 1962 war.

Even Indian politician talk much about the humiliation of the 1962 war. Go on and check out the youtube video for yourself.
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