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China Reacts on India's Interceptor Test

Things are not as you thought.


As having no enough space, your target missile had to fly curved as shown in purple. It's mountain different from the real world.

Mimicking as in following the exact trajectory and velocity in the intended zone, which is sufficient and used by all.
Things are not as you thought.


As having no enough space, your target missile had to fly curved as shown in purple. It's mountain different from the real world.

The problem with You guys is that you post some graphs and pictures without understanding what what it is. The graph you posted is a graph of target missile mimicking the trajectory of a 600 Km Missile. The target missile had a limitation of short range (prithvi III) to mimic the trajectory of MRBM and that was not because of any territory constrains.

A new interceptor and new missile was developed to mimic the trajectory of a 2000 KM missile. The target missile was launched from see and not from land. so there was absolutely no territory constrain at all.

Pl educate yourself before writing like an expert and stay away from posting the graphs you yourself can not understand.
The problem with You guys is that you post some graphs and pictures without understanding what what it is. The graph you posted is a graph of target missile mimicking the trajectory of a 600 Km Missile. The target missile had a limitation of short range (prithvi III) to mimic the trajectory of MRBM and that was not because of any territory constrains.

A new interceptor and new missile was developed to mimic the trajectory of a 2000 KM missile. The target missile was launched from see and not from land. so there was absolutely no territory constrain at all.

Pl educate yourself before writing like an expert and stay away from posting the graphs you yourself can not understand.

Please, don't fool yourself with Indian's science.
Don't talk about the engineering if you are not engineering based.
Had you destroyed?

6 out of 7 times(PAD and AAD).this time,too,PDV "intercepted" the BM,though,as it is first test of PDV,no warhead actually gets detonated.but DRDO tested its flight characteristics and other parameters and concluded that it "Intercepted" the BM.
Some of Chinese professional considered it's a failure test.

1) PDV is not KKV which means hit-to-kill. The accuracy of +/-0.05m rocket controlling (a must for KKV missile) is obviously out of India's industrial capacity. The declared 6 previous "successful" test are badly suspected.

2) Radar of PDV is from Russia, IR sensor are from Israel.

3) Better performed THAAD weights 900kg, HQ-9 1600kg. PDV weights 5000kg.

4) India territory is not big enough to test real anti-ballistic (range > 2000km ) missiles.

Which means your Han "expats " are as delusional as your typical mangomen (read common men) gets.

1.PDV was never meant to be a KKV,so what's your point troll??You think an explosive warhead can not do the job??Even your much vaunted and over-hyped HQ 9 missiles also use explosive warheads,so those are useless as well then I suppose??

And what was that bull crap about Indian industrial complex being unable to design a precise enough rocket propulsion for KKV again you ignorant fool??Do you even know that our AAD doesn't have an explosive warhead and has been using Kinetic kill from its first test launch you fool??

2.Prove it you bloody Chinese liar!!Both the Ku band active radar seeker and the cryogenically cooled long wave passive imaging infrared seeker is developed by IRDE and produced by Datapatterns you ignorant fool.

3.Of course THAAD is currently better and much more matured than PDV.What you saw of PDV was just a prototype.
But don't compare with your HQ 9 clone of a Soviet junk,it's ignominious for PDV.
The original Soviet junk S 300PMU2 which you HQ 9 is copied from had repeatedly failed to achieve its goal in India during the mid 90s and that's the reason DRDO started our own BMD program.

And on what ground you claim that HQ 9 is better??It's 30 km interception altitude and speed of Mach 4 can no way make it better than PDV as it exists now.Heck they are not even in the same class - while HQ 9 is an endo atmospheric interceptor,the PDV is an exoatmospheric one.Only a fool like you would compare both systems.
HQ 9 is more comparable to our AAD in terms of guidance techniques,interception altitude and top speed.

4.One doesn't need to fire a 2000+ range ballistic missile to test the effectiveness of the BMD against such a missile,a shorter range missile mimicking the trajectory,apogee and re-entry velocity of a longer range missile will suffice for now.

Do not venture out into uncharted territory with your monumental level of ignorance boyo,could be dangerous for your high iq Han brain.
Please, don't fool yourself with Indian's science.
Don't talk about the engineering if you are not engineering based.

don't be foolish when you don't know what you're talking about.the missiles was Dhanush(ship launched Prithvi) missile modified to mimic the trajectory of a 2000 km enemy missile.unless you know what it is,you shouldn't make any comment about it.
Please, don't fool yourself with Indian's science.
Don't talk about the engineering if you are not engineering based.

What was that you effing moron??It's you who is fooling who is fooling himself,not the other way round you bloody fool.As always,in your typical Han arrogance and baseless superiority complex,you were again quick to jump in with that graph without even understanding it!!
When that guy explained it to you with proper logic,you as always arrogantly rejected his views with your one-liner and rhetorics!!It seems like this is a natural trait prevalent in all hans.

And what was that "Indian science " you retard??And now I understand how you guys manage to manufacture such cheap junks....when there are "engineers" like you it's not that big a surprise.Atleast you got the spelling of "engineer" correct!!
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Please, don't fool yourself with Indian's science.
Don't talk about the engineering if you are not engineering based.

So you do not have have to prove anything except personal attack???

It seems that a layman like me is more educated than a person like you having engineering background.

6 out of 7 times(PAD and AAD).this time,too,PDV "intercepted" the BM,though,as it is first test of PDV,no warhead actually gets detonated.but DRDO tested its flight characteristics and other parameters and concluded that it "Intercepted" the BM.

Seeker also.

And what was that bull crap about Indian industrial complex being unable to design a precise enough rocket propulsion for KKV again you ignorant fool??Do you even know that our AAD doesn't have an explosive warhead and has been using Kinetic kill from its first test launch you fool??

Look at the KKV being tested at an ISRO facility in my Avatar.
So you do not have have to prove anything except personal attack???

It seems that a layman like me is more educated than a person like you having engineering background.

Seeker also.

Look at the KKV being tested at an ISRO facility in my Avatar.

Thanks.But it's not me you should be informing that brother,point this to that ignorant Han longlong.

China tested ABM back in 2010 thats four years before Indian test so India is not any leap ahead of Chinia.

First check out the dates of ABM tests by India,brother.And no Indian here has ever claimed to leap ahead of China.So your comment doesn't make any sense.
China tested ABM back in 2010 thats four years before Indian test so India is not any leap ahead of Chinia.

First check out the dates of ABM tests by India,brother.And no Indian here has ever claimed to have leapt ahead of China.So your comment doesn't make any sense.

sure do bro..just quote this post using the link of the new thread you've opened.
China tested ABM back in 2010 thats four years before Indian test so India is not any leap ahead of Chinia.
Ok, man. We know that China is ahead of us in missile technology. Like you guys are way behind the Yanks. But we're trying to do catch-up!!

The trouble is that scant attention is being paid to adequate provision of funds for R&D in India. China is way ahead in this regard.
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