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China Expressways, Highways: News & Discussions

This video shows the journey on the highway from Bangkok to Laos and ending in Yuxi in Yunnan.

2015 drive-lapse from Bangkok, Thailand to Yuxi, Yunnan, China, 1080p, 60fps
Published on 22 Oct 2015

Thailand–Laos border crossing @ 38:1840:12
Laos–China border crossing @ 2:04:122:06:20

IMHO, the condition of the highway in Thailand is about 15 years behind China and Laos is probably 30 years behind China.
This video shows the journey on the highway from Bangkok to Laos and ending in Yuxi in Yunnan.

2015 drive-lapse from Bangkok, Thailand to Yuxi, Yunnan, China, 1080p, 60fps
Published on 22 Oct 2015

Thailand–Laos border crossing @ 38:1840:12
Laos–China border crossing @ 2:04:122:06:20

IMHO, the condition of the highway in Thailand is about 15 years behind China and Laos is probably 30 years behind China.
And Yunnan is one of the poorest provinces in China. AIIB can make a difference in escalating local transport corridors.
Highway on the plateau of 3000-4000m above the sea level
Sichuan Province, Western China

Northern Sichuan

Western Sichuan
Highway 318 Shanghai-Lhasa
[USER=176928]@Mista[/USER] @terranMarine @Jlaw @ahojunk @JSCh @TaiShang @Götterdämmerung @Gibbs @Spectre
@PaklovesTurkiye @Gufi @waz @Bussard Ramjet @Viny @Echo_419 @Keel @Edison Chen @cnleio et al


What is it like to drive on Western China's expressways?
G65-G3001-G30, Shannxi Province, Northwest China

Three national expressways around Xi'an City, Shannxi Province, Northwest China
G65 Baotou–Maoming Expressway 3017km
G3001 Xi'an City Ring Expressway
G30 Lianyungang–Khorgas Expressway 4243km

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Bridges in the City of Panzhihua, Southwest China
Panzhihua is a small city with a huge mining and steel industry (actually the city was built on it).
It is located along Yangtze River and Yalong River (the biggest branch of Yangtze River's upper section) in the deep valleys of Sichuan Province, Western China.

Major transport corridors

G5 Beijing-Kunming National Expressway
G4216 Banzhihua-Lijiang National Expressway (Panzhihua section opened)
Chengdu-Kunming railway
Chengdu-Kunming HSR(planned)
Panzhihua Bao'anying Airport

GDP per capita $12,000
Urbanisation: 60%
Mining: At the end of 2007, the city's reserves of vanadium-titanium magnetite were 6.694 billion tons, of which: titanium reserves were 425 million tons, 93% of the national total, the world's largest; vanadium reserves were 10.38 million tons, 63% in the nation, third in the world. (quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzhihua#Economy)

Panzhihua is a sort of flower! Hua means flower in Chinese.
The city was only a 7-family village back in 1960s.
Now it has 3 districts and 2 counties with population over one million.

Three urban districts
屏幕快照 2016-07-16 17.48.52.png

屏幕快照 2016-07-16 17.46.41.png

@terranMarine @Jlaw @AViet @oprih @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @Bussard Ramjet @Götterdämmerung @Beidou2020 @sword1947 @WSHH @Spectre @Blue Marlin @ito @Kwame Brown @hirobo2 @rott @Viny @PaklovesTurkiye

Dubbed as the city of flower
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Highway linking Baiyun, Qianxi opens in SW China
Source: Xinhua | July 16, 2016, Saturday |


Aerial photo taken on July 16, 2016 shows Yachihe Bridge of Guiyang-Qianxi highway in southwest China's Guizhou Province. The 78-kilometer-long highway linking Baiyun district of Guiyang and Qianxi County of Bijie City opened on Saturday.
Highway linking Baiyun, Qianxi opens in SW China
Source: Xinhua | July 16, 2016, Saturday |


Aerial photo taken on July 16, 2016 shows Yachihe Bridge of Guiyang-Qianxi highway in southwest China's Guizhou Province. The 78-kilometer-long highway linking Baiyun district of Guiyang and Qianxi County of Bijie City opened on Saturday.
Another mighty expressway bridge in Guizhou Province, the new normal in China's poorest region.
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What about the 1100m Dadu River Bridge that forms a key part of the Chengdu-Lhasa Expressway? :D



Such expressway will be fiercely crazy!
I think Ya'an-Kangding section is nearly finished?
Last year when I was on Chengdu-Lhasa highway near the location in your photo, I could see expressway construction sites everywhere along the original highway.
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Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge opens for traffic in central China's Hubei
(Xinhua) 08:14, July 19, 2016

BEIJING, July 18, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on July 18, 2016 shows Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge which opens for traffic in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province. The 838-meter suspension bridge, the second of its kind in the world to be made with composite steel concrete beams without a supporting pier, opened for traffic Monday in Yichang City. (Xinhua/Zhou Xingliang)




Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge opens for traffic in central China's Hubei
(Xinhua) 08:14, July 19, 2016

BEIJING, July 18, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on July 18, 2016 shows Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge which opens for traffic in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province. The 838-meter suspension bridge, the second of its kind in the world to be made with composite steel concrete beams without a supporting pier, opened for traffic Monday in Yichang City. (Xinhua/Zhou Xingliang)




wow. Two bridges connecting two banks and one island, beautiful and useful!
Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge opens for traffic in central China's Hubei
(Xinhua) 08:14, July 19, 2016

BEIJING, July 18, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on July 18, 2016 shows Zhixi Yangtze River Bridge which opens for traffic in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province. The 838-meter suspension bridge, the second of its kind in the world to be made with composite steel concrete beams without a supporting pier, opened for traffic Monday in Yichang City. (Xinhua/Zhou Xingliang)







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