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China emerging as top medical studies centre for India, world

You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

In a way I agree with you..just bcs one cannot crack the entrance test in India (which is more of an elimination test than selection test), he/she is not an intelligent person not capable of becoming a doctor. Personally, I would like Indian doctors who studied in China coming back to India to practice rather than have Indian doctors (who studied using Tax Money) going abroad to practice.
You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

B_F, not just >, but >>>

Also, NYTimes says China is on the shortlist for a Nobel in Medicine for the anti-malarial drug.
I don't like it! We should not share our medical technology with indians, but only our friends. Let them figure it out for themselves.

real fact Getting admission in MMBS course is very difficult in India. Due to difficult entrance exams. and chinese and russian colleges offer admission at very competitive prices plusf ease of admission.
Thats why people moving to china and russia for cheap education. And it has nothing to do with technology and excellence but ease of admission attracting people.
real fact Getting admission in MMBS course is very difficult in India. Due to difficult entrance exams. and chinese and russian colleges offer admission at very competitive prices plusf ease of admission.
Thats why people moving to china and russia for cheap education. And it has nothing to do with technology and excellence but ease of admission attracting people.

yep, IIT are harder to get into than Beijing University, yet which produces better research?
In a way I agree with you..just bcs one cannot crack the entrance test in India (which is more of an elimination test than selection test), he/she is not an intelligent person not capable of becoming a doctor. Personally, I would like Indian doctors who studied in China coming back to India to practice rather than have Indian doctors (who studied using Tax Money) going abroad to practice.

What India need are alot of barefoot doctors with just basic medical knowledge. It will take care of majority of ordinary India medical needs.
What India need are alot of barefoot doctors with just basic medical knowledge. It will take care of majority of ordinary India medical needs.

Actually there was a plan to train 'Rural Doctors', but the doctor associations torpedoed that move by saying that Govt is planning to produce quacks.
You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

The infrastructure is bad not the training, doctors who go through the merit system are the best, sadly we have a lot of holes that need to be filled, to stat out with we have the ever so popular quota system which allow some serious duds to get in to the system and waste a lot of tax money second we have corruption in the system which allow rich duds to get in to govt medical institutions,
Last but not least we do have private and foreign seats ( in general) who sell medical seats like mangoswhen not in season and to top it all our infrastructure. Sad state of affairs.
Actually there was a plan to train 'Rural Doctors', but the doctor associations torpedoed that move by saying that Govt is planning to produce quacks.
very true can't agree with the doctors association any less. Most of the doctors in the Rural areas are UG's or doctors who have completed just MBBS, the UG's are there because they don't have a choice and the MBBS guys are there coz most of them want to prepair for PG's and yet make some money without too much of pressure.

We also lack specialized doctors in rural areas.
The infrastructure is bad not the training, doctors who go through the merit system are the best, sadly we have a lot of holes that need to be filled, to stat out with we have the ever so popular quota system which allow some serious duds to get in to the system and waste a lot of tax money second we have corruption in the system which allow rich duds to get in to govt medical institutions,
Last but not least we do have private and foreign seats ( in general) who sell medical seats like mangoswhen not in season and to top it all our infrastructure. Sad state of affairs.

The true problem lies in the lack of medical seats. Both center and state govts shove down millions of dollars down various unproductive schemes but is not ready to start new Medical Colleges. India has one of the lowest Doctor to Patient ratio (1: 1700)..we need all the doctors that we can get no matter where they are trained.

185 - The Patients Per Doctor Map of the World | Strange Maps | Big Think

---------- Post added at 10:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------

very true can't agree with the doctors association any less. Most of the doctors in the Rural areas are UG's or doctors who have completed just MBBS, the UG's are there because they don't have a choice and the MBBS guys are there coz most of them want to prepair for PG's and yet make some money without too much of pressure.

We also lack specialized doctors in rural areas.

The only way to keep doctors in the rural area is the Bond System.
The true problem lies in the lack of medical seats. Both center and state govts shove down millions of dollars down various unproductive schemes but is not ready to start new Medical Colleges. India has one of the lowest Doctor to Patient ratio (1: 1700)..we need all the doctors that we can get no matter where they are trained.

185 - The Patients Per Doctor Map of the World | Strange Maps | Big Think

Agree with the first part.

Would you go to a doctor who is poorly trained.
The only way to keep doctors in the rural area is the Bond System.

Bro I think that would make things even worse, just empathise with them and you will agree with me for sure.
A guy getting in to medical slog's his way right from his 11th grade when he gets his seat is about 18 or 19 years old and by the time he compleats his cource is 24 or 25 years old then you want him to sign a bond for 1 or 2 years where they get a pay 15 to 20 k staying in some god forsekan place. Where as people like you and me will do their BE or BSC land start making 30 to 40 k after we are 21 or 22.
Wat china is teaching to these hakims ??how to harvest organs?how to fake drugs?Indians if you want to save ur live then keep away from streets where these china trained lun chu doctors run their shop.

we're teaching them how to keep children alive, something India isn't all that good at it seems.
You make it sound like India has high standards for healthcare. If that's the case, then why is India's average lifespan so short, and infant mortality so high? Why is it that India rarely has breakthroughs in biomedical technology compared to China?

If selectivity is a factor, then just remember: it is over 100 times harder to get into IIT than it is to get into Harvard and 30 times harder to get into IIT than Beijing University, yet Beijing University > IIT and Harvard > Beijing University.

universities are known for research work...thats how they are compared on global scale...unfortunately indian univs dont have comparable research base.....i myself cud not get into IIT...so thot maybe i can try for MIT or Harvard....wen i saw the admission criteria etc etc (as well as the exam)...i was like...its so damn easy...but my father couldnt afford it financially...so he asked me to do undergraduation in india n then later on post graduation anywhere i feel like....understood??
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