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China Encircles India

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Who coined the term; "string of pearls"? I want to thank this guy!

I really fail to understand US's position in South Asia. Just what is it that they are trying to do? Forcing India to do Uncle Sam's bidding over time? Rally all South Asians to gang up against China? This is the thinking of a madman - literally. I hope India does not do that. Please don't do that.

Now as far as Bangladesh is concerned, I feel sad to inform the Indians here that the current AL-led government is extremely unpopular in Bangladesh. That Hasina is clearly a mentally ill woman. What do you plan to gain from a mentally ill leader? She has been living in a bubble for the past 40 years. Her style of talking is not something that should come from a Head of State - it's more like coming from an illiterate villager. Is that what you really want in a leader for Bangladesh? Her son recently came and went from Dhaka like as if he is a member of a Royal family. Before going into immigration booths, he put out expensive bangles and put them on for his wife in front of everyone - just for show. The law and order situation is bad - kind of anarchy and given the current situation, anything is possible. It's all shenanigans in AL-ruled Bangladesh right now - I guarantee it. Sure, the economic indicators are positive, but that's not the point here.

I regret to inform you that me, along with the majority of the Bangladeshis are extremely disappointed in Manmohan Singh's and his government's position on Bangladesh. The recent comments about 25% of Bangladeshis being anti-Indian, articles claiming that a possible Bangladeshi based group was responsible for the recent Mumbai blasts, etc just adds insult to injury.

As far as the US is concerned, they support Muhammad Yunus and at the same time support Indian interests in the region? Appears very contradictory if you ask me.

And what about India's other neighbors - well who has a relationship with India without problems? It is understandable that small countries like Nepal and Bhutan cannot do much against India's influence. But then, there is Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and it certainly isn't looking great for Indo-Bangla relations. Let's not get started with China.

I have already discussed much with Indian and Pakistani members. So I ask any American members here (if anyone reading this), what are your leaders planning? Especially considering the volatile nature of the South Asian neighborhood. I may be wrong in my perceptions in the first part of this post.
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.

bring more bangladeshis if u want??do u want us to do that job??:lol:
if we are weak then try ....whole NE is for you..:lol:

I really fail to understand US's position in South Asia. Just what is it that they are trying to do? Forcing India to do Uncle Sam's bidding over time? Rally all South Asians to gang up against China? This is the thinking of a madman - literally. I hope India does not do that. Please don't do that.

Now as far as Bangladesh is concerned, I feel sad to inform the Indians here that the current AL-led government is extremely unpopular in Bangladesh. That Hasina is clearly a mentally ill woman. What do you plan to gain from a mentally ill leader? She has been living in a bubble for the past 40 years. Her style of talking is not something that should come from a Head of State - it's more like coming from an illiterate villager. Is that what you really want in a leader for Bangladesh? Her son recently came and went from Dhaka like as if he is a member of a Royal family. Before going into immigration booths, he put out expensive bangles and put them on for his wife in front of everyone - just for show. The law and order situation is bad - kind of anarchy and given the current situation, anything is possible. It's all shenanigans in AL-ruled Bangladesh right now - I guarantee it. Sure, the economic indicators are positive, but that's not the point here.

I regret to inform you that me, along with the majority of the Bangladeshis are extremely disappointed in Manmohan Singh's and his government's position on Bangladesh. The recent comments about 25% of Bangladeshis being anti-Indian, articles claiming that a possible Bangladeshi based group was responsible for the recent Mumbai blasts, etc just adds insult to injury.

As far as the US is concerned, they support Muhammad Yunus and at the same time support Indian interests in the region? Appears very contradictory if you ask me.

And what about India's other neighbors - well who has a relationship with India without problems? It is understandable that small countries like Nepal and Bhutan cannot do much against India's influence. But then, there is Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and it certainly isn't looking great for Indo-Bangla relations. Let's not get started with China.

I have already discussed much with Indian and Pakistani members. So I ask any American members here (if anyone reading this), what are your leaders planning? Especially considering the volatile nature of the South Asian neighborhood. I may be wrong in my perceptions in the first part of this post.

The US aim in the world, to include the Indian subcontinent and the Asia Pacific Rim, is to maintain and preserve her prime position as the sole superpower of the world.

It may appear mad but then there is a method to their madness.

I would also like to point out that China is not that benign as they wish to project themselves. They are as ruthless in pursuit of their national aims as the US is. And why not? They are not existing in the world to play Mother Teresa and even Mother Teresa, who is considered a saintly person, also had an agenda.

