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China lays out vision for Web governance

China lays out vision for Web governance
Global Times | November 20, 2014 00:23
By Catherine Wong Tsoi-lai

President Xi Jinping called on the world to step up Internet governance in a congratulatory message sent to the opening of China's first World Internet Conference, seen by experts as presenting China's vision for future Internet development amid the nation's rising global influence over cyberspace.

"China is ready to work with other countries to deepen international cooperation, respect sovereignty on the Internet, uphold cybersecurity, and jointly build a cyberspace of peace, security, openness and cooperation, as well as an international Internet governance system [based on] multilateralism, democracy and transparency," said Xi in the congratulatory letter sent to the three-day World Internet Conference, which opened Wednesday in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, reported the Xinhua News Agency.

Centering on the theme of "An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All," the conference is covering topics that include global Internet governance, mobile Internet, cross-border e-commerce, cybersecurity and combating terrorism on the Internet.

Internet specialists commented that the conference and Xi's statement show China's commitment to strengthening Internet governance as it becomes an Internet superpower.

"The Internet has evolved from a virtual space to an integral part of Chinese society. [The conference and Xi's message] show that the Chinese government has placed higher priority on managing the Internet, as China is becoming an Internet superpower, with a huge number of Web users and the global influence of Chinese Internet companies like Alibaba," Wei Wuhui, an Internet and new media expert with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, told the Global Times.

Official statistics show that China currently has 632 million Internet users, including 527 million who access the Web from mobile devices. The total number could rise to 850 million by 2015.

more from the link.
The most shocking aspect of the new 2014 IC Insights' semiconductor leaders (see table below) is that GlobalFoundries dropped out of the Top 20 list.

Intel remains the world leader at x86 CISC microprocessors. Sales still hover at $50 billion.
Samsung retains its stronghold in DRAM memory chips.
Taiwan's TSMC continues to chalk up double-digit gains in worldwide foundry market-share growth. TSMC remains the world leader at manufacturing RISC-based ARM chips. At this rate, TSMC could catch Intel in revenue in about five years. TSMC's net income of US$8 billion this year is approaching Intel's net income of US$9.6 billion for last year.

If you're curious, Freescale used to be the semiconductor division of Motorola.
Taiwan's UMC has reclaimed its former position as the world #2 in the foundry business. UMC will slip back into #3 as GlobalFoundries buys IBM's chip manufacturing business.

Top 20 Global Semiconductor Sales Ranking for 2014 | PCBDESIGN007

"Top 20 Global Semiconductor Sales Ranking for 2014
Friday, November 07, 2014 | IC Insights

Later this month, IC Insights’ November Update to The 2014 McClean Report will show a forecast ranking of the 2014 top 25 semiconductor suppliers with the companies’ sales broken down on a quarterly basis. A preview of the forecast for the top 20 companies’ total 2014 sales results is presented in Figure 1. The top 20 worldwide semiconductor (IC and O S D-optoelectronic, sensor, and discrete) sales ranking for 2014 includes eight suppliers headquartered in the U.S., three in Japan, three in Europe, three in Taiwan, two in South Korea, and one in Singapore, a relatively broad representation of geographic regions.

This year’s top-20 ranking includes two pure-play foundries (TSMC and UMC) and six fabless companies. Pure-play IC foundry GlobalFoundries is forecast to be replaced in this year’s top 20 ranking by fabless IC supplier Nvidia. It is interesting to note that the top four semiconductor suppliers all have different business models. Intel is essentially a pure-play IDM, Samsung a vertically integrated IC supplier, TSMC a pure-play foundry, and Qualcomm a fabless company.

IC foundries are included in the top 20 ranking because IC Insights has always viewed the ranking as a top supplier list, not as a marketshare ranking, and realizes that in some cases semiconductor sales are double counted. With many of our clients being vendors to the semiconductor industry (supplying equipment, chemicals, gases, etc.), excluding large IC manufacturers like the foundries would leave significant “holes” in the list of top semiconductor suppliers. Foundries and fabless companies are clearly identified in Figure 1. In the April Update to The McClean Report, marketshare rankings of IC suppliers by product type were presented and foundries were excluded from these listings.

