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China Encircles India

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Oh yeah America cares, that is why they have been (and continue to be) the number #1 source of external funding for the Pakistani Army.

They really care, that is why Pakistani missiles and bombs are supplied by China and funded by America.
though the latter is abt to change i dont see any hope of the former
I seriously doubt India ceasing to exist ! So I doubt in Bangladesh surviving ! ( BTW it is cease not seize, I thought you were Wordsworth !)

If Bangladesh has to go down than we might as well bring India down with us.
My maid who is from SL is thankful to india for helping smash ltte.

India helping to smash LTTE? You must be on something. India created and funded the LTTE. You could be in the guiness book of world record for making this lie up. If the poor lady says that maybe because of her job. Everyone knows the Indian Air Force dropped supplues to Tamils and LTTE was created and funded by India.
India helping to smash LTTE? You must be on something. India created and funded the LTTE. You could be in the guiness book of world record for making this lie up. If the poor lady says that maybe because of her job. Everyone knows the Indian Air Force dropped supplues to Tamils and LTTE was created and funded by India.

So you come to say that the WOT by pak army is a complete drama As well as you are fighting those who were created by yourself. Now that you confirmed it I guess.
India helping to smash LTTE? You must be on something. India created and funded the LTTE. You could be in the guiness book of world record for making this lie up. If the poor lady says that maybe because of her job. Everyone knows the Indian Air Force dropped supplues to Tamils and LTTE was created and funded by India.

dont talk BS it was LTTE that killed Rajiv Gandhi and it was india that sent its peace keeping to help the lankans

Indian Peace Keeping Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what?? aren't you overestimating yourself?? thats a good joke BDW :lol: take a long breath and Google Mighty bangladesh...you will get your answer :lol:

If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:
If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:

What? India may let down the state it created. But we have to look that it does not turn into pre 1971 situation where fanatics ruling over and massacring innocents.
If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:

if the country doesnt survive how will the population survive and even if it did and threaten india it would be a pig slaughter :lol:
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