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China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

I'm not living in denial, when you guys brag about how well your navy can effectively chock us and set blockade in Indian ocean but you seem to forget that we have Tibet as blessing land against India, it;s well positioned to take care your inland and India Ocean as well with our DF-21D. Imagine if you sunk few of our oils tankers or merchants ships, you think your navy can get away from us with impunity? When our satellite spot that your carrier battle group stop moving for resupply or port calling...with DF-21D positioned in Tibet can very well do the jobs to take down any of your carrier battle group withing range.
or any of your merchant ships anchor in your sea port...we dont even bother to dispatch our navy into Indian Ocean.


Humor me and do tell what's the range of DF-21 and the distance from Xizang to Kanyakumari forget Xizang to anywhere in the Indian Ocean?

DF-21 maybe good for theater defense but nowhere is it good enough to take on small specialized targets over long distances like a CBG or submarines.
Unless china wants its casino be under the bottom of the Indian ocean, it wont even dare take a piss in South China sea ;)
Unless china wants its casino be under the bottom of the Indian ocean, it wont even dare take a piss in South China sea ;)

What make you think that your navy is capable of sinking our Casino? a self proclaim victory will not give you too much of credibility to your argument, try harder :lol:
Humor me and do tell what's the range of DF-21 and the distance from Xizang to Kanyakumari forget Xizang to anywhere in the Indian Ocean?

DF-21 maybe good for theater defense but nowhere is it good enough to take on small specialized targets over long distances like a CBG or submarines.

I don't need to brag about the effectiveness of this missile, if the below report is accurated, a dozain of this toy place in Tibet plateau will give Indian navy to think of us day and night or the best it's to relocate the base far far away from our strike range :lol:


Suspected Test of DF-21D Aircraft Carrier Killer Missile with Combat Capability
As usual the chinese bragging with their PS weapons . Whats new .... :rofl:

I know you gonna say that :lol:, I guess you Indian like to have evidence how we can sink yourr carrier battle group to prove worthy of this DF-21D...I will give you the benefit of the doubt. ;)
I know you gonna say that :lol:, I guess you Indian like to have evidence how we can sink yourr carrier battle group to prove worthy of this DF-21D...I will give you the benefit of the doubt. ;)

may be for a change you guys can actually test it atleast once against a moving target preferably against your own casino before bragging ... :D
I know you gonna say that :lol:
may be for a change you guys can actually test it atleast once against a moving target preferably against your own casino before bragging ... :D

I believe that we already have the result just I couldn't provide you with evidence. but don't worry your Indian navy will have chance evaluate its..time is not a problem. :D
I know you gonna say that :lol:

I believe that we already have the result just I couldn't provide you with evidence. but don't worry your Indian navy will have chance evaluate its..time is not a problem. :D

You mean PLAN will allow IN to evaluate the sunken Varyag .... That will be good news for both navies ... :lol:
You mean PLAN will allow IN to evaluate the sunken Varyag .... That will be good news for both navies ... :lol:

If you claim that it's PS weapon, than your navy wouln't need to be scare for passing some evaluation with it...right? :lol:..Sure anytime, I think we will have chance to evaluate each other...we will evaluate with our DF-21D from Tibet, and try to set sail to south China sea to meet our Loaning :lol:...i think that's fair deal.
If you claim that it's PS weapon, than your navy wouln't need to be scare for passing some evaluation with it...right? :lol:..Sure anytime, I think we will have chance to evaluate each other...we will evaluate with our DF-21D from Tibet, and try to set sail to south China sea to meet our Loaning :lol:...i think that's fair deal.

Good .... conduct an oper water tests against varyag ..... let the whole world see the chinese supaa powaaa technologies .... :lol:
Good .... conduct an oper water tests against varyag ..... let the whole world see the chinese supaa powaaa technologies .... :lol:

Since you claim it's PS weapon and need proof, we will prove it to your navy and convince them that we're not bragging...that's sound logic to me. :lol:
Since you claim it's PS weapon and need proof, we will prove it to your navy and convince them that we're not bragging...that's sound logic to me. :lol:
No you can prove it on your own submarine just like Qing .....:lol::lol:

i would say India is just the pet of the two brothers lol
Again you are mistaken that every country acts like slaves like Pakistan.....:lol::lol:
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