As shown, it is expected to require total semiconductor sales of over $4.2 billion to make the 2014 top 20 ranking. In total, the top 20 semiconductor companies’ sales are forecast to increase by 9% this year as compared to 2013. However, when excluding the two pure-play foundries (TSMC and UMC) from the ranking, the top “18” semiconductor companies’ sales are forecast to increase by 8% this year, the same rate as IC Insights’ current forecast for total 2014 worldwide semiconductor market growth.

ic insight 9pF1Fuh.jpg

Outside the top six spots, there are numerous changes expected within the 2014 top-20 semiconductor supplier ranking. In fact, of the 14 companies ranked 7th through 20th, 10 of them are forecast to change positions in 2014 as compared with 2013 (with NXP expected to jump up two spots)."

Link to IC Insights: Nine of the Top 20 Semiconductor Suppliers are Forecast to Register Double-Digit Growth in 2014! | IC Insights
China commits $45.6 bln for economic corridor with Pakistan

Pakistan sees the latest round of Chinese investments as key to its efforts to solve power shortages that have crippled its economy.

World Bulletin/News Desk
21 November 2014 Friday

The Chinese government and banks will finance Chinese companies to build $45.6 billion worth of energy and infrastructure projects in Pakistan over the next six years, according to new details of the deal seen by Reuters on Friday.

The Chinese companies will be able to operate the projects as profit-making entities, according to the deal signed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during a visit to China earlier this month.

At the time, officials provided few details of the projects or the financing for the deal, dubbed the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The deal further cements ties between Pakistan and China at a time when Pakistan is nervous about waning U.S. support as troops pull out of Afghanistan.

Pakistan and China, both nuclear-armed nations, consider each other close friends. Their ties are underpinned by common wariness of India and a desire to hedge against U.S. influence in South Asia.

Documents seen by Reuters show that China has promised to invest around $33.8 billion in various energy projects and $11.8 billion in infrastructure projects.

Two members of Pakistan's planning commission, the focal ministry for the CPEC, and a senior official at the ministry of water and power shared the details of the projects.

The deal says the Chinese government and banks, including China Development Bank, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC), one of China's 'Big Four' state-owned commercial banks, will loan funds to Chinese companies, who will invest in the projects as commercial ventures.

"Pakistan will not be taking on any more debt through these projects," said Pakistan's minister for water and power Khawaja Asif.

Major Chinese companies investing in Pakistan's energy sector will include China's Three Gorges Corp, which built the world's biggest hydro power scheme, and China Power International Development Ltd.

Sharif signed more than 20 agreements during his trip to China earlier this month, including $622 million for projects related to the deepwater, strategically important Gwadar port, which China is developing.

The port is close to the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil shipping lane. It could open up an energy and trade corridor from the Gulf across Pakistan to western China that could be used by the Chinese Navy - potentially upsetting rival India.

Pakistan sees the latest round of Chinese investments as key to its efforts to solve power shortages that have crippled its economy.

Blackouts lasting more than half a day in some areas have sparked violent protests and undermined an economy already beset by high unemployment, widespread poverty, crime and sectarian and insurgent violence.

Under the CPEC agreement, $15.5 billion worth of coal, wind, solar and hydro energy projects will come online by 2017 and add 10,400 megawatts of energy to the national grid, officials said.

An additional 6,120 megawatts will be added to the national grid at a cost of $18.2 billion by 2021.

"In total we will add 16,000 MW of electricity through coal, wind, solar and hydel plants in the next seven years and reduce power shortage by 4,000 to 7,000 megawatts," said Asif.

"This will take care of a growing demand for power by a growing economy."

