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China defence budget to double over 5 years

If China has the economy to support such expenditure then it is totally fair to do so. However, China does not really need to spend more than twice (at the higher estimates) of what it is currently spending unless it has pretty high aspirations. It will also cause India to focus more spending on defense to keep up with it's doctrine and the economic trade between the two countries would also be a substantial deterrent for the arms race to enter such levels. Meanwhile, US is spending too much on defense and will grow increasingly uncomfortable as China's segment wise spending outgrows its own, even if the purchasing power parity is neglected.
Big Deal!

China's defence budget will outstrip the US within a decade.
You know, i smile every time i read that China's Defense budget is going up.

Because with a growing economy you can always grow your defense spending.

However, as much as the US media brainwashes and keeps it's citizens terrified, they will showcase this increase in Chinese Defense budget as someday Chinese might come marching to US soil and Americans will have to give up their SUVs, McDonalds and Beach trips.

So the government and Military-Industrial complex will continue to spend and earn more (respectively).

In reality, US will go bankrupt.
You know, i smile every time i read that China's Defense budget is going up.

Because with a growing economy you can always grow your defense spending.

However, as much as the US media brainwashes and keeps it's citizens terrified, they will showcase this increase in Chinese Defense budget as someday Chinese might come marching to US soil and Americans will have to give up their SUVs, McDonalds and Beach trips.

So the government and Military-Industrial complex will continue to spend and earn more (respectively).

In reality, US will go bankrupt.

they're going to lose those anyways but not because of us. natural forces of history and the laws of physics will limit their total potential and then decrease their per capita expenditure as their population explodes.
they're going to lose those anyways but not because of us. natural forces of history and the laws of physics will limit their total potential and then decrease their per capita expenditure as their population explodes.

yeah you are right! US population will be overwhelmed by indian race (indian people from india not american native). everywhere in USA you see india people come over for master, PhD degree. then find the way to stay in US permanantly, then bring the whole family, relatives, spouse's families.... i even saw hotel run by indian. they hire people from india to come over. no wonder why american losing their jobs
Don't forget China has many huge SOEs on military developments. Money are being concealed from the budget. Now a day, money is power. Watch out America!
Don't believe every American military lobbyist looking for enemies to get more business. These are the same people who sometimes use PPP when estimating military budgets. Several years ago, some American agencies actually estimated that China's military spending was nearly $200 billion when it was closer to $60 billion at the time. If you applied these same guesstimates to today, the PPP military spending according to these "experts"...lol...would be around $300 billion! With these sorts of jokers in influential positions, is it any surprise why the US is constantly being embarrassed and making military blunders? It's amazing how Americans are so easily frightened into paying for wasteful military pork while protesting wasteful spending. It's hilarious yet disturbing.
Don't believe every American military lobbyist looking for enemies to get more business. These are the same people who sometimes use PPP when estimating military budgets. Several years ago, some American agencies actually estimated that China's military spending was nearly $200 billion when it was closer to $60 billion at the time. If you applied these same guesstimates to today, the PPP military spending according to these "experts"...lol...would be around $300 billion! With these sorts of jokers in influential positions, is it any surprise why the US is constantly being embarrassed and making military blunders? It's amazing how Americans are so easily frightened into paying for wasteful military pork while protesting wasteful spending. It's hilarious yet disturbing.

the US military could be much weaker than we thought. Who knows how much of the money went into 5000 dollar toilet seats?
This article is nonsense. China's military spending as a percentage of GDP has been trending downwards since the mid 90s. There is no way the budget would double by 2015, and really there is not gain in doing so. The current budget is more than adequate to deter unfriendly countries from doing anything silly. The real focus of government spending should be on infrastructure and education.
This article is nonsense. China's military spending as a percentage of GDP has been trending downwards since the mid 90s. There is no way the budget would double by 2015, and really there is not gain in doing so. The current budget is more than adequate to deter unfriendly countries from doing anything silly. The real focus of government spending should be on infrastructure and education.
I think defence spending should not exceed a country's GDP by more than 3%. Realistically, no one would dare to invade China by land. It's better to concentrate on navy and air force for the next decade.
Prefer us not spend as much or higher then the US until we have a bigger economy then them.

Which is exactly why I said within a decade and not now.

Unless something goes horribly wrong, expect China to have an economy 50-100% larger than US by 2022.
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