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China Encircles India

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why are we debating and arguing on the piece of crap which Mr Munshi brings back again and again....... its like same DAAL being made to boil and boil....again again.....
i see it as a act of frustration. 90% of ur posts are due to frustration.

P.S- my last reply to u, can't see ppl getting frustrated.

Could we at least stick to the thread topic then there wouldn't be so much frustration.
You could at least try to be witty but you don't even have that ability.

I advice all Indians in this forum to take the following to heart. It will help while dealing with the likes of teh "mushi".

"Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."
i see it as a act of frustration. 90% of ur posts are due to frustration.

P.S- my last reply to u, can't see ppl getting frustrated.

Some people think they are geniuses. They think their genius has no limits.

Albert Einstein's famous saying - The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Let us get back to the topic and ignore the man and his juvenile antics.

Experts say that if children can't read by the end of the fifth grade, they lose self-confidence and self-esteem, making them more likely to enter the juvenile justice system.
Could we at least stick to the thread topic then there wouldn't be so much frustration.

Buddy, you derailed it yourself. And on purpose too. I dont understand why you cry foul on a self goal.
Got to hand it to MBI Munshi. He is having a conversation with 20 cheezed off guys and holding his end up! Dont like your racism towards Indian but commend you for your b*lls....................
Got to hand it to MBI Munshi. He is having a conversation with 20 cheezed off guys and holding his end up! Dont like your racism towards Indian but commend you for your b*lls....................

it doesn mean hes got the balls he is jus out of work or might i say he is cornered by the BSF and wetting his pants and trying to be brave at the same time :rofl:
Got to hand it to MBI Munshi. He is having a conversation with 20 cheezed off guys and holding his end up! Dont like your racism towards Indian but commend you for your b*lls....................

Their just a bunch of sissies.

Thanks for the support. I meant no racism but when they start calling Bangladeshis pigs I have to think they have something against Muslims in general.
it doesn mean hes got the balls he is jus out of work or might i say he is cornered by the BSF and wetting his pants and trying to be brave at the same time :rofl:

Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!
Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!

friday and weekend :lol:
Its you damned Indians who keep wetting your pants. Every time I come on here you Indians piss yourselves.

Its Friday in Bangladesh so a weekend. Had all day to take you Indians on and smash you up. Better than playing Call of Duty!

yh even the cocky indian fanboys do that all the time stop gloating and get a life and stop replying to every god damn comment makes u look like a retard
LOL, obvious false flag.

Look around your country of India in every single direction. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Not that we need any extra help, India has already been countered by Pakistan.

Even Indians admit that their country can't move past Pakistan. The constant attacks on Mumbai prove that India can't even work up the stomach to face Pakistan, let alone China.

You live in delusion mate.
Nepal and Bhutan - India's allies
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - Friendly countries.
China - Not so friendly country but not an enemy either
Pakistan - No comment.

Now let's talk about China. Shall we?
Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia and yeah not to mention US of A and Australia. [Plus I didn't even consider India. :) ]
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