The CPEC deal also includes $5.9 billion for road projects and $3.7 billion for railway projects, all to be developed by 2017. A $44 million optical fibre cable between China and Pakistan is due to be built.
Interest rate cuts tackle financing costs

BEIJING -- The People's Bank of China (PBOC), China's central bank, announced on Friday the first interest rate cuts in more than two years.

"The purpose of cutting the deposit and lending rate is to bring actual interest rates back to a proper level and lower the financing costs facing many enterprises," said a PBOC statement after the rate cut was announced.

China's economy is still under pressure, problematic for businesses, especially smaller ones. "Tackling high financing burdens is especially important in stabilizing growth, creating jobs, and benefiting consumers," the statement said. The adjustment should provide a neutral and reasonable monetary environment for sustainable economic development.

"China has done a lot to address corporate financing difficulties this year, such as cutting the reserve requirement ratio for certain banks, but cutting interest rates is the most direct way to bring down costs," said Wang Jun of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

UBS chief China economist Wang Tao said in a research note that the cut is an important step toward lowering of real borrowing costs.

The central bank insists that the cuts are not a shift away from "prudent monetary policy", and the adjustment was a "neutral operation"; mere fine-tuning of monetary policy in line with changes in the real economy, which is still growing at a healthy rate. With industrial upgrades underway, the PBOC reckons growth is now more reliant on innovation than investment and "there is no need for strong stimulus."

Jin Zhongxia, director of the PBOC research institute also calls the rate cut "neutral".

"If the rates were not lowered with the economy under pressure, then one could argue that monetary policy is too tight," Jin said.

The cuts came as GDP expanded 7.3 percent year on year in Q3, compared with 7.5 percent in Q2 and 7.4 percent in Q1. Q3 growth was the slowest since Q1, 2009.

Wang Jun said that low consumer prices also provided room for the cuts. The consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, grew 1.6 percent year on year in October, the lowest for more than four years.

The cuts, which took effect on Saturday, mean that the one-year deposit rate stands at 2.75 percent, while the one-year lending rate is at 5.6 percent.

Zhao Qingming, chief analyst of CFFEX Institute for Financial Derivatives, said that the asymmetric cut narrowed banks' profit margins, which could be interpreted as an attempt to shift part of the banks' profits to enterprises.

"The profits of banks are much higher than average profits in the real economy. In the perspective of China's long-term economic development,banks must portion part of their profits to the real economy and find new ways of generating profits," Zhao said.

Wang Tao argues that although the cut will hurt banks' net interest margin, it could benefit them by strengthening borrowers' balance sheets and reducing the risk of bad loans.

"The main effects of today's rate cut will be to reduce the debt servicing burden and improve corporate cash flow and balance sheets. This should help slow the pace of non-performing loan formation and reduce overall financial risk," Wang said.

She added that the biggest near-term beneficiary group will be mortgage borrowers, as mortgage rates will be reduced in tandem with the benchmark lending rate, helping to support property demand.

Interest rate cuts tackle financing costs - Business - Chinadaily.com.cn
















































I wish I had time to translate all these opinions about PBOC's interest policy recently...
China develops first mathematical proof of Universe's origin

Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing? - From Quarks to Quasars

Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing?

The big bang is supported by a plethora of evidence. As such, the current scientific consensus is that that universe “exploded” into existence about 13.7 billion years ago. Gravitational waves, the cosmic microwave background, and the over abundance of primordial elements all add great weight to the validity of the big bang theory. However, despite all of this evidence, scientists are still left with a nagging question: What caused the big bang? Where did all of this stuff come from?


Image Credit: Chaoss/Shutterstock

Many scientists assume that the universe came from nothing, which is an idea that can only be true in light of quantum theory. Ultimately, quantum fluctuations could allow a universe to spontaneously form from nothing. However, without a mathematical proof, the idea that the universe spontaneously popped into existence has no real substance. And therein was the problem. We didn’t have the math to support the “universe from nothing” hypothesis.

