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China Economy Forum

Lenovo introduces its new smartwatch, the Moto360








OH, Motorola ... now become 'Made in China', Good Job Lenovo ! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Love lenovo phones. I bought a lenovo p70. It was to get lollipop upgrade in the 2nd quarter of 2015... still didnt get it. :(
If this continues, it cant stand a chance against xiaomi in the Indian market.
In the US, Lenovo is the standard in business. Nobody in business uses Apple except for recreation.

in my company it is 50 50 mac vs windows. within windows it is 1/3 dell 1/3 hp 1/3 others, inc lenovo. windows pc's just compete on price deals
In the US, Lenovo is the standard in business. Nobody in business uses Apple except for recreation.
I can vouch for that Lenovo's Thinkpads have legendary reputation for their reliability. Though Apple has completely different segment to target, but lenovo is really catching up.
Lenovo: We’ll be a different company next quarter

Lenovo will be in a "very different" situation in terms of profit in the coming quarters as the Chinese technology giant implements a turnaround strategy amid a slowing PC sector and market turmoil in developing countries, the company's president said.

The world's number one PC maker saw profits plunge 51 percent year-over-year to $105 million in the first fiscal quarter, a fall it attributes to "severe challenges" in key markets such as China and Brazil.

But concerns about Chinese growth that has sent stock markets into turmoil recently are not worrying Lenovo as it looks to restructure.

"We are taking all the action in terms of combining things, in terms of taking out certain costs, becoming even more efficient in some other areas. Of course, we are in the process of doing that. We are going to execute within these things," Gianfranco Lanci, president and chief operating officer at Lenovo, said at a roundtable with reporters at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin this week.

Lenovo is the world's biggest PC maker with a 20.3 percent market share but it is struggling with a market that will see shipments fall 8.7 percent year-on-year in 2015, according to IDC. On top of this, Lenovo is still continuing to integrate the Motorola business it bought fromGoogle for $12.5 billion last year, and the acquisition of IBM's low end server business.

But Lanci said the company is taking steps to improve profitability in the face of these headwinds. Lenovo is axing 3,200 jobs in non-manufacturing parts of the business that will see it save $650 million in the second half of the year. Lanci said Lenovo was also "optimizing" the product portfolio it offers and streamlining the supply chain to use the same suppliers for its PC and server business. The result will be improved second-quarter results, according to Lanci.

"We are already doing a lot of things you still don't see in terms of impact, because we started these things more or less at the end of Q1 this year. But by the end of this quarter we should be in a very very different situation than before," the Lenovo executive said.
I just bought a Lenovo all in one desktop...I just wanted something for small time office stuff. So decided to go for something cheep.

Not happy with the performance. Windows 8.1 not performing good and actually crashed. Then I had some similar reviews from friends . so had to install windows 8 which works ok . but performance still suboptimal. I don't think it can match apple or even dell or HP or Sony comps for that matter in terms of performance.

The only positive thing - it is cheep. So people buy it and later revert it after experiencing the performance.
I just bought a Lenovo all in one desktop...I just wanted something for small time office stuff. So decided to go for something cheep.

Not happy with the performance. Windows 8.1 not performing good and actually crashed. Then I had some similar reviews from friends . so had to install windows 8 which works ok . but performance still suboptimal. I don't think it can match apple or even dell or HP or Sony comps for that matter in terms of performance.

The only positive thing - it is cheep. So people buy it and later revert it after experiencing the performance.

Good story.

Lenovo laptops are not cheap. If you want cheap, buy HP.

Windows 8.1 crashes often, on my ASUS, as well.

Laptop is the work monster preferred by hardcore users.

My friend has been using it for four years like a work horse and it is performing outstandingly well.

China pours funds into medical research

English.news.cn 2015-09-10 19:11:30

BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government has poured 30 billion yuan (4.7 billion U.S. dollars) into medical research since 2011, according to the country's health authorities.

"China has been giving greater support to research and development in the medical field," said Qin Huaijin, an official in charge of science and education with the National Health and Family Planning Commission, at a press conference on Thursday.

The country has been making an increasing number of medical research achievements at international level.

Qin noted that Chinese scientists had more than 230,000 medical papers published in the world-leading journals of the Science Citation Index between the start of 2010 and the end of 2014. This was more than all but one other country, and China has topped the world in terms of the number of health-related patent applications since 2011.

A China-developed HIV test, revealed in 2011 and adopted nationwide since, has shortened the window period, the minimum time from infection to detection, to 11 days from the previous 22 days, according to Qin.

Editor: Tian Shaohui​

China pours funds into medical research

English.news.cn 2015-09-10 19:11:30

BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government has poured 30 billion yuan (4.7 billion U.S. dollars) into medical research since 2011, according to the country's health authorities.

"China has been giving greater support to research and development in the medical field," said Qin Huaijin, an official in charge of science and education with the National Health and Family Planning Commission, at a press conference on Thursday.

The country has been making an increasing number of medical research achievements at international level.

Qin noted that Chinese scientists had more than 230,000 medical papers published in the world-leading journals of the Science Citation Index between the start of 2010 and the end of 2014. This was more than all but one other country, and China has topped the world in terms of the number of health-related patent applications since 2011.

