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China emerging as top medical studies centre for India, world

Bro I think that would make things even worse, just empathise with them and you will agree with me for sure.
A guy getting in to medical slog's his way right from his 11th grade when he gets his seat is about 18 or 19 years old and by the time he compleats his cource is 24 or 25 years old then you want him to sign a bond for 1 or 2 years where they get a pay 15 to 20 k staying in some god forsekan place. Where as people like you and me will do their BE or BSC land start making 30 to 40 k after we are 21 or 22.

I only want Bond system for doctors passing out of Govt Medical Colleges. They study there in a fraction of cost of what would have cost them if they went to a Pvt MC. Their education is subsidized by Indian tax payers who also constitute the poorest and poor from rural areas. Its their duty as doctors to serve them for atleast 2-3 years after they graduate..but there should also be an option where they can pay out of their bond.
You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

stop foolishly trolling ok??.....y isnt china the best in medical tourism??...it is popularly known that westerners prefer best medical services...India is 1st or 2nd (dont remember) in medical tourism....y doesnt that tag go to china??
In India, medical education in private is a big business and joke on students. More so for post graduate courses where the government has miserably failed to increase seats. The fee in private colleges are prohibitive and there are inadequete resources. Students are supposed to bring petients and chip in with medicines and even instruments. Government needs to take the issue very seriously if general health system is to improve. Till yesterday students were going to CIS countries and now China. What if most of these young and energic doctors decide to stay in the sountry of their degree, the shortage of doctors will increase many fold.

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

In US colleges and institutes you can find so many Chinese are doing research in biology-medicine areas. Many of them have PhD degrees. But there are very few Indians in these areas. Indians mainly present in business schools and computer sciences. Comparing with India, China's education is much more evenly distributed in different areas since China itself has a balanced economy in different fields.
stop foolishly trolling ok??.....y isnt china the best in medical tourism??...it is popularly known that westerners prefer best medical services...India is 1st or 2nd (dont remember) in medical tourism....y doesnt that tag go to china??

because China bans medical tourism. seriously, are you actually proud of medical tourism? thats like saying you're proud of your country having beautiful women, because it attracts sex tourists.
stop foolishly trolling ok??.....y isnt china the best in medical tourism??...it is popularly known that westerners prefer best medical services...India is 1st or 2nd (dont remember) in medical tourism....y doesnt that tag go to china??

Medical tourism to poor third world countries, such as India, is mostly for organ translate which has very low availability in the west. So for example, instead of waiting for 2 years to get a heart transplant, a patient comes to India for immediate operation because it is available there. This has nothing to do with which one has better medical service.

Granted, Chinese healthcare system is not the best and a lot of improvement is needed. However, medical education is widely available and affordable in China and that's why Indians come. Sure, MBBS or whatever criteria is hard in India, but so are the best medical programs in China. China just happens to offer much more available education. It is not like Indian students come to China to enroll in the best programs.
Medical tourism to poor third world countries, such as India, is mostly for organ translate which has very low availability in the west. So for example, instead of waiting for 2 years to get a heart transplant, a patient comes to India for immediate operation because it is available there. This has nothing to do with which one has better medical service.

Granted, Chinese healthcare system is not the best and a lot of improvement is needed. However, medical education is widely available and affordable in China and that's why Indians come. Sure, MBBS or whatever criteria is hard in India, but so are the best medical programs in China. China just happens to offer much more available education. It is not like Indian students come to China to enroll in the best programs.

agree to everythin except the last lines of both paragraphs....

how do u define better medical service and all??...theres clearly no definition for it right??...obviously a person coming from a foreign country will get treated at the best hospital in india and not any hospital u find around the corner....

please elaborate "best medical programs"...being an engineering student m unable to understand the categories of medical programs as to how something is considered best n moderate and worst

btw ur post is much more sensible and reasonable than below_freezing
I as an Indian will not criticize Chinese Medical Education or the Indians going there for Medical studies as long as GoI is highly negligent in providing enough Medical seats in India itself at an affordable rate.
You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