China projects a benign image, but in actually, dig the dirt a little deeper and the reality surfaces. Pakistan is said to be an ally, but note China has actually taken over the Shaksgam Valley and Pakistan has acceded as a fait accompli. (One should read about the Shaksgam Valley before the get hot under the collar at my statement, please!). Now, if indeed Pakistan is an ally, what is the requirement to land which belong an ally? Could it be that China does not trust Pakistan because it is also an ally of the US? Note the strategic importance of the Shaksgam Valley and the Karakorum and Aksai Chin. India’s interest in Siachen is an Albatross around China’s neck.

India’s claim to the territory occupied by China in 1962 is rubbished by China because it is an ‘unequal treaty’. And yet they conveniently forget this when they stake their claim elsewhere, be it Tibet, Xinjaing or the South China sea or other border disputes with its northern neighbour.

China shrugs away the giving of weapons to countries that are killing their own people eg Sudan and Mugabwe by stating that it does not ‘interfere in the internal affairs of another country’. Noble thoughts. However, China has no hesitation in warning the US of consequence because the US is hosting the Dalai Lama. Is that not ‘interference in the internal affairs of another country’, namely, the US?

In so far as Bangaldesh is concerned, Sk Hasina is no paragon of virtues. I daresay Khaleda Zia is any better. They are two peas of a pod. And now I learn that Ershad had used to the Army to run a pogram against people including his own army! Therefore, if the political scenario of Bangladesh is bleak, then I presume, the answer lies at the feet of Bangladeshis and none else. Reading the posts and the Bangladesh newspapers, there is no doubt that Hasina is on her way out because of poor governance. I daresay Khaleda Zia would prove a messiah. Her family is equally autocratic and corrupt to the core. India has little role because you cannot change your neighbours.

None is blaming Bangaldesh for the Mumbai blasts. There is merely the speculation that they have found sanctuary in Bangladesh. That hardly means Bangladesh is promoting terrorism against India, In fact, Bangladesh has given immense assistance to nab the terrorists like the ULFA cadres. This is not lost on the Indian public I assure you.

There is no doubt that India has not been given the due attention that Bangladesh deserves and I agree with you, be it Manmohan’s government or the NDA govt of Atal B Vajpayee.

One should not be surprised to find the US showing greater interest in India. It is obvious, isn’t it? Why did the US and the West show interest in China, their sworn enemy at one time? It was because of the Chinese market – it was huge and it reeked of MONEY!! India, too, has a huge market and it reeks of Money to be made!

On the issue of India's other neighbours, you are right that small countries like Nepal and Bhutan cannot do much against India's influence. But then, as you say there is Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Look at their economic clout and what it can do to influence the world and you will get your answer. Actually given the economic clout India is acquiring, would it really matter as to what is the state of Indo-Bangla relations except for having peace?

Indeed the Indian Subcontinent appears volatile, but the US looks at the bigger picture. It is our desire that the US should view our areas with greater scrutiny, but that is not that of the US. The US is concern is totally from the US perspective. They look at the big picture of the geopolitical and geostrategic necessities for the US and who can play a role to assist this. Pakistan has been a key player since the CENTO and SEATO days and since continues to be. The US is trying to rope in India. Other small nations in the neighbourhood is immaterial to the US interests.

And what is the US geopolitical and geostrategic interest? To contain China and prevent Russian resurgence! You should read Di.ck Cheney’s ‘Defence Policy Guidelines’ that he penned when he was the Secretary of Defence and his ‘National Energy Guidelines”.

These two documents makes it abundantly clear without any ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ the US aims post the Cold War.

Iraq and Afghanistan maybe a surprise to many, but it is not so to those who have read these two documents.

It is their method in the madness.
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.

i wish our enemies always live in this misconception , it is better for us & as far as shooting behind fences then those forces are meant for this. stop crossing cowardly, we will stop shooting cowardly.
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.

Have you seen the popping up quality of a weed?

We did not drag your country in here my friend, you did. What i understand from this is, that you feel "left out" when we dont give Bangladesh the importance "you feel", it deserves in our discussions. You unnecessarily ask for a thrashing. Why do you keep doing this? Is this because you feel irrelevant?
Why are Indians so cowardly that it takes 50 of them to insult one Bangladeshi? They have a lot of guts shooting behind fences and insulting people on internet forums but are utterly weak in real life.

Agreed ! You are the lone brave warrior on a internet forum !
The Indian Army and Navy does not scare Bangladesh. If you push us we will push you back against the Himalayas and squash you .....

You are asking others to make sense.

If such inanities are bandied as a well considered and intelligent post, it will invite mocking you, which you would claim to be cowardly!


Bangladesh can do that?

You sincerely believe so?

A penny for your thought.

Maybe you could explain how it will be done weighing up all the factors, including the relative strengths.
MBI munshi is appointed as MAJOR GENERAL OF TROLL
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