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China declares Pakistan has a future Economic power

I'm showing how you guys are butchering the Pak economy while pretending to be friends. you have taken advantage of their friendship and destroyed their industries while charging them loan shark rates for projects AND AND AND you start projects in their country and tell their industries to stay the hell away ( majority has to be owned by Chinese companies) !

Take at look the what i read in the past Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

Pol Eco, NOS, The News International Pakistan dumping grounds for china

Shut up, you just show you an idiot, there is no anything. you know what free trade agreements? China also reduced the rate of Pakistan, Pakistan's exports have also increased significantly. the other to see here.

A country's economic and trade not only in just two countries, but the overall trade structure. In the bottom line, if the price is right, why Pakistan does not import Chinese goods? It is certainly better as to import other countries goods with a high price, Although this will have a trade deficit, but you can not just look at the two country's trade, it is beneficial for Pakistan overall economic and trade. Moreover, Pakistan free trade agreement also means that more exports form China .This is a good thing, not to mention both the technical and production cooperation. If you can consider the deeper, China is moving part of the excess production line , a free trade policy to have increased more attractive in Pakistan. Strictly speaking, if you can get a better price in the import, it is a good thing, not a bad thing, the key is that you must also increase exports, which is the key. but Pakistan's trade structure is very coincidence and Southeast Asian countries, taking into account transport costs and other costs , there is not enough competition. on the trade between China and Pakistan, I have three proposals, one, to increase Pakistan's exports goods (in particular, special products) competitive, because I do not know enough about it, so can only take a simple word. Second, to attract investment in China and other countries, the establishment of industrial zones, a regional production base. Third, China needs to consider a government to government procurement in trade, taking into account the competitiveness of Pakistan, there is a difficulty in the short term. If China have the ability, I hope to have a special trade preferences, such as government procurement. This is probably the most practical way to increase the exports of Pakistan, if China has the ability to do it,I suggest that there is a government procurement policy for Pakistan

As for commercial disputes, with a commercial solution to business problems, if it is true, I hope the Chinese to compensation in accordance with the agreement.
1.) Ambassador of china in pakistan is to say few nice words and use pakistan for the benefit of pakistan.

2.) Even then he have not said anything that the tread title suggest.

3.) Even if he says that now it will not change the facts and situation in pakistan.

4.) If pakistan wants to progress and get develop then the only way forward is that you have friendship with India.

Then you can save your wastage on military and get the Indian market for your companies.

5.) China is very cunning they only look for their gain only but we Indians/Pakistanis are emotional fool we can give better deal to each other just for the sake of friendship and our people.

6.) The mess is pakistan the daily bomb blasts etc. are going to raise day by day and don't be in illusion that with exit of USA from Afganistan everything will fall into place.

The extremism, feudalism, divisions in pakistan is a danger to its existence.

7.) USA is not going any where and allow free passage to china in gulf and central asia.

8.) After this old fellow Manmohan singh's retirement things will not be very easy for pakistan if it continue to needle India. Next PM (no matter which party came to power) will left with no other action to ask its agencies to pay pakistan with the same coin.

So the mantra is tackle extremism, feudalism and have friendship with India.
So the real issue is why government of Pakistan has not gone into overdrive mode in promoting higher volumes of trade with China??? The Indian is doing US$65 Billion in trade with China and telling Pakistan that trade with China is bad (of course the Indian is doing this honestly, so it's not disingenuous)

How can ordinary Pakistanis help push the federal government of Pakistan to move more quickly to increase the volumes of trade with China -- those who are resisting change will find that they are not only punishing themselves but the entirety of nations -- trade is not a privilege reserved for just a select few, those who refuse to make themselves competitive should find other things to do and allow others to satisfy the markets

Bro, seriously, did you even read my postings? India is not telling anyone crap- I am :D, ----- showing why your industries and economy is taking a huge hit and unless you scrap and revamp that FTA deal... how do you expect to stop the bleeding of your industries going up in flames?
Bro, seriously, did you even read my postings? India is not telling anyone crap- I am :D, ----- showing why your industries and economy is taking a huge hit and unless you scrap and revamp that FTA deal... how do you expect to stop the bleeding of your industries going up in flames?

People are not able to keep the perspective sometimes.
1.) Ambassador of china in pakistan is to say few nice words and use pakistan for the benefit of pakistan.

2.) Even then he have not said anything that the tread title suggest.

3.) Even if he says that now it will not change the facts and situation in pakistan.

4.) If pakistan wants to progress and get develop then the only way forward is that you have friendship with India.

Then you can save your wastage on military and get the Indian market for your companies.

5.) China is very cunning they only look for their gain only but we Indians/Pakistanis are emotional fool we can give better deal to each other just for the sake of friendship and our people.

6.) The mess is pakistan the daily bomb blasts etc. are going to raise day by day and don't be in illusion that with exit of USA from Afganistan everything will fall into place.

The extremism, feudalism, divisions in pakistan is a danger to its existence.

7.) USA is not going any where and allow free passage to china in gulf and central asia.

8.) After this old fellow Manmohan singh's retirement things will not be very easy for pakistan if it continue to needle India. Next PM (no matter which party came to power) will left with no other action to ask its agencies to pay pakistan with the same coin.

So the mantra is tackle extremism, feudalism and have friendship with India.

Indians are jealous of the friendship between China and Pakistan. They can't do anything about it in real life so they go online, spread false rumours and quote false statistics and pour out their vitriol.
Bro, seriously, did you even read my postings? India is not telling anyone crap- I am :D, ----- showing why your industries and economy is taking a huge hit and unless you scrap and revamp that FTA deal... how do you expect to stop the bleeding of your industries going up in flames?