This is where Dongshan He and his team from the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM) comes in. They have managed to develop the first mathematical proof that the big bang could have been the result of quantum fluctuations. The Wheeler-Dewitt equation and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle are at the heart of this new proof.

The Wheeler-Dewitt equation is the first generation of a theory of everything. In the 1960s, John Wheeler and Brice Dewitt came up with a mathematical framework that created an unholy marriage between quantum mechanics and general relativity. The equation lays a lot of the groundwork for the idea of quantum gravity (one of the main problems we have with understanding everything about everything is that we have no model to unite gravity and quantum mechanics). The equations biggest problem is that it doesn’t include time. So it’s not grand unification, but it’s the best we have right now.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, on the other hand, is more widely known. Is its simplest terms, this principle states that an observer cannot know both the location and the momentum of a quantum particle (otherwise, you’d have to violate thermodynamics). From the uncertainty principle, we see that empty space isn’t really empty. Inside the vacuum, particles are allowed to pop in and out of existence due to probabilistic quantum fluctuations (this is where the idea of the “false vacuum” came from.)

So, how does any of this help us? Dongshan explained, “We proved that, once a small true vacuum bubble is created, it has the chance to expand exponentially.”


Image Credit: National Geographic

The WIPM team describe these bubbles of true vacuum as a perfect sphere. They use this information to figure out how fast the radius of the sphere can expand. From here, they must analyze the bubble in the three possible geometries of spacetime – open, closed, or flat. Regardless, the WIPM team found that the bubble would expand to a size that would result in a big bang.

This new equation allows for some extremely interesting insights into the universe. The hypothesis explains dark energy, the energy that is causing the expansion of spacetime, as a quantity called quantum potential. Quantum potential comes out of the pilot-wave theory, which is a lesser-known interpretation of quantum mechanics (basically, a replacement or completion for quantum theory as we understand it today). Pilot-wave theory is able to reproduce all of the predictions made by current quantum theory, explains things like the Schrodinger’s cat paradox, and adds the quantity of quantum potential.

The biggest problem with the pilot wave theory is it doesn’t make predictions that are unique to the theory. All of the predictions made by pilot-wave are either identical to the more widely accepted interpretation of quantum theory, or the predictions are not testable. That is, until this new derivation from WIPM was released.

Pilot-wave has never taken off because it hasn’t been able to do anything that conventional quantum theory doesn’t already do. Since quantum potential is a key part of this new equation, it’s possible that scientists will reinvestigate the pilot-wave idea, and perhaps push our understanding of the universe one step further.

You can see the WIPM paper on arxiv.







Chinese health food producer to acquire company in NZ

Nanjing Sinolife United Co., one of the leading health food producers in China, announced plans on Sunday to buy a New Zealand company.

Shanghai Weiyi, a limited liability company 60 percent owned by Sinolife, will conduct the acquisition of the New Zealand-based Good Health Products Ltd., according to the announcement.

The deal is estimated at over 23 million New Zealand dollars (18 million US dollars).

Good Health has a substantial market share in New Zealand and Australia and has established an online sales network in Asia including China's Hong Kong, Singapore and the Republic of Korea, which is attractive to Sinolife as it is eager to expand abroad.

Sinolife board chairman, Gui Pinghu, expects both sides to gain from the deal and for it to change the traditional cooperative model between Chinese and foreign companies.

Sinolife was listed on the Hong Kong bourse in January.
China develops first mathematical proof of Universe's origin

Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing? - From Quarks to Quasars

Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing?

The big bang is supported by a plethora of evidence. As such, the current scientific consensus is that that universe “exploded” into existence about 13.7 billion years ago. Gravitational waves, the cosmic microwave background, and the over abundance of primordial elements all add great weight to the validity of the big bang theory. However, despite all of this evidence, scientists are still left with a nagging question: What caused the big bang? Where did all of this stuff come from?