A China-developed HIV test, revealed in 2011 and adopted nationwide since, has shortened the window period, the minimum time from infection to detection, to 11 days from the previous 22 days, according to Qin.

Editor: Tian Shaohui​

The general quality of patents in China is very low, so numbers alone are hardly consequential. You can look at the net royalty paid by countries for IP, and you can see there that China is among the biggest payers for IP to foreign countries, while US receives largest inflows of money as IP royalty.
Justin Yifu Lin: China may join the ranks of high income countries in five years - People's Daily Online
(People's Daily Online) 16:32, September 14, 2015

Justin Yifu Lin, renowned economist and a professor of Peking University, said that China may rank among high income countries in 2020, when attending the First Great Minds China Forum and the founding conference of Beijing Contemporary Economics Foundation on Sept. 12 in Beijing, Beijing News reported.

Lin said that Chinese mainland may rank among high income countries in 2020. Following South Korea and China's Taiwan province, Chinese mainland will be the world’s third economy that has ascended from low-income economy to middle-income economy and further to high-income economy.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, China's per capital GDP was 6,767 USD in 2013, and the figure was 7,575 USD in 2014, representing a growth of 12 percent.

However, not all the developing countries can maintain such a growth rate. Lin also pointed out that many developing countries are facing problems such as low income or the middle-income trap.

According to Lin, from 1950 to 2008, only 13 middle-income economies ascend to high-income economies, among which 8 are west European countries or oil producing countries. And the rest five are Japan and the so-called "Four Asian Tigers" in 1970s and 1980s.

"The average growth of per capita GDP in developed countries is 2 percent. If the growth of per capita GDP of a developing country doesn't exceed 2 percent, it can't narrow the gap with developed countries," Lin said.

In Lin's point of view, the per capita GDP growth of developing countries is very unsatisfactory. So far, he hasn't seen any developing countries that adopt mainstream Western development theories achieve success.

(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)​
India to nix tariffs for 42.5% of items traded with China under mega pact | Business Line
Amiti Sen. New Delhi, September 13:

India and China have agreed to remove import duties on close to half the goods traded between them under the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) pact, a development that is likely to give the domestic industry sleepless nights.

The RCEP countries — which include the 10-member Asean bloc, India, Japan, China, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia — reached a breakthrough on the initial offers for eliminating tariffs on goods at a meeting of trade ministers in Kuala Lumpur late last month.

“India and China have agreed to remove duties on 42.5 per cent of traded items in the initial offers,” an industry representative who attended a recent stakeholder meeting in New Delhi told BusinessLine. “We are nervous as no sector would want zero duty access for Chinese goods. But a pragmatic approach needs to be taken as we will also gain duty-free access into China,” the industry representative added.

India’s trade deficit with China crossed $40 billion last fiscal and is about a third of the total.

“Detailed offers on items to be opened up will be made by the RCEP members in Busan, South Korea, in October which will be followed by requests for improvement, subsequent revised offers, and their finalisation,” a Commerce Ministry official said.

Stakeholder consultations

The Commerce and Industry Ministry has started stakeholder consultations with industry representatives to identify goods where duties can be eliminated and those that need to be protected. There will be more such meetings in Mumbai, Kolkata and other cities. The elimination of duties will be carried out over a 10-year period. RCEP members hope to conclude the negotiations by the end of the year, which could lead to the creation of the largest free trade bloc, accounting for 45 per cent of the world population and a GDP of over $21 trillion.

New Delhi has offered to open its markets widest for the Asean, by agreeing to eliminate tariffs on 80 per cent of items, and this will be reciprocated by all the members of the bloc. As India has already committed to removing tariffs on 74 per cent items in the bilateral FTA (free trade agreement) signed with the Asean, the additional commitment under RCEP is not substantial.

For Japan and South Korea, India has offered to open 65 per cent of items, which is lower than what it has already committed under its existing bilateral FTAs with the countries, but may include slightly different items as both countries have to be given the same offer under RCEP. The two have agreed to reduce tariffs on 80 per cent of goods from India.

India has offered Australia and New Zealand — neither has an FTA with India — duty elimination on 42.5 per cent items. New Zealand and Australia have, in turn, offered to reduce tariffs on 62.5 per cent and 80 per cent of items from India, respectively.

The RCEP will also open up markets for services and investments, the initial offers for which have also been exchanged, and include chapters in moving ahead together in areas such as government procurement and e-commerce.

(This article was published on September 13, 2015)
I just bought a Lenovo all in one desktop...I just wanted something for small time office stuff. So decided to go for something cheep.

Not happy with the performance. Windows 8.1 not performing good and actually crashed. Then I had some similar reviews from friends . so had to install windows 8 which works ok . but performance still suboptimal. I don't think it can match apple or even dell or HP or Sony comps for that matter in terms of performance.

The only positive thing - it is cheep. So people buy it and later revert it after experiencing the performance.

good story except for the fact that Lenovo is on average 100 dollars more for the same computer than its competitors in the US.
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