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China Encircles India

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I've got a better one, add India+poverty. Bash, enjoy and get thanks! :rofl:
Their just a bunch of sissies.

Thanks for the support. I meant no racism but when they start calling Bangladeshis pigs I have to think they have something against Muslims in general.

You need support for your B.S ...Last time i check this place was defence forum now we have alliance going on to support each other posts...
You need support for your B.S ...Last time i check this place was defence forum now we have alliance going on to support each other posts...

Like a blog alliance or something?
If I were a Chinese, I would really worry about my own country being totally encircled. In the North is Russia, in the west are the Central Asian nations where Russia still has a very strong sway and intends to keep it that way through the clever use of the SCO. In the south is India and in the East are a bunch of friendly nations like Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines etc. The only entry/exit to China is through the China Seas ( East and South China Seas) and this stretch of sea is heavily dominated by the Americans who have bases in Japan, South Korea and Philippines. Let China un-encircle itself first and then we should worry about them encircling us.
Is it that easy to encircle India? India is a massive peninsular projecting deep into the Indian Ocean. We have Island territories scattered all over the Indian Ocean from the Malacca Straits to the Arabian Sea. Encircle us, how? By establishing bases in Chittagong, Hambantota and Gwadar? How do these isolated outposts which are thousands of miles from the Chinese mainland and within range of every naval and air asset on the Indian mainland threaten India? They are excellent peace time logistics stopovers for the Chinese Naval and mercantile fleets but in case of an armed conflict, they will prove to be more of a liability then an asset.
However, the point is not that. The point actually is that this Chinese encirclement theory is really good for India. The more these guys, tom tom this meaningless 'String of Pearls' theory and dance with glee at an imagined Indian discomfiture at being encircled by China, the more will the GOI be constrained to spend on our military. I wish I get to meet the gentleman who formulated the 'String of Pearls' theory someday. I believe he was an American. I would like to shake his hand and thank him. He has really shaken our policy makers out of their deep slumber. The massive up gradation of the Indian Military may not have come so soon without his theory. I also wish to thank the thread starter and others like him who keep reminding us that our doom is imminent. The more noise they make, the more will be the pressure on the GOI to modernise our military and the stronger shall we get. They are really doing us a lot of favor. The fact that the 'Pearls' theory is really just garbage does not matter, it is good for us. After all, was it not our first Prime Minister who thought that we did not need any military at all and that disputes if any would be resolved amicably by the UNO!!!

Lol, keep making more nukes.
Key ingredients for a successful (I mean earn 1500 replies in a day) thread on the PDF:

1) Add China,
2) Add India,
3) Add conflict.

Dish is ready in around 4 seconds and 30 if the internet is slow.

+ Usa in south asia
Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!

Did you go for Divine enlightenment it being Friday?

I am told that after a day with God, you chaps are filled with Goodness. So how come you came back to smash Indians.

But if you had the whole day that means that you did not go for Divine Enlightenment, which is a sad thing.

BTW, you are still nowhere doing so i.e. smashing Indians.

Since you claim to be a Bengali, let me give you a Bengali example. You are thrashing desperately like a landed fish suffocating as it dies!

But a fish that has been landed and is fresh is jolly good for frying and grilling and eating with relish!

I am enjoying such a fish!
Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!

Mate I can dish out Bangladesh on EVERY SINGLE aspect of discussion possible. :)

From defence, to economy, to poverty, to per capita income, to literacy, to population, standard of living, to illegal immigration and show you what the reality is. :) But I won't do that.
BTW what is a Munshi?

Forgive me, but I am not good in the Fiji Language.

I know what is a Banshee!

Tiki Tam Tam in Tahiti means the same as Hakuna Matata.
Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!

i see the affect of this on ur daily life:lol: especially n the holidays
China's friends in Asia .... Pakistan, North Korea, Burma .... :cheers:

forgive me but does int it look like a list of states who are doing really bad? two are failed states and one is nearly there.
no offense but its the truth feel free to google.
lets see Chinese Allies against India
wont count either Bhutan,Nepal or Maldavies as they are militarily non-existant
Sri Lanka would face the worst as it would be farthest away from any support and could be made to surrender easiest
Bangladesh pretty much same condition as Sri Lanka won't last in the war for very long
Myanmar would be easy to neutralize as can be attacked from both land and sea
Pakistan has already lost every war it has fought against us a loud mouth nation with little to show for it can't stand in a fight on it's own feet but would probably be the most formidable chinese ally as it'll effectively bifurcate our forces.