Image Credit: Chaoss/Shutterstock

Many scientists assume that the universe came from nothing, which is an idea that can only be true in light of quantum theory. Ultimately, quantum fluctuations could allow a universe to spontaneously form from nothing. However, without a mathematical proof, the idea that the universe spontaneously popped into existence has no real substance. And therein was the problem. We didn’t have the math to support the “universe from nothing” hypothesis.

This is where Dongshan He and his team from the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM) comes in. They have managed to develop the first mathematical proof that the big bang could have been the result of quantum fluctuations. The Wheeler-Dewitt equation and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle are at the heart of this new proof.

The Wheeler-Dewitt equation is the first generation of a theory of everything. In the 1960s, John Wheeler and Brice Dewitt came up with a mathematical framework that created an unholy marriage between quantum mechanics and general relativity. The equation lays a lot of the groundwork for the idea of quantum gravity (one of the main problems we have with understanding everything about everything is that we have no model to unite gravity and quantum mechanics). The equations biggest problem is that it doesn’t include time. So it’s not grand unification, but it’s the best we have right now.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, on the other hand, is more widely known. Is its simplest terms, this principle states that an observer cannot know both the location and the momentum of a quantum particle (otherwise, you’d have to violate thermodynamics). From the uncertainty principle, we see that empty space isn’t really empty. Inside the vacuum, particles are allowed to pop in and out of existence due to probabilistic quantum fluctuations (this is where the idea of the “false vacuum” came from.)

So, how does any of this help us? Dongshan explained, “We proved that, once a small true vacuum bubble is created, it has the chance to expand exponentially.”


Image Credit: National Geographic

The WIPM team describe these bubbles of true vacuum as a perfect sphere. They use this information to figure out how fast the radius of the sphere can expand. From here, they must analyze the bubble in the three possible geometries of spacetime – open, closed, or flat. Regardless, the WIPM team found that the bubble would expand to a size that would result in a big bang.

This new equation allows for some extremely interesting insights into the universe. The hypothesis explains dark energy, the energy that is causing the expansion of spacetime, as a quantity called quantum potential. Quantum potential comes out of the pilot-wave theory, which is a lesser-known interpretation of quantum mechanics (basically, a replacement or completion for quantum theory as we understand it today). Pilot-wave theory is able to reproduce all of the predictions made by current quantum theory, explains things like the Schrodinger’s cat paradox, and adds the quantity of quantum potential.

The biggest problem with the pilot wave theory is it doesn’t make predictions that are unique to the theory. All of the predictions made by pilot-wave are either identical to the more widely accepted interpretation of quantum theory, or the predictions are not testable. That is, until this new derivation from WIPM was released.

Pilot-wave has never taken off because it hasn’t been able to do anything that conventional quantum theory doesn’t already do. Since quantum potential is a key part of this new equation, it’s possible that scientists will reinvestigate the pilot-wave idea, and perhaps push our understanding of the universe one step further.

You can see the WIPM paper on arxiv.







Buddha already saw and said about this about 2500 years ago!
Singapore signs deals worth $2.3 bn with Chinese province | The BRICS Post

China’s largest foreign investor Singapore has inked 15 agreements worth over 3 billion Singapore dollars ($2.3 billion) with a Chinese province on Monday.

The agreements in financial services, marine economy development, environment and education were signed at the 10th Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council meeting held in the city-state.

Singapore’s actual investments in Zhejiang, a coastal province in eastern China, reached $322 million in the first nine months of this year, according to the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang local government. As of October, the cumulative actual investments amounted to $4.14 billion in 1,063 projects.

In the first nine months, bilateral trade increased 8.4 per cent to hit $3.79 billion.

China is Singapore’s top trading partner while Singapore is China’s largest foreign investor.

China allowed direct trading between the yuan and the Singapore dollar from last month, making it easier for Singapore companies to do business with their Chinese counterparts.

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting earlier this month where both leaders vowed to boost economic cooperation.

