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China Economy Forum

And almost 60% of China's GDP are made by American companies.

This paper from 2007 explained a few common fallacies and misconceptions regarding to US-China economic relationship.
Page 2 of the essay states that "Fallacy Number 1. U.S. FDI in China is large". In 2007, the total foreign and partially foreign enterprise accounts for only 10% of the Chinese fixed asset investment. In fact, the number dropped much lower in the recent years due to global recession and increased investment from Chinese government (I believe it is currently about 4.5%) On top of this, US was never the biggest investor in China and US investment in China is also only a small part of the overall US investment in foreign countries.

It is quite an interesting article, helps to clear up some common misconceptions.
The bigger and stronger we get, the more hatred we get :D

There was a time when I used to get angry about the hatred towards us but I realised the fact that others hate us shows we are succeeding. The more hate, the more successful we have become.

Now I love the hatred, I love taunting the haters knowing they are utterly powerless to stop the rise of China.

Let the hate flow, ooze it out boys :rofl:
I love it :D

I'll tell ya what, it feels damn good to be big and powerful. Wouldn't have it any other way!
Excellent news. :cheers:

It's amazing that we can still grow at such speed, despite our base economic size being well over 8 trillion already.

Congrats to China for this amazing economic growth.

Is America really this big in your tiny Indian mind?:D

He is not Indian, he is Chinese. His name is Gordon Chang
Published: Thursday, 17 Oct 2013 | 10:07 PM ET

China's gross domestic product (GDP) rose 7.8 percent in the third quarter on year, the National Bureau of Statistics reported on Friday, up from 7.5 percent in the previous three months.

Industrial output for September, released alongside the growth data, came in slightly higher than forecasts, with an increase of 10.2 percent from a year earlier.

Fixed asset investment grew 20.2 percent in the first nine months of 2013 from a year earlier, lower than expectations for growth of 20.3 percent.

Retail sales, meantime, were weaker than expected, rising 13.3 percent on year. Analysts had forecast a rise of 13.5 percent.

China GDP growth picks up to 7.8% in third quarter

Congrats on the Growth

Let me Congratulate you in Manmohan Style

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