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China Encircles India

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Six Indians reply and none of them make any sense.
Agreed ! You are the lone brave warrior on a internet forum !

Forget him.

Whenever he feels lonely and finds that the topic is out of his depth, he pops in with some of his unconnected gems to establish that he also serves by standing and waiting.

John Milton - They also serve who only stand and wait (Famous line from Milton's poem "On His Blindness")
Six Indians reply and none of them make any sense.

bcoz senseless posts get senseless replies. first try to make sense in ur own posts. i hope u don't make such senseless statements while handling cases.
I really fail to understand US's position in South Asia. Just what is it that they are trying to do? Forcing India to do Uncle Sam's bidding over time? Rally all South Asians to gang up against China? This is the thinking of a madman - literally. I hope India does not do that. Please don't do that.

Actually it makes a lot of sense for America. They know they can no longer afford to take on China. Their economy is in shambles so no more wars for at least 5 years. Better that they have Asians fight each other. It is only the Indians who seem interested but on their terms. In any case every time the US blows hot air up India's butt their heads get bigger in the process. Because of the Indian attitude war is inevitable .........
MBI Munshi
okay ,what indian people say doesnot make sense...and indian is the weakest country in the world..happy ??
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.

you say this.

It is so much fun pissing of these Indians. Why go and spoil it?

and in the same breath you say this !

Now who is a clown ??
Actually it makes a lot of sense for America. They know they can no longer afford to take on China. Their economy is in shambles so no more wars for at least 5 years. Better that they have Asians fight each other. It is only the Indians who seem interested but on their terms. In any case every time the US blows hot air up India's butt their heads get bigger in the process. Because of the Indian attitude war is inevitable .........

I think it is wrong to underestimate the US. There plan seems to be working very well.
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