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China Encircles India

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China can encircle India very easily.
What are India's allies?
Vietnam and Japan?
Indian members should not kid themselves, China seriously has the upper hand here, if there was war between China and India, Pakistan would probably get involved in the war against India, but who would get involved in the war to back up India?
Tibet will side us .
US,Vietnam,Japan wouldnt not lose the chance they get if at all china engages in a war with India.
Most of those 4702 posts were in self-defense against the thousands of offensive posts by Indians ......
haha.. lol.. this chain started off with you saying that you would love to see india broken or whatever... lol.. anyway, how much ever you feed a snake it will still remain one. help you guys get freedom, and you start acting smart. give chance for you to host world cup and for the first time outside world hears of BD news without cyclone, or terror, and this is how you show gratitude. oh well.. i hope india learns.. bye..
China can encircle India very easily.
What are India's allies?
Vietnam and Japan?
Indian members should not kid themselves, China seriously has the upper hand here, if there was war between China and India, Pakistan would probably get involved in the war against India, but who would get involved in the war to back up India?
Hehe, it's the war of the Giant, we will support foods and money to India to buy new weapon, if India get angry and use Nuke , no one can imagine what will happend next .
we need few more power n ammunition for bsf to keep u sleepless:azn:

It took about a dozen BDR and few hundred unarmed villagers to wipe out 400 BSF in 2001. If thinks get hostile between Bangladesh and India the situation will become quickly dire for the latter ........

Now back to thread ..........
Tibet will side us .

Your government already said repeatedly, that Tibet is a part of China. :rofl:

They don't even have the balls to SAY they support Tibetan independence. If they can't even SAY that, then what can they do when Indian cities are openly attacked by cross-border militants?
So true buddy. :lol:

India loves to support terrorists and separatists in their neighbouring countries, like LTTE.
Keep ur mouth shut if you dont know , it was India who helped SL in handling LTTE , our ex PM Rajiv Gandhi was killed by LTTE.
Even their "dear friend" Russia, prefers to form a collective security organization with China (the SCO).

Their dear friend Russia also snubbed Indian warships that had sailed halfway across the world to participate in Russia-India exercises, and forced the Indian ships to go home in shame.

Russia prefers the peninsulan partner against their neighbour. But Russia will block your military hardware supply. We/US will block sea routes . We can do excercises with any major military . Any way you dont have that chance.
Every member of SCO is best friend for us except China.
Muslims on our western border are bombing their own people and muslims on our eastern border don't have ability to even build a bomb themselves (they are totally dependent on India)..and Chinese in north are smart enough not to declare war with country with which it has a good trade relation...so whats your point??

Once the US extricates itself from Afghanistan and Pakistan the South Asia scenario will look distinctly bad for India.......
Your government already said repeatedly, that Tibet is a part of China. :rofl:

They don't even have the balls to SAY they support Tibetan independence. If they can't even SAY that, then what can they do when Indian cities are openly attacked by cross-border militants?
I dont mean like that.
Internal revolt will start in Tibet and India will surely support it if at all China goes for a war with India .
Your government already said repeatedly, that Tibet is a part of China. :rofl:

They don't even have the balls to SAY they support Tibetan independence. If they can't even SAY that, then what can they do when Indian cities are openly attacked by cross-border militants?
I dont mean like that.
Internal revolt will start in Tibet and India will surely support it if at all China goes for a war with India .
2001 Indian-Bangladesh border conflict
Date 16–20 April 2001
Location India–Bangladesh border
Result Status quo ante bellum


300 5,000[1]
Casualties and losses
15 killed (Indian claim)[2]
16 killed (Bangladeshi claim)[3] 2 killed (Bangladeshi claim)
3 killed (Indian claim)

this is from wiki.. 300 BSF fought 5000 BD army guys. if 2 of you were killed we should have lost at least 32.
One of the disputed areas was a small sliver of land near the village of Pyrdiwah which the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) had occupied since the 1971 liberation of Bangladesh. The village was one of the Indian exclaves near the border of Bangladesh with the Indian state of Meghalaya.[1][4] Bangladesh claimed that the village was within its territory.[5]

Five battalions of the 19th division of the Bangladesh Army, with additional personnel from the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), attacked the positions of India's Border Security Force at Pyrdiwah at 01:00 hours on 16 April 2001.[6] India claimed that Bangladeshi troops overran and occupied the village, which was near the town of Dauki, and that Bangladeshi forces were holding more than 20 Indian soldiers hostage.[7] However, Bangladesh insisted that Indian forces launched an early-morning attack on their posts in the frontier district of Kurigram, which lay on the border with the Indian state of Assam, on the morning of 16 April.[7]

Indian forces eventually responded but failed to retake the village. The combat remained limited to the border troops of the respective nations, though mortars were used in addition to automatic weapons fire. Between 10,000 and 20,000 villagers living in the area fled the fighting, with at least 17 suffering wounds. Several villages were destroyed or heavily damaged in the fighting.

Top Indian border security sources claimed that the BDR personnel had retreated in the Meghalaya sector, while in the Assam sector, the Indian BSF had vacated positions seized from Bangladesh.[8] Fresh clashes erupted along the India–Bangladesh border just hours after both sides voiced regret for the recent killings, but by midnight of 20 April firing had again stopped. An article reported that 6,000 Indian civilians had fled the region, and Indian government officials were attempting to convince villagers to return to their homes.[5]

The Indian BSF agreed to take back bodies of five of its soldiers at Rowmari sector, whilst the other 11-17 were classified as 'missing'. Bangladesh later agreed to return the dead Indian soldiers the next day.[8] Upon examining the bodies of the dead personnel, India alleged that the BSF men were tortured before being shot dead.[9][10] Three Bangladeshi soldiers were also killed: two during combat and another who died of wounds sustained during operations."
Once the US extricates itself from Afghanistan and Pakistan the South Asia scenario will look distinctly bad for India.......

we are not relying on usa to stay alive,we r still standing even living in most trouble neighborhood..and willing to fight alone.
those who cant stand alone and keep saying that big daddy will come n save us cant get success..this is wat we have learnt..and u shud keep waiting for china like other on the western border
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