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China Encircles India

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China can encircle India very easily.
What India's allies?
Vietnam and Japan?
Indian members should not kid themselves, China seriously has the upper hand here, if there was war between China and India, Pakistan would probably join in the war against India, but who would join in the war to back up India?

Even their "dear friend" Russia, prefers to form a collective security organization with China (the SCO).

Their dear friend Russia also snubbed Indian warships that had sailed halfway across the world to participate in Russia-India exercises, and forced the Indian ships to go home in shame.
If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:

145 million muslims are INDIANS and wants to be INDIAN only. do you think Indian Muslims will help you for your wet dream.
China can encircle India very easily.
What are India's allies?
Vietnam and Japan?
Indian members should not kid themselves, China seriously has the upper hand here, if there was war between China and India, Pakistan would probably get involved in the war against India, but who would get involved in the war to back up India?
again this is not gang war where one gang supports another against a third. if ind-china go to war pak wil not intervene. in a fight between elepahnt and dragon if a P...............akistan comes in between it will be crushed.
Even Russia prefers to form a collective security organization with China (the SCO).

Russia also snubbed Indian warships that had sailed halfway across the world to participate in Russia-India exercises, and forced the Indian ships to go home in shame.
Thats a serious offence.
Seriously, Russia should dump India for Pakistan. Pakistan should get into SCO and SCO should rival NATO.
145 million muslims are INDIANS and wants to be INDIAN only. do you think Indian Muslims will help you for your wet dream.

I was talking about the 145 million Bangladeshi Muslims. They would then have no compulsion but to join forces with SIMI and the Maoists and other secessionist groups in the North East of India. The end of Bangladesh inexorably leads to the end of India.

Now back to the thread please ......
I was talking about the 145 million Bangladeshi Muslims. They would then have no compulsion but to join forces with SIMI and the Maoists and other secessionist groups in the North East of India.

why are you poking nose in indian afair. if you dont want to survive dont.
also, you guys are 180 millions (with 20 million in india and 160 in BD). please dont become target practice for BSF.
I was talking about the 145 million Bangladeshi Muslims. They would then have no compulsion but to join forces with SIMI and the Maoists and other secessionist groups in the North East of India. The end of Bangladesh inexorably leads to the end of India.

so you want war with INDIA. what will give you those 145million people to fight with us,STONES??? or 2 choppers of ur navy.
why are you poking nose in indian afair. if you dont want to survive dont.
also, you guys are 180 millions (with 20 million in india and 160 in BD). please dont become target practice for BSF.

India seems to be encircled by Muslims and Chinese..... You should be careful what you say and stop insulting so many people.
Don't worry about it, its the indian thing, When faced with challange they will run away faster than a speeding bullet ! They got a*s kicked by LTTE,

So true buddy. :lol:

India loves to support terrorists and separatists in their neighbouring countries, like LTTE.
India seems to be encircled by Muslims and Chinese..... You should be careful what you say and stop insulting so many people.
i know, the worst kind. but you cant choose your neighbours.
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