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China Encircles India

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Well it is clear Indians deserve to be encircled and crushed.

man u r nuts. i think some indian kicked @$$ of !_!. yes if india wont be on ur side when war with pakistan . pakistan surely crush u. atlast you showed your cunning mentality.
Well it is clear Indians deserve to be encircled and crushed.

You know if IAFaircrafts started droping Drop Tanks over BD ,it's more than enough to push you to stoneage .Forget about LGB,clusters,CM,standoff, BM etc... :coffee:
Dream what you are capable off..
Guided Missile Frigate 2
Frigate 3 Will be replaced by FF(G)
Corvette 2 Castle Class, in BN part of FSG Squadron
Large Offshore Patrol Vessel 6
Fast Attack Craft (Missile) 9
Fast Attack Craft (Torpedo) 8
Fast Attack Craft (Anti Submarine Warfare) 4
Fast Attack Craft (Gun) 9
Fast Attack Craft (Patrol) 15
Rapid Response Boat 16 SWADS
Training Ship 1
Mine Warfare 5
Amphibious Warfare 11
Auxiliaries 24

this is ur navy, and so u r going to fight with indian navy ??????
Because of MBI Munshi ,
this has become India vs Bangladesh thread.
Well it is clear Indians deserve to be encircled and crushed.

Abey Mushi sushi...... u becoming another non state actor of BD... great ...... Guys new name of Terror is Munshi DADA... V r scared....... But u never guess If india had never fought for BD in 1971 then u would have been already butchered by ur beloved pakistani bros.....
man u r nuts. i think some indian kicked @$$ of !_!. yes if india wont be on ur side when war with pakistan . pakistan surely crush u. atlast you showed your cunning mentality.

Yes u r rite ... Indians have crushed his ball very badly & left alive to say such words it seems...
I think India has to think more humbly as a Regional Citizen , and respect China and Pakistan, and not try to be the regional police.

As we have seen , from past any nation endorsed by United States of America , starts off with being a great girl friend - boyfriend relationship but with in few years of decades that eventually results in the institutes of that nation being controlled by USA

If india is in for weakening its political system ,and government institutes it would fall in trap , I mean can you imagine India being controlled by its military because Hillary Clinton said a few nice snake charmer's words to Indian Military?

USA aid is more or less like drug heroin, the user, starts off with small doses , and then the dose is increased and the drug dealer offers great amounts for dirt cheap rates, once the druggie is fixated and addicted - he goes about and enslaves that nation

American CIA gets into the country in disguise of Businessman, specially women, and then develop legal entities once these are established money is flown in legally and then distributed via under the table to buy influence in parliament , and train local violent movements in order to pressurize oppinion - specially with control over people of influence in high ranking position

India in general can be a great regional player provided it works with its powerful neighbors

Because in end you need to view

a) Why is europe interested in its on union while it restricts other asian countries to not form such aliances
b) Why is USA ok with Canada / Mexico to have free trade and tourism , while India has to have two
prone strategy in Asia - why does US does not have a two prone strategy vs Canada or Mexico ?
why don't they station 80,000 troops on canadian border? Or have nuclear missiles pointed at Canada
or Mexico ?

The weaponization will be the ultimate demise - but a triditional route of peace would form a great revival of economy in Asia not seen since old silk route from China - via India/Pakistan to world

But instead misadventure of taking aircraft carrier into Chinese waters of Pakistan Ocean will just yield in chaos
both external and internal
If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........:azn:

Arey Dear u did not have Do Bund jindagi ki... Jao mere dost & have it atleast once else u will remain retardosepians........
The true face of Indians is shining through once again.

You know that Bangladeshis are Muslims right? It is extremely rude to refer to them as pigs.

When did our China mate apply for this job & U became a Judge ...... congrats.....ghanta(Lol)
As we have seen , from past any nation endorsed by United States of America , starts off with being a great girl friend - boyfriend relationship but with in few years of decades that eventually results in the institutes of that nation being controlled by USA

If india is in for weakening its political system ,and government institutes it would fall in trap , I mean can you imagine India being controlled by its military because Hillary Clinton said a few nice snake charmer's words to Indian Military?

USA aid is more or less like drug heroin, the user, starts off with small doses , and then the dose is increased and the drug dealer offers great amounts for dirt cheap rates, once the druggie is fixated and addicted - he goes about and enslaves that nation
U r right India will never fall in its trap.
Us offered F-16 advanced version , then new versions of F-18 after both are rejected they are tempting with F-35 now.

If drug intake is stopped it is death . So i pray US not to stop aid .:argh:
Don't worry about it, its the indian thing, When faced with challange they will run away faster than a speeding bullet ! They got a*s kicked by LTTE,

Oh... wat about BD people in 1971 war baby where were ur balls & a**ssssss all that time .... The whole world shown ur mettle when 10million BD refugees flew to india.....

Bangladesh Genocide Archive » Refugees
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