Indian potential allies against Pakistan
Oman Indian navy has berthing rights here thereby allowing us to establish complete supremacy over Arabian Sea by attacking Pak Navy from both sides
Afghanistan With departure of US forces the new govt will be a member of US camp and so prefer Indian regional partnership more than Chinese will be able to help us by diverting Pak attention to it's northern borders.
Iran Potential member of Russian camp and has traditional ties to our country would be able to distract pak forces to their Western borders but has hostilities against the strongest Indian ally
Israel Perhaps most dependable of our friends a small fearless country with US of A as it's Godfather.
Iraq Another country that'll be sympathetic towards Indians in the conflict thanks again to new USA liking govt
UAE A french supporting nation bilateral defence policies will be fowarded if Rafael wins MMRCA

Indian Allies against China
Vietnam Strong member of Russian camp very friendly relations with India and hostile to China
Malaysia Same as Vietnam with larger fleet of Sukhois purchased after visiting MKI in India
Thailand Member of Western camp hostile to China friendly to India
Singapore Strongly supported by Americans hostile to China friendly to India
Philippines Western camp member not much of an air force though
Indonesia Western camp member not friendly China
Taiwan Godson of US of A
South Korea Godson of US of A
Japan Godson of US of A
Australia Strongly against Chinese presence in Indian Ocean Region
Russia An all season ally who has helped us fend of China in the past but may choose to remain neutral in future and probably the only nation that can force every country mentioned here to cease hostilities and co-exist peacefully.

All said and done The biggest loosers of such a conflict will be both India and China.
lets see Chinese Allies against India
wont count either Bhutan,Nepal or Maldavies as they are militarily non-existant
Sri Lanka would face the worst as it would be farthest away from any support and could be made to surrender easiest
Bangladesh pretty much same condition as Sri Lanka won't last in the war for very long
Myanmar would be easy to neutralize as can be attacked from both land and sea
Pakistan has already lost every war it has fought against us a loud mouth nation with little to show for it can't stand in a fight on it's own feet but would probably be the most formidable chinese ally as it'll effectively bifurcate our forces.

Indian potential allies against Pakistan
Oman Indian navy has berthing rights here thereby allowing us to establish complete supremacy over Arabian Sea by attacking Pak Navy from both sides
Afghanistan With departure of US forces the new govt will be a member of US camp and so prefer Indian regional partnership more than Chinese will be able to help us by diverting Pak attention to it's northern borders.
Iran Potential member of Russian camp and has traditional ties to our country would be able to distract pak forces to their Western borders but has hostilities against the strongest Indian ally
Israel Perhaps most dependable of our friends a small fearless country with US of A as it's Godfather.
Iraq Another country that'll be sympathetic towards Indians in the conflict thanks again to new USA liking govt
UAE A french supporting nation bilateral defence policies will be fowarded if Rafael wins MMRCA

Indian Allies against China
Vietnam Strong member of Russian camp very friendly relations with India and hostile to China
Malaysia Same as Vietnam with larger fleet of Sukhois purchased after visiting MKI in India
Thailand Member of Western camp hostile to China friendly to India
Singapore Strongly supported by Americans hostile to China friendly to India
Philippines Western camp member not much of an air force though
Indonesia Western camp member not friendly China
Taiwan Godson of US of A
South Korea Godson of US of A
Japan Godson of US of A
Australia Strongly against Chinese presence in Indian Ocean Region
Russia An all season ally who has helped us fend of China in the past but may choose to remain neutral in future and probably the only nation that can force every country mentioned here to cease hostilities and co-exist peacefully.

All said and done The biggest loosers of such a conflict will be both India and China.

You joking? Malaysia needs China to support it against Singapore, before Singapore can move it has to worry about Malaysia and Malaysia has to worry about Singapore. Some Malaysian Chinese are the most hardcore Chinese nationalists because they know what its like to be beaten down by racism every day, you think if Malaysia tries to go to war against China those Malaysian Chinese will sit still? Remember Malayan Emergency?

South Korea needs China to rein in North Korea. Also, South Koreans have the most foreigners in China of all nations. South Korea's economy depends on trade with China, not the US. Once the South Koreans get tired of US soldiers raping and killing their women they'll throw the US out. Taiwanese? They're voting with their feet: 2 million Taiwanese live in mainland China already. Japanese can't even reach China with their air force.

On the other hand most people in Southeast Asia regard Indians as poor, starving masses. Malaysia even cancelled Visa on Arrival just for Indians due to huge amounts of illegal immigration, what special treatment.

India has no friends, only salesmen. A salesman will smile at you but won't hesitate to stab you in the back.
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