In a landmark achievement, 21 Asian nations including China and Singapore have recently signed on as founding members of a new infrastructure investment bank which would rival the World Bank.
China dairy giant opens NZ factory, to spend over $400 mn
November 25, 2014, 5:21 am


Yili announced last Friday it will invest 2 billion yuan ($327 million) in four dairy projects in New Zealand [Xinhua]

Chinese dairy giant Yili launched its first major foreign factory in New Zealand’s South Island on Tuesday with the announcement that it will almost triple its investment in the plant by 2019.

The factory in Glenavy, South Canterbury built at a cost of 236 million NZ dollars ($185.14 million) was built by Oceania Dairy Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Yili Industrial Group.

The factory is expected to process 220 million litres of milk generating 33,000 tonnes of milk powder this season.

Yili also confirmed it planned to invest another 400 million NZ dollars ($313.79 million) in the factory, which is already producing infant formula, over the next five years.

“The Oceania Dairy factory at Glenavy is Yili’s first major offshore investment and the company is very focused on ensuring the success of the operation,” said Yili Group executive president Zhang Jianqiu.

“As the world’s largest milk exporter, New Zealand is ideally positioned to work with China to meet the country’s escalating demand for milk,” he said.

“We expect to be handling more than 630 million liters of milk from local farm suppliers by the end of the expansion project in 2019, generating export revenues in excess of 700 million NZ dollars ($549.23 million),” Oceania Dairy chief executive Aidan Johnstone said in the statement.

Increasingly more Chinese prefer overseas dairy products as the reputation of local brands was damaged in the melamine-tainted baby formula scandal in 2008.

Yili has also signed an agreement with Lincoln University of New Zealand to focus research on how to improve nutrition and to ensure quality of dairy products.

Yili, which purchased Oceania in April last year, is listed on the Shanghai stock exchange and claims its 2013 revenue of $7.6 billion makes it the 10th largest dairy company in the world.
NJU develops magic detecting device just second to the U.S. | ENGLISH.JSCHINA.COM.CN

NJU develops magic detecting device just second to the U.S.
2014-11-20 16:08:00

A research team led by Lu Hai, a distinguished professor hired by the College of Electronic Science and Engineering of the Nanjing University (NJU) under the Changjiang Scholars Program, recently made breakthrough for the first time in China in developing a super-sensitive solid ultraviolet single photon detector, allowing China to become the second country to master this core technology after the United States.

The detector, based on the silicon-carbide semiconductor chip technology, can sensitively capture ultraviolet single photons, and it also broke the bottleneck of relying on super-low temperature condition in the past. Moreover, the detector with an apparent low-cost advantage is expected to be widely promoted in such civilian applications as remote detection and positioning of corona and pollution flashover on the high-voltage power transmission lines or power supply lines for high speed trains.

Postscript: The Changjiang Scholars Program is a higher education development program in China jointly established by China’s Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation.
Microsoft to pay $140m in back taxes: report

Software giant Microsoft Corporation was in the media spotlight Wednesday as it was said to have to pay about $140 million in back taxes to Chinese authorities over involvement in potential cross-border tax evasion, as China vowed to join international efforts to fight against this problem.

"In 2012 the tax authorities of China and the US agreed to a bilateral advanced pricing agreement with regards to Microsoft's operations in China… China receives tax revenues from Microsoft consistent with the terms of the agreed advanced pricing agreement," Microsoft told the Global Times in an e-mail reply on Wednesday.

The company's reply is in response to a Reuters report published Tuesday (US time) that said Microsoft was involved in tax malpractice in China.

Chinese State media Xinhua

News Agency had first reported on Sunday that a US multinational with a name starting with the letter "M" must pay the Chinese government a total of 840 million yuan ($137 million) in back taxes and interest, as well as additional tax of more than 100 million yuan annually in the future.

Reuters alleged that the multinational was Microsoft, saying it was the only company that matches the descriptions of the firm in question in Xinhua's report as being one of the world's top 500 companies and having established a wholly owned subsidiary in Beijing in 1995.

