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China Encircles India

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if the country doesnt survive how will the population survive and even if it did and threaten india it would be a pig slaughter :lol:

India will never do that. Do not judge the whole country based on the few phobics like mbi munshi.
if the country doesnt survive how will the population survive and even if it did and threaten india it would be a pig slaughter :lol:

India will never do that. Do not judge the whole country based on the few phobics like mbi munshi. they did not forget 1971 still burning. :lol:
India will never do that. Do not judge the whole country based on the few phobics like mbi munshi. they did not forget 1971 still burning. :lol:

haha i know mate we arent made of that mettle was jus reply to his earlier post
if the country doesnt survive how will the population survive and even if it did and threaten india it would be a pig slaughter :lol:

The true face of Indians is shining through once again.

You know that Bangladeshis are Muslims right? It is extremely rude to refer to them as pigs.
India helping to smash LTTE? You must be on something. India created and funded the LTTE. You could be in the guiness book of world record for making this lie up. If the poor lady says that maybe because of her job. Everyone knows the Indian Air Force dropped supplues to Tamils and LTTE was created and funded by India.
you are wrong.. ltte was not started by india... dont lie .. show proof if you deny that you are a liar.
second, indira supported ltte but realised that they resorted to terrorism and india withdrew support very early on. Very very early on. after indira, there was rajiv (he was killed by ltte, why? because india supported ltte?) then vp singh, then rao, then gujral, then chandraskhar, then vajpayee, then MMS. none of them supported ltte. only fringe groups in TN supported the ltte (like vaiko). in this fight for the last many years india supplied SL with lot of hardware and intelligence inputs. Rajapakse thanked india after the war. so please shut your trap and show some proof before making any allegation. typical pakistani.
The true face of Indians is shining through once again.

You know that Bangladeshis are Muslims right? It is extremely rude to refer to them as pigs.

what makes u think i was refering to the whole muslim populus
The true face of Indians is shining through once again.

You know that Bangladeshis are Muslims right? It is extremely rude to refer to them as pigs.

Don't you mean the ugly face of Indians is showing through ..............
what makes u think i was refering to the whole muslim populus

It was obvious, even your fellow Indian Rajrusi saw it.

If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:

if the country doesnt survive how will the population survive and even if it did and threaten india it would be a pig slaughter :lol:

India will never do that. Do not judge the whole country based on the few phobics like mbi munshi.
China can encircle India very easily.
What are India's allies?
Vietnam and Japan?
Indian members should not kid themselves, China seriously has the upper hand here, if there was war between China and India, Pakistan would probably get involved in the war against India, but who would get involved in the war to back up India?
yh if half of India were low lying areas,keep living the wet dream :lol:

You are surrounded by the sea from the East, West and South ..... What do you think? Before BD sinks much of India will already be under water ....
The true face of Indians is shining through once again.

You know that Bangladeshis are Muslims right? It is extremely rude to refer to them as pigs.

Don't worry about it, its the indian thing, When faced with challange they will run away faster than a speeding bullet ! They got a*s kicked by LTTE,
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