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China Encircles India

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You joking? Malaysia needs China to support it against Singapore, before Singapore can move it has to worry about Malaysia and Malaysia has to worry about Singapore. Some Malaysian Chinese are the most hardcore Chinese nationalists because they know what its like to be beaten down by racism every day, you think if Malaysia tries to go to war against China those Malaysian Chinese will sit still? Remember Malayan Emergency?

South Korea needs China to rein in North Korea. Also, South Koreans have the most foreigners in China of all nations. South Korea's economy depends on trade with China, not the US. Once the South Koreans get tired of US soldiers raping and killing their women they'll throw the US out. Taiwanese? They're voting with their feet: 2 million Taiwanese live in mainland China already. Japanese can't even reach China with their air force.

On the other hand most people in Southeast Asia regard Indians as poor, starving masses. Malaysia even cancelled Visa on Arrival just for Indians due to huge amounts of illegal immigration, what special treatment.

India has no friends, only salesmen. A salesman will smile at you but won't hesitate to stab you in the back.

How wise Japan Air Self-Defense Force has Mitsubishi F-2 (enlarged F-16s with greater range) and F-15s (long range air superiorty fighters) could you please explain why they cant reach china????? As for Koreans, Taiwanese, Malaysians Small people have tendency to unite against a common foe and they'r all non-friendly to China as for poor and starving Indians plz check the Income to China through trade with India now you'll say we depend on China too lolz.
On the other hand most people in Southeast Asia regard Indians as poor, starving masses. Malaysia even cancelled Visa on Arrival just for Indians due to huge amounts of illegal immigration, what special treatment

Pray tell....why are illegal immigrants applying for visa on arrival??
How wise Japan Air Self-Defense Force has Mitsubishi F-2 (enlarged F-16s with greater range) and F-15s (long range air superiorty fighters) could you please explain why they cant reach china?????

The shortest strait line distance between China and Japan that runs through no other country is 821 km. The combat radius of the F-2 is 834 km; less if fully loaded. When the Japanese planes reach China, they'll have less than 1 minute of dogfighting time before they have to run back or crash into the ocean. Meanwhile Chinese planes would have just taken off with full fuel and missiles.
The shortest strait line distance between China and Japan that runs through no other country is 821 km. The combat radius of the F-2 is 834 km; less if fully loaded. When the Japanese planes reach China, they'll have less than 1 minute of dogfighting time before they have to run back or crash into the ocean. Meanwhile Chinese planes would have just taken off with full fuel and missiles.

why would they use F-2 to invade they have only 77 in service and plan to have only 98 it's their Vanguard they got 202 F-15s that you should worry about or the US Navy SuperCarrier in their waters oh i forgot u'll use ur wonder missiles as if they'll sink so easily.
why would they use F-2 to invade they have only 77 in service and plan to have only 98 it's their Vanguard they got 202 F-15s that you should worry about or the US Navy SuperCarrier in their waters oh i forgot u'll use ur wonder missiles as if they'll sink so easily.

Japan using F-15s against China is laughable considering they'll be vastly overpowered and outnumbered by J-10, J-11, SAMs and anti-air guns.

Also, it wasn't us that said the missile existed first. The US said the DF-21 existed, and pressured China to reveal the truth, until we finally admitted that the DF-21 was indeed deployed. So it is the US worried about this missile, not China that's bragging. India has to brag by itself because there's no country that's scared or worried about India.
They go to Malaysia without a visa. They get visa on arrival. They then overstay their visa, becoming illegal immigrants.

Please be advised that Visa on Arrival (VOA) has been completely abolished for all countries that have been given this facility. Countries from the Indian Sub-Continental, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan as well as other countries such as China, Myanmar, Taiwan and the Comoros who had received these benefits are no longer eligible for Visa on Arrival at any entry points into Malaysia.

High Commission of Malaysia

Seems the special treatment in being metted out to the chinese as well...illegal immigration is it?
Japan using F-15s against China is laughable considering they'll be vastly overpowered and outnumbered by J-10, J-11, SAMs and anti-air guns.

Also, it wasn't us that said the missile existed first. The US said the DF-21 existed, and pressured China to reveal the truth, until we finally admitted that the DF-21 was indeed deployed. So it is the US worried about this missile, not China that's bragging. India has to brag by itself because there's no country that's scared or worried about India.

If wars were won by outnumbering the opponent the USA would have never won a war the 200 F-15s of Japan would be sufficient to over power atleast 600 chinese fighters due to their technological advancements.

why do you think Pakistan has asked you to adopt them????
Japan using F-15s against China is laughable considering they'll be vastly overpowered and outnumbered by J-10, J-11, SAMs and anti-air guns.

Also, it wasn't us that said the missile existed first. The US said the DF-21 existed, and pressured China to reveal the truth, until we finally admitted that the DF-21 was indeed deployed. So it is the US worried about this missile, not China that's bragging. India has to brag by itself because there's no country that's scared or worried about India.

Japan is U.S. close allies. Why you think US will not use its own Air force. F-22 Raptor is 1st thing that comes to my my mind.

As per U.S., Well, They have 3 layer of Anti Ballistic Defence. Best in the world. Do remember, They have many islands like Hawai, Adak and even Alaska where they have strong defence placed many years back. US mainland comes later. Then 1 more shield Whole West (Europe) and East Corridor (SK, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and so on). China don't even have Such Anti ballistic shield as of now.

I hope this is true. But that is not correct. Our few Neighbours are always worried. lol. There must be some reason. But I would be more than happy if no one worries about India. Our Priority is to develop our economy more and more. We can do and we have to. What China has India also has in Defence. If Not, we will have in next few years. Your ABM will be placed by 2020, Ours by 2014-16. You are developing 5th Generation AC Fighter, We already finalised 2 such Deal (PakFA/FGFA and AMCA) and we may Purchase F-35 also for Naval. 6,000-10,000KM BM, 3 AC carrier, Multiple destroyers, Frigates, 500 4.5th Generation AC Fighter. Well, We either have or will have. India is behind China only in quantity. May be because china has more threat and bigger one like Japan, SK and resilient Vietnam and Taiwan. U.S. is something very big. Japan is no Pakistan and SK is not BD, if you know the facts. India is also not China but difference is 2-3 times and not 20-30 times. come By 2020, We will see. :thinktank:

When Someone says "We are Strong it doesn't mean other is weak but just we are strong" - This is case with China.
No only the Indians ........

Looks like you still haven't had enough ! Your own country men, Pakistanis , and not even Chinese are coming to your rescue ! GIve it up buddy. Go to sleep ! You may atleast dream of India being decimated ! But when you wake up, It is same harsh reality ! India looming large !
Looks like you still haven't had enough ! Your own country men, Pakistanis , and not even Chinese are coming to your rescue ! GIve it up buddy. Go to sleep ! You may atleast dream of India being decimated ! But when you wake up, It is same harsh reality ! India looming large !

Please read the new thread I put up on the Bangladesh Defence section. No one needs to back me here but Bangladesh, Pakistan and China are becoming great friends. That is enough for me .........
If wars were won by outnumbering the opponent the USA would have never won a war the 200 F-15s of Japan would be sufficient to over power atleast 600 chinese fighters due to their technological advancements.

why do you think Pakistan has asked you to adopt them????

I said overpowered - the individual fighters of China are superior to the individual fighters of Japan. And Japan are outnumbered. They are beaten in both numerical and qualitative ways. And if Japan is like that, what chance does India have?
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