If confirmed, it would be the first major case of multinational corporation cross-border tax evasion in China, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

An advanced pricing agreement sets the tax treatment of methods of booking prices and sales between subsidiaries, a strategy often adopted by multinationals globally.

The State Administration of Taxation, China's top tax regulator, was not immediately available to confirm this matter when reached by the Global Times on Wednesday.

Multinational corporations often practice tax avoidance or evasion by making use of their global presence and transferring profits to countries which charge lower tax rates while allocating tax-deductible expenses and costs to those that charge higher rates, said Zhang Guangtong, vice president of School of Taxation at Central University of Finance and Economics.

"Microsoft's payment in back taxes indicates that it has acknowledged its previous tax malpractice," he told the Global Times Wednesday, noting that the bilateral advanced pricing agreement is the result of negotiations between the company and tax authorities.

Tax evasion is regarded as illegal and is usually subject to a fine, yet it is difficult to find as large corporations usually keep cross-border tax maneuvers a secret.

Given the difficulty in uncovering secret unlawful tax practices, an advanced pricing agreement sets agreed pricing terms recognized by the tax authorities, and the multinational must pay taxes accordingly.

The move is also a reflection of China's commitment to join international law enforcement to clampdown on illegal tax practices, Zhang said.

Combating tax evasion was a key objective for the G20 Leaders Summit held in Australia during November 15-16.

"Tax evasion is prevalent globally, particularly in China," Lü Junshan, a tax lawyer and a director at the Finance and Tax Law Research Society, told the Global Times on Wednesday, noting a large number of multinationals' subsidiaries in China reported low profit or even losses for many years due to such tax malpractices, resulting in heavy losses for China's tax revenues.

According to Microsoft's fiscal 2014 annual report, its overall effective tax rate was 21 percent, which is well below the US and China's standard corporate rates of 35 and 25 percent respectively, triggering skepticism of its funneling earnings through "foreign regional operations."

China's tax regulator has ramped up its efforts against tax evasion in recent years. It recovered 46.86 billion yuan worth of tax revenues in 2013 from multinationals, 100 times the amount it recouped in 2005, the People's Daily newspaper reported in October citing the tax authorities.

The tax payment is the latest setback for Microsoft in China, where it is already under an antitrust investigation.
Chinese company buys Cooper's share of joint venture

A joint venture founded by China's Chengshan Group and U.S.-based Cooper Tire & Rubber Company will be wholly owned by Chengshan.

According to the announcement by Chengshan on Thursday, the two companies have reached an agreement in which Chengshan will buy the 65 percent of shares held by Cooper in the joint venture at a price of more than 280 million U.S. dollars.

Last year, more than 5,000 Chinese employees of the joint venture, Cooper Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Co. Ltd. in east China's Shandong Province, halted production to

vent discontent over the highly leveraged acquisition of the parent company Cooper by India-based Apollo Tyres Ltd.

Workers feared the acquisition might worsen the joint venture's financial strain and harm their interests.

The large crowd was joined by employees of factories owned by Cooper in the U.S. and Britain. The planned acquisition failed at last.

Chengshan and Cooper agreed in late January to resume production and operation of the joint venture and to give Chengshan the priority of buying Cooper's shares or selling its own in the joint venture.

According to the Chengshan's updated announcement, the new company will be named Pulin Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Co. Ltd. The transaction will be completed by the end of November.
November 28th is the day China stock market shocks the global capital market day; a day of Chinese Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market turnover amounted to 710400000000 yuan (710.4b), about $115700000000(115.7b), passed the record a $99500000000 (99.5b) in America stock market in 2007 July 26 (about 610000000000 yuan). At the same time, China A share market value also surpassed Japan, ranking second in the world.
If Chinese government don't control China stock market, the number will be much higher since a long time ago.

I don't understand why they loosen the grip recently.
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