I never once said that our standards are high. I stated only a fact .All foreign graduates must pass the MCI screening test to legally qualify to practise in India. even if he graduated from Harvard or Stanford ,he must go through screening test. There is no competition here that your country produce better doctors and ours not. Would you compare the legal system of two countries ,would you compare that our lawyers are better than yours?? NO , because our legal systems are different.
Medicine is no different from legal system at least at the undergraduate level because a MBBS is the one who forms the first level of primary health system and is the first one to contact the patient and refers to specialist when needed and it is very important to have sound knowledge of local conditions and that is why screening test folowed by internship is needed.

secondly at undergraduate level a medical student also have to learn subjects like forensic and state medicine which deals with legal aspect of medicine and his action as a doctor I m quite sure these is different for different countries, do you expect students to learn those things in foreign university? No to mention the entire public health system also different for both of our countries, a student learning there would learn your system not ours , how do you expect him to fit in our system??
The best big three medical programs in China are those of Tsinghua, Fudan, and Zhongshan universities. They have no current Indian enrollment.

"Program" refers to the major offered in a university. Different categories are called "specialization". Both are common expressions in English.
e.g. Princeton University has a great math program.

agree to everythin except the last lines of both paragraphs....

how do u define better medical service and all??...theres clearly no definition for it right??...obviously a person coming from a foreign country will get treated at the best hospital in india and not any hospital u find around the corner....

please elaborate "best medical programs"...being an engineering student m unable to understand the categories of medical programs as to how something is considered best n moderate and worst

btw ur post is much more sensible and reasonable than below_freezing
The best big three medical programs in China are those of Tsinghua, Fudan, and Zhongshan universities. They have no current Indian enrollment.

"Program" refers to the major offered in a university. Different categories are called "specialization". Both are common expressions in English.
e.g. Princeton University has a great math program.

I know that many chinese members always post off topic and crap they just want to derail the thread of spread the false propaganda. :agree:

Still a slap of facts for you: :devil:

As you have mentioned the name of Tsinghua University in Beijing it is the best and No. 1 university in Mainland china, following a video of a Sikh Student from India studying in Tsinghua University.

Its a video of china's official govt television channel so you can't deny its report.

Beijing Int'l Education Expo opens - YouTube

I can post links of other universities you have mentioned too.

But I am not here to spoon feed you about china, you should know about your country or think before opening your mouth.

thats because all Indian cant make to Indian medical colleges...so they end up in chinese colleges which give admission to any tom, dick and harry !! anyday AIIMS students would beat unrecognised chinese degree holder

there is something called being ''grateful''... It could resolve some of your issues...
Before you go berserk on halfwit reasoning, it is medical school we are talking about. Tsinghua regularly admits people from India for language and cultural study.

The Tsinghua medical school has no current Indian enrollment.

I know that many chinese members always post off topic and crap they just want to derail the thread of spread the false propaganda. :agree:

Still a slap of facts for you: :devil:

As you have mentioned the name of Tsinghua University in Beijing it is the best and No. 1 university in Mainland china, following a video of a Sikh Student from India studying in Tsinghua University.

Its a video of china's official govt television channel so you can't deny its report.

Beijing Int'l Education Expo opens - YouTube

I can post links of other universities you have mentioned too.

But I am not here to spoon feed you about china, you should know about your country or think before opening your mouth.

yep, IIT are harder to get into than Beijing University, yet which produces better research?

I did my bachelors from IIT so I pawnz u all jk :P IIT dont produce much research cuz we all leave .
1500$ per month as an RA in North America compared to 1200 INR (approx. 24$ :cry:) per month as an RA in IIT what would you do?
Out of my class-2010 of 80 students 9 went for higher education. 2 went to Canada 5 went to USA 1 Germany and 1 France. We could all do the same research back home too but we don't have
the advanced labs and technologies and money in IITs even now. In my department every graduate student is either Indian or Chinese and a few are bengladeshis and pakistanis just 1 white :lol: And I believe as our economy prospers and budget for IITS increase kids like me could think of staying back :P Hence doing more research just like now you guys are :china: better economy means more money for universities better compensation for RA better labs better technologies and hence you do more research and publish more papers. Any way if it wasnt for Indians and Chinese half of graduate schools in North America would close down hehe
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