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China Eyeing Ladakh To Gain Greater Accessibility To Pakistan

Lol another thread. The only region in Ladakh where Pakistan is close to.china is north western Ladakh. Even there, there is Siachen glacier. How is anyone supposed.to create an road link to Pakistan through the glacier? This is what happens when some people begin to see another as Godship.
I don't think you quite grasped the implications of what the article is trying to say.
Read it carefully this time and then think about it a little.

he pretends to be Pakistani but his posts are a witness against him being one
I smell curry.
US News via Paul D Shinkman is a proxy mouthpiece for the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) which is a just mouthpiece and propaganda scriptwriter funded by and shilling for U.S. weapon manufacturing industry and U.S. defence contractors
It's every bit every poster's business if you're pretending to be Pakistani.
Declare your allegiance if you want to have an honest discussion.
False flagging is against forum rules.

Why should I declare anything to you? This is a public forum not something controlled by your Establishment...or is it?
Besides, You have been on this forum for bit more than a year...am' here for a decade....so if I am pretending so well and yet not been banned, shouldn't I been applauded?

...Let's not waste each other's time ... as I said
Why should I declare anything to you? This is a public forum not something controlled by your Establishment...or is it?
Besides, You have been on this forum for bit more than a year...am' here for a decade....so if I am pretending so well and yet not been banned, shouldn't I been applauded?

...Let's not waste each other's time ... as I said
It shows a huge intellectual dishonesty on the part of anyone who seeks to hide behind false flags in order to skew the context of the discussion.
For example, in your post, referring to yourself as "we" gives added false weight to your assertions because you are purporting to write from the point of view of a Pakistani, who would be wishing Pakistan well therefore would be less likely to put up a false negative narrative, as you did.
Instead of "we", if you had simply mentioned "Pakistan", your assertions, coming from a neutral, would have been more credible.
As I said, intellectual dishonesty and lack of integrity or perhaps an inability to posit an argument on its own merits.
Length of time on the forum means what?
While we dream about all these "IFs"...reality is we have been sidelined in the greater game by China in favour of Iran...off course Iran can give much better benefit, bot in terms of access to sea (more closer to Gulf states, passage to central Asia and most importantly, Oil security...). This also saves China to avoid unnecessary headaches in dealing with third country as in case of CPEC which run through disputed territory.

If Iran-China pact becomes reality, CPEC will fade away soon....

China-Iran agreement is an extension of CPEC. That's why recently SMQ welcomed China-Iran agreement. China wants its energy supplies to be secured long term. Look at geography. Only stable and trust worthy route for China towards the energy supplies fields in Iran is via Pakistan. Afghanistan is a no go area and will remain so in foreseeable future. Central Asia route got three "stan" states with their own competing interests, geopolitics and more importantly, the American influence. Any one of them, for whatever reason (perhaps "regime change") will put spanner in the works if energy pipelines are to be made through central Asia. And its longer route anyway.

With Pakistan, China got a most trusted ally, ensuring the energy supplies will remain unaffected regardless who is in charge of Pakistan.
While we dream about all these "IFs"...reality is we have been sidelined in the greater game by China in favour of Iran...off course Iran can give much better benefit, bot in terms of access to sea (more closer to Gulf states, passage to central Asia and most importantly, Oil security...). This also saves China to avoid unnecessary headaches in dealing with third country as in case of CPEC which run through disputed territory.

If Iran-China pact becomes reality, CPEC will fade away soon....

Thats a kiddish and immature analysis. Iran has always been indian ally and china will be cautious, its purely financial. They give oil at dirt cheap price and china pays, that money agan goes to chinese construction firms and weapons manufacturers.
Also china has no direct access to iran, it has to go through Afghanistan or Pakistan to iran or through all central asian countries and then iran. All of these routes are not feasible, the best route for china is still through Pakistan. I guess ur unable to understand meaning of 3rd party, connecting iran would require china a third party, like Afghanistan or others. Connecting through Pakistan gives china direct access,U need to study geography i guess. Reality is neither china nor Pakistan cares abt territorial claims, even the world doznt care. There is also something called decades of trust, connections, interoperability and divergence of interests.
China is eyeing Ladakh to gain greater accessibility to Pakistan and sees the presence of the Indian Army as a threat to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

A new report by US News and World Report magazine says that Beijing, with its latest offensive, wants to grab greater control of the mountain regions along its southwest border in an attempt to gain greater accessibility to its partner Pakistan.
The new document obtained by US News and World Report, says that the killing of 20 Indian Army personnel by Chinese troops at Patrolling Point 14 of the Galwan region of Western Sector of Ladakh border is part of a broader campaign by China to insert military forces and assert territorial claims over countries in the South Asian region.
Citing the documents which offered an insight into the Indian government’s thinking on the deadly skirmish last month between forces in the Himalayas,
Paul D Shinkman, a national security correspondent of US News, said that New Delhi has linked the latest encounter in Ladakh to “Beijing’s sweeping imperialist designs” saying that China conducts direct military action to claim territory but resorts to coercive diplomacy by penetrating and undermining sovereignty and economies of many countries.


Big mouth Modi DARED to interfere in the CPEC projects, a very grave mistake. Then he went on to THREATEN the take over of Gilgit Baltistan .Presently he is MUM and hiding somewhere, indeed KARMA has its strange ways to NIP the evil in the bud.:pakistan::china:

My apologies. I struggle with the reliability of this US News publication.
My apologies. I struggle with the reliability of this US News publication.

Anything that shows China in poor light - it's not reliable.
You are not Chinese buddy, for once have your independent thought process.

India has friends yet you don't see us dragging our tongue near them.
Anything that shows China in poor light - it's not reliable.
You are not Chinese buddy, for once have your independent thought process.

India has friends yet you don't see us dragging our tongue near them.

The americans also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins. Are we suppose to believe that too?
The americans also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins. Are we suppose to believe that too?

Yes, Americans claimed.
You don't see Indians lapping up that argument, not then and not now.

So, have some courage & have your own theories.
I understand they are your dear friends but at some point you need your own identity rather being known as China's friend.
Yes, Americans claimed.
You don't see Indians lapping up that argument, not then and not now.

So, have some courage & have your own theories.
I understand they are your dear friends but at some point you need your own identity rather being known as China's friend.

So how does having an identity prove that the americans are being honest about their claims?
So how does having an identity prove that the americans are being honest about their claims?

it's not about Americans,
it's about you not having your own ideas, other than being lackey of CCP.

Worse, it shows clearly..
it's not about Americans,
it's about you not having your own ideas, other than being lackey of CCP.

Worse, it shows clearly..

What ideas are those? Which of them are viable and why? Which of them are truthful?
CPEC is Strategically Important to Chinese. For Pakistanis it’s economy. For Chinese it’s a back door life line to their survival Incase of Pacific blockade.

Building of roads and infrastructure by Indians in Ladakh and surrounding area after 70 years while purchasing light artillery For high altitudes , chinooks and C-5 for rapid mobilization isn’t a coincidence.

China is aware of the fact, that US-India military advisory group is behind all the recent Indian modernization and therefore Chinese are doing what they think is necessary to increase their presence to secure CPEC.

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