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China confirms export of eight submarines to Pakistan

Pakistan will import an AIP solution.

Pakistan cannot build submarines like this at home, not without undertaking significant capacity building in advanced metallurgy (for undersea applications), propulsion technology, sensors, etc.
will another new western sub join PN along with S-20 in 2030 time frame.
@Rashid Mahmood
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Thanks. btw do you think by the time we get close to the delivery, can we demand more modern features akin to Chinese submarine tech considering how fast is technology progressing especially military technology?

Has PAK-NAVY discussed this part with Chinese in Agreement?
I don't know the details, but I would assume that the Pakistan Navy's willingness to invest in Chinese submarine technology is probably conditional on accessing the best of what China has to offer, at least in some respects. For example, if there's a fuel cell AIP program in China, I expect the PN would make a play for it.

will another new western sub join PN along with S-20 in 2030 time frame.
@Rashid Mahmood
I don't think so. The PN will eventually need to replace the Agosta 90B, potentially in the 2030s. I think there is a reasonable chance that the PN may take a look at the Turkish MILDEN national submarine @cabatli_53 That is as close to 'Western' we may get, but I wouldn't expect French or German submarines.

I think Pakistan will try and build it's own Nuclear subs...maybe?
See @Oscar's thread on the Pakistan Navy forum. Nuclear-powered submarines is a concept Pakistan is examining and gradually developing, but there is no ETA or firm expectation of one just yet.
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How much outdated can they get given PN still operate antiques I.e. Agosta 70s.
Agusta-70s remained the king of its era dude :)

I have always wondered,,, can't we lease Chinese submarines and aircraft carriers... "Aircraft carrier" just to poke india.... :sarcastic: with jets onboard.. :woot:
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I don't know the details, but I would assume that the Pakistan Navy's willingness to invest in Chinese submarine technology is probably conditional on accessing the best of what China has to offer, at least in some respects. For example, if there's a fuel cell AIP program in China, I expect the PN would make a play for it.

I don't think so. The PN will eventually need to replace the Agosta 90B, potentially in the 2030s. I think there is a reasonable chance that the PN may take a look at the Turkish MILDEN national submarine @cabatli_53 That is as close to 'Western' we may get, but I wouldn't expect French or German submarines.

See @Oscar's thread on the Pakistan Navy forum. Nuclear-powered submarines is a concept Pakistan is examining and gradually developing, but there is no ETA or firm expectation of one just yet.

Turkish MILDEN national submarine
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I wonder how these subs will compare against the Augusta 90B's after they have been upgraded by Turkey.
How much would that cost (approx)?
Cost can be a manageable factor if your politicians stop looting country's coffers and leave country's money in country's treasure. First it was AAZ who looted Pakistan mercilessly, then came NS turn, and he wiped it clean whatever was left off by AAZ. Country of Pakistan is under such a huge and unimaginable IMF debt burden that most of the population probably don't even realize and I do not know how it will ever come out of it. Come next election, AAZ and his cronies again for looting. If they don't get their chance, NS is always there. Good luck guys.
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You sure about that ? because If americans can intercept Chinese influenced Anti ship missiles, What is stopping Barak-8 from intercepting sub sonic Harpoons ?
Dont be silly. Barak 8 may be good but in actual conflict lot of things can go wrong that will allow your ships to be vulnerable. Even barak8doesn't have a probability of intercept of 100% (p=1). Consider the possibility that late block harpoon is better than noor or c802. And that usn ship self defences may be better than yours. Notably ew.

How much outdated can they get given PN still operate antiques I.e. Agosta 70s.
wonder why singapore bought old swedish subs then, which dont even fire harpoon...

The Agosta 90B program ran from 1994 to around 2007 to produce 3 submarines. India's Scorpene program entered production in 2009 and is expected to be complete by 2021.

Not sure how eight submarines over 12 years is "worse" ?
While building a mature design at two yards? That should be speedier.
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