You fly an Indian flag. What's your point?
Indians talk about how trade between India & China is far greater than with Pakistan. That is true. However, why are Indians crapping in their pants when China is giving Pakistan nuclear deals against the approval of the US/India, shoring up its defenses in Gilgit & Baltistan, investing in the development of the deep sea port of Gwadar etc? And isn't China trying to balkanize & split up India, according to the Indian pundits? Aren't more than half of India's internal problems allegedly the fault of China?
Indians are jealous of the friendship between China and Pakistan. They can't do anything about it in real life so they go online, spread false rumours and quote false statistics and pour out their vitriol.

trust me- I would not wish your kind of friendship and deals on my worst enemy :P... nothing false in what I say- it's all from pak economist links and pak chamber of commerce reports
Indians talk about how trade between India & China is far greater than with Pakistan. That is true. However, why are Indians crapping in their pants when China is giving Pakistan nuclear deals against the approval of the US/India, shoring up its defenses in Gilgit & Baltistan, investing in the development of the deep sea port of Gwadar etc? And isn't China trying to balkanize & split up India, according to the Indian pundits? Aren't more than half of India's internal problems allegedly the fault of China?

huh? the only Indian ( actually I'm American citizen- proudly too) talking about Trade is ME! -- so i guess your post is directed to ME!. I could care less what they are building for you, go ahead build it. But understand this--- the deal means you pay principle+ interest BUT ALSO + royalties+ share of the profits from the sale of energy from those plants and ports for decades to come. This kind of deal is not a friend deal, let alone normal- it's the kind of deal they do with african countries - in fact it's so bad that you and I would be fired if we renegotiated it in the corporate world !

look- if you want to be blind to this and attack me, go for it. It's your country- attacking me and being blind to asking for accountability - won't make a difference to me, HOWEVER it will make a difference to your country. and let me state again, it's not china's fault- if you give it to them laying down they will take it!
Indians are jealous of the friendship between China and Pakistan. They can't do anything about it in real life so they go online, spread false rumours and quote false statistics and pour out their vitriol.

And chinese are fooling around pakistan just giving them ego message that they are their friend against India. But in reality china need pakistan more then pakistan needs china. China is using pakistan to counter India, to slow its growth, a route to central Asia, Gulf, Europe (Turkey) and chinese are paying too little for it. They invest and pay much more to African nations.
trust me- I would not wish your kind of friendship and deals on my worst enemy :P... nothing false in what I say- it's all from pak economist links and pak chamber of commerce reports

That delusional level of cynicism just destroyed any of your credibility. China is the hottest destination for foreign investment, foreign companies, and international trade. China's trade is conducted by mutual agreement and respect, unlike former colonial powers like Britain, which enslaved entire nations to better push on them British wares.
There is no doubt Pakistan can be Asian Tiger in Economy as we have much resources ........just need to utilize them......
Pakistan is number 1 in Salt reserves.....Number 5 in Gold, 7 in Copper, 5 in Coal Reserves in the World, Plus we have Gawadar Port economicaly very strong Port.....We have Sea, Deserts, Forests, Land, Fertile area, almost every fruit and vegitable of world grow in Pakistan.........Just matter of time and need to use these resources properly....

Just 1 month before Dr. Samar Mubarak Said on TV channels that we have much coal reserves that we can produce 50000 Mega Watt Electricity per Annum for next 500 years....plus we can also make diesel from that coal that will be engough for country's need............As i said we need right peoples to use these resources........in right direction.
huh? the only Indian ( actually I'm American citizen- proudly too) talking about Trade is ME! -- so i guess your post is directed to ME!. I could care less what they are building for you, go ahead build it. But understand this--- the deal means you pay principle+ interest BUT ALSO + royalties+ share of the profits from the sale of energy from those plants and ports for decades to come. This kind of deal is not a friend deal, let alone normal- it's the kind of deal they do with african countries - in fact it's so bad that you and I would be fired if we renegotiated it in the corporate world !

look- if you want to be blind to this and attack me, go for it. It's your country- attacking me and being blind to asking for accountability - won't make a difference to me, HOWEVER it will make a difference to your country. and let me state again, it's not china's fault- if you give it to them laying down they will take it!

You may live in America, but you're worse than true Indians on this forum when it comes to trying to drive a wedge between China and Pakistan. The difference between Imperial America and China is that Chinese help does not come with a string attached saying be my slave or else. If Pakistanis want Chinese companies to leave, all they have to do is reject a business deal. To imply that China is somehow colonizing Pakistan is to project American greed onto China.
huh? the only Indian ( actually I'm American citizen- proudly too) talking about Trade is ME! -- so i guess your post is directed to ME!. I could care less what they are building for you, go ahead build it. But understand this--- the deal means you pay principle+ interest BUT ALSO + royalties+ share of the profits from the sale of energy from those plants and ports for decades to come. This kind of deal is not a friend deal, let alone normal- it's the kind of deal they do with african countries - in fact it's so bad that you and I would be fired if we renegotiated it in the corporate world !

look- if you want to be blind to this and attack me, go for it. It's your country- attacking me and being blind to asking for accountability - won't make a difference to me, HOWEVER it will make a difference to your country. and let me state again, it's not china's fault- if you give it to them laying down they will take it!

Btw, I'm a naturalized American citizen as well, but unlike you, I was born in Pakistan; and love it with all my heart and soul. I visit Pakistan once a year. I'm 23, I've lived in America for 9 years now. I also love America, but I don't forget where I come from. Yes, Pakistan is my country as well; maybe India isn't your country because you don't remember where you come from. I know I really can't make a difference in Pakistan right now, but I intend to do so in the future, once I get my career up & running. I'm proud of Pakistan in every way, even though I don't live there. Maybe you aren't with India, because you're an American now. So please, stop with all the personal attacks.
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