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China economy boost the Navy, 6th 052C DDG finished next 055


Why China need so much aircraft carrier?
China only has disputed with its neighbours right next door
Wait, may be for Operation Liberating Hawaii from American:coffee:

China is the largest trading nation in the world. 90% of world trade is by sea. America, while a relative guarantor of free trade and freedom of navigation isn't about to protect China's shipping. You do the math.
You build ship so fast. It's ok for the quantity.
It's more than enough for defending ...

So to whom you want to attack ?
You build ship so fast. It's ok for the quantity.
It's more than enough for defending ...

So to whom you want to attack ?
China didn't need to attack someone. The businessman doing the bussiness things around the whole world.

China need enough warships to protect our commercial fleets & energy supply lines on the sea, defense Chinese treasure in West Pacific coz there'r too many pirates in the world.

China has more interests in other Oceans bigger than SCS. So China need many powerful DDGs & FFGs to serve for our sea trade from Mediterranean - Indian Ocean - West Pacific.

China is a big export nation and Chinese need the Sea.:coffee:
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Three types China VLS system pics :coffee:



The better is the one look more identical to US warship.
The better is the one look more identical to US warship.
China has two Good Teachers for learning :angel:

Ever teacher - Russia:
SA-N-6 cold-launched VLS system (051C DDG)

HHQ-9 cold-launched VLS system (052C DDG)

Current teacher - U.S:
HHQ-16 hot-launched VLS system (054A FFG)

CCL Multi-role VLS system (052D DDG)

How about the propeller ? Is it pod propeller ?
Im afraid not, traditional propeller. New tech will used on new class ship.
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Have you saw the pod propeller ? It is awsome tech , very impressive.
Of course, China imported the tech from foreign and ABB shipbuilding corp setup a pod propeller factory in China. :pop: The Good thing, is World N.o2 economy can provide enough fund for China shipbuilding industry & Navy to buy latest tech.




China had tested that pod propeller in a new 2,000ton China Coast Guard ship, so i said future new class warship might used it.
Take it easy, China never miss such impressive new tech/ toy ! :cheers:
You build ship so fast. It's ok for the quantity.
It's more than enough for defending ...

So to whom you want to attack ?

Having a large and powerful navy is to deter others from attacking China. Believe it or not, Chinese naval expansion has nothing to do with Vietnam. However, Chinese interests are increasingly less regional and more global. China can't defend her interests abroad with a frigate navy and China still doesn't believe in overseas bases.

In the future, as more Chinese travel abroad, what good is the PLAN if it can defend overseas Chinese citizens? I don't know if you recall the massacre of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia in the late 90s but Chinese people still remember. Once the PLAN is fully modernized, foreign governments will think twice before encouraging their native population to harm Chinese people lest they have to answer to flights of J-15s and/or J-21s raining fire on their heads.
There are few things which I will disagree with your conclusion. First thing 93 to 93B is sure a good jump for PRC but to say that it jumped to older LA class to new LA class is not justified considering the relative changes in between. Simply because no one knows clear cut capabilities of nuke subs. Every boat type is unique and there is nothing that can demonise any boat from any country. J 20 is interior against F22 as Indian Russian jv plane is. It is as simple as that. Apart from bomb carrying capability I don't see ours and yours standing against them anywhere else. Whether its about stealth, tracking and engaging or maximum supercruise, they win hands down. When talking about 55 against Zumwalt class, please first reach the level of their currently in service new AB destroyers and Ticos. Then only you can work the techs which are imployed in Zumwalt. As for as ours concerning frankly ours is still not at the level of your 52Cs in capability terms although it may cross it in next 6 months to 1 year period. I would like to say that in my opinion INDIA should maintain a distance between us and US. They are technologically advanced but not to be believed. Thanks.

US technology is certainly advanced but whats the point of maintaining a "good" relationship with US.
No matter what kind of good military bargain purchased you've made, you naive indian people won't get the "advanced technology" from US. The case of buying mothership with Russia proves the principle. Basically, powerful nations like US will not offer you any advanced military technology without a proper return or reward. They always ask you for something, lots of money or something else. Surely, US can never be trusted, but now the question is whether the price that you guys would like to pay matches US's perceptions or not.
Of course, China imported the tech from foreign and ABB shipbuilding corp setup a pod propeller factory in China. :pop: The Good thing, is World N.o2 economy can provide enough fund for China shipbuilding industry & Navy to buy latest tech.

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China had tested that pod propeller in a new 2,000ton China Coast Guard ship, so i said future new class warship might used it.
Take it easy, China never miss such impressive new tech/ toy ! :cheers:View attachment 129547
Thanks bro!
I have saw one video of a big ship which equipped with such propeller.
it is impressive , I am not sure whether we can use it on 052D, maybe it is too big for 10000ton ship.
Having a large and powerful navy is to deter others from attacking China. Believe it or not, Chinese naval expansion has nothing to do with Vietnam. However, Chinese interests are increasingly less regional and more global. China can't defend her interests abroad with a frigate navy and China still doesn't believe in overseas bases.

In the future, as more Chinese travel abroad, what good is the PLAN if it can defend overseas Chinese citizens? I don't know if you recall the massacre of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia in the late 90s but Chinese people still remember. Once the PLAN is fully modernized, foreign governments will think twice before encouraging their native population to harm Chinese people lest they have to answer to flights of J-15s and/or J-21s raining fire on their heads.

Indonesian would take note this as China threat to their internal affair.
Just like IS or Turkey, Pak ... to the Xinjiang issue.
Indonesian would take note this as China threat to their internal affair.
Just like IS or Turkey, Pak ... to the Xinjiang issue.

LMAO. Are you serious? Now you're "tattling" one me to the nondescript "Indonesian forum members" to be aware of my personal opinion regarding protecting ethnic Chinese overseas because I cited Indonesian anti-Chinese pogroms as an example?

As if the Indonesian government will now be more "careful" thanks to your random alert about potential Chinese aggression as voiced by me, an anonymous Canadian on the internet (who apparently influences Chinese foreign policy according to you)? As if the Indonesian government monitors PDF for strategic insight from its ever-so-brilliant Viet analysts such as yourself. Are you for real? :rofl:

Yes Alert Indonesia! Alert! Alert! Red Highlights! Danger Will Robinson!! :cheesy:
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