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China denies making impossible demands for collapsed US$14 billion infrastructure deal with Pakistan


Nov 26, 2016
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Beijing did not ask for ownership rights to Diamer-Bhasha dam, an unnamed official with China’s top planning agency was quoted on state media

Viola ZhouUPDATED : Friday, 8 Dec 2017, 11:15AM

An official with China’s top planning agency said it does not accept Pakistan’s claim that it decided to cancel a US$14 billion infrastructure deal with China because Beijing was making demands that were impossible to meet, state media reported.

The Chinese government did not ask for ownership or operation rights to the Diamer-Bhasha dam or seek to take another Pakistan dam in exchange for striking an agreement with Islamabad, the state-run Xinhua news agency on Thursday quoted an unnamed official with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) as saying.


Diamer Bhasha dam is in the preliminary stages of construction on the Indus river in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Photo: Handout.

The conditions “did not exist”, the official was quoted. “The recent reports on Pakistani media contained factual mistakes”, “or they only reflected the stands of individual officials”.

Pakistani media had reported last month that the project was excluded from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework because Islamabad was unable to meet China’s “strict conditions” for agreement.

Pakistan pulls plug on dam deal over China’s ‘too strict’ conditions in latest blow to Belt and Road plans

The Chinese conditions were “not doable and against our interests”, Pakistan’s Express Tribunequoted Water and Power Development Authority chairman Muzammil Hussain as saying on November 14.

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Hussain said the conditions centred on project ownership, operation and maintenance costs and possibly giving China operational rights to another Pakistani dam, according to the report.

The official with the NDRC, an agency under the State Council with broad administrative and planning control over the Chinese economy, was quoted as saying the two governments are still in touch regarding cooperation on the Diamer-Bhasha dam, although the facility is not part of the CPEC plan.

China’s super link to Gwadar Port

The dam, on the Indus river in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, is in the preliminary stages of construction.

The official said Chinese companies had made large investments to generate profit from the Gwadar Port since taking over management rights. Gwadar Port, a deep-sea port on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, is seen as vital to the US$57 billion CEPC plan and a crucial element of China’s massive trade and infrastructure undertaking, the “Belt and Road Initiative”.


A Pakistani Naval personnel stands guard during the opening in 2016 of a trade route linking Gwadar Port to the Chinese city of Kashgar. Photo: AFP

The CPEC, a flagship project under the Belt and Road Initiative, is considered vital to open up trade along land and sea corridors from Asia to Africa to Europe.

Who ever is lying. We are enjoying.....

Chinese are facing money loss for investment there.
Pakistan is loosing face over the deal.

:pop: We must enjoy the game.
Beijing did not ask for ownership rights to Diamer-Bhasha dam, an unnamed official with China’s top planning agency was quoted on state media

Viola ZhouUPDATED : Friday, 8 Dec 2017, 11:15AM

An official with China’s top planning agency said it does not accept Pakistan’s claim that it decided to cancel a US$14 billion infrastructure deal with China because Beijing was making demands that were impossible to meet, state media reported.

The Chinese government did not ask for ownership or operation rights to the Diamer-Bhasha dam or seek to take another Pakistan dam in exchange for striking an agreement with Islamabad, the state-run Xinhua news agency on Thursday quoted an unnamed official with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) as saying.


Diamer Bhasha dam is in the preliminary stages of construction on the Indus river in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Photo: Handout.

The conditions “did not exist”, the official was quoted. “The recent reports on Pakistani media contained factual mistakes”, “or they only reflected the stands of individual officials”.

Pakistani media had reported last month that the project was excluded from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework because Islamabad was unable to meet China’s “strict conditions” for agreement.

Pakistan pulls plug on dam deal over China’s ‘too strict’ conditions in latest blow to Belt and Road plans

The Chinese conditions were “not doable and against our interests”, Pakistan’s Express Tribunequoted Water and Power Development Authority chairman Muzammil Hussain as saying on November 14.

