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China develops 'ultra-fast' anti-missile interceptor, says report


Jan 19, 2017
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China develops 'ultra-fast' anti-missile interceptor, says report
Gabriel Dominguez, London and Neil Gibson, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
01 June 2017


China already operates the HQ-9 SAM system (seen here), which is stated to have an ABM capability. It is possible that the new interceptor is part of an upgrade of this system. Source: Chinese MND

The China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) claims to have developed a new type of "ultra-fast" anti-missile interceptor capable of engaging an incoming projectile flying "10 times faster than a bullet", the state-owned China Daily newspaper reported on 27 May.

CASIC was quoted as saying that its Second Academy in Beijing, which is believed to be the country's major developer of air defence systems, has made a "new generation aerospace defence missile" that incorporates "top space technologies" and can intercept targets at an altitude of "tens of kilometres".

The company disclosed the information in an article it released earlier this month about the contributions made by control system researchers from the Zhang Yiqun Studio: a group named after a prominent scientist at the academy, said the paper.

The new interceptor was reportedly so difficult to design that "only a handful of nations in the world have been able to develop it", reported China Daily, adding that the weapon's designers "overcame numerous problems during research and development, including an explosion of one of the weapon's prototypes during a flight test".

No further details were provided about the system.
Tidbits of information that can be gathered:
1. Speed is somewhere between Mach 7-10 (using a 9mm parabellum round as a reference)
2. Altitude is >10 km (doesn't tell us much to be honest)
3. Incorporation of "space technologies" suggests that it has anti-ballistic capabilities (also confirmed separately in the article).

Other pieces of information from other sources state the following:
1. It might be a successor to the HQ-9
2. It has lateral thrust rockets and aerodynamic surfaces (which are NOT typically found on anti-ballistic missiles)

This leads me to believe that this is a new SAM/ABM hybrid, capable of very-high-speed low- and high-altitude intercepts. Another clue is that this system is developed by CASIC, the same manufacturer of the HQ-26 missile system.

In fact, in November 2016, photos popped up of a mystery SAM/ABM launched from a weapons testbed vessel. Many believe that this is the HQ-26 slated for next-generation destroyers. The HQ-26 would be roughly comparable to the SM-3, and that this "ultrafast interceptor" might be a variant of it with anti-aircraft capability.

1. Speed is somewhere between Mach 7-10 (using a 9mm parabellum round as a reference)

If speed between mach 7 to 10 is ultra fast than what is S400 with speed mach 14? and what is S500 with speed of mach 25?
If speed between mach 7 to 10 is ultra fast than what is S400 with speed mach 14? and what is S500 with speed of mach 25?

I used perhaps the slowest well-known projectile class as a reference. If we use a typical 5.56 round as reference, then the missile's projected speed could exceed Mach 22.
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