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Hussain said the conditions centred on project ownership, operation and maintenance costs and possibly giving China operational rights to another Pakistani dam, according to the report.

The official with the NDRC, an agency under the State Council with broad administrative and planning control over the Chinese economy, was quoted as saying the two governments are still in touch regarding cooperation on the Diamer-Bhasha dam, although the facility is not part of the CPEC plan.

China’s super link to Gwadar Port

The dam, on the Indus river in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, is in the preliminary stages of construction.

The official said Chinese companies had made large investments to generate profit from the Gwadar Port since taking over management rights. Gwadar Port, a deep-sea port on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, is seen as vital to the US$57 billion CEPC plan and a crucial element of China’s massive trade and infrastructure undertaking, the “Belt and Road Initiative”.


A Pakistani Naval personnel stands guard during the opening in 2016 of a trade route linking Gwadar Port to the Chinese city of Kashgar. Photo: AFP

The CPEC, a flagship project under the Belt and Road Initiative, is considered vital to open up trade along land and sea corridors from Asia to Africa to Europe.


With the huge billions being invested in Pakistan via CPEC which will last many decades, certain projects will be given less priority and put on a tempoary back burner while the main objectives are fulfilled. This is ALL part of the journey of Pakistan's economic redemption.
Who ever is lying. We are enjoying.....

Chinese are facing money loss for investment there.
Pakistan is loosing face over the deal.

:pop: We must enjoy the game.
You enjoy in your dream. China never have things half done. If there is only one country on this planet which can make impossible a reality, that will be China.
You enjoy in your dream. China never have things half done. If there is only one country on this planet which can make impossible a reality, that will be China.
Tell that to the China made bridge which collapsed in Kenya two weeks after work completion.

Bravado's aside, you should make better deals, and don't think everyone is going to go your way, no matter how taller than mountain your relation is. :coffee:
Tell that to the China made bridge which collapsed in Kenya two weeks after work completion.

Bravado's aside, you should make better deals, and don't think everyone is going to go your way, no matter how taller than mountain your relation is. :coffee:
How come China built most the world's longest bridges all across China which never have any problems? call me a liar if I say that China is the world leader in bridge constructions. When there are conflicting reports about some projects in Pakistan , how can you be sure that China wants to quit after throwing in billions of dollars? China never have things half done, it's not in our genes to do so.
How come China built most the world's longest bridges all across China which never have any problems? call me a liar if I say that China is the world leader in bridge constructions. When there are conflicting reports about some projects in Pakistan , how can you be sure that China wants to quit after throwing in billions of dollars? China never have things half done, it's not in our genes to do so.
Who said anything about China quitting, I said, you cannot impose unreasonable demands (At least that's what Pakistani's claim).
How come China built most the world's longest bridges all across China which never have any problems? call me a liar if I say that China is the world leader in bridge constructions. When there are conflicting reports about some projects in Pakistan , how can you be sure that China wants to quit after throwing in billions of dollars? China never have things half done, it's not in our genes to do so.

Brother, ignore these people. They're just trolls. There are ONLY 2 global Superpowers in the world. There is a pertinent reason for that. China is one of them. india is not and is far away from being one. China is also set to become the world's 1st ever global hyperpower. That's the most important thing. Not what a group of irrelevant and meaningless people think and their opinions.
Who said anything about China quitting, I said, you cannot impose unreasonable demands (At least that's what Pakistani's claim).
If that is the case we are pretty sure that we can work it out on friendly terms, that's way too normal in doing business anywhere in the world, it's called business negotiations, why the fuss you Indians are making on something that can't be more common and normal in business world.
Well obviously China demandnothing , the Newspaper/media some elements get funding from USA money goes into their UAE accounts so Pakistan military has to keep a close check on what Pakistani news papers publish

However there is also news of , RAW's 500 Million in market to be used to spread anti China and Pakistan news articles and misinformation

Official Government site is the best source
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