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China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

2013.1.27 8:00pm XinJiang sky



looks like a spirit.:fie::P
it is weired that China and USA test missile interception at same day.
and it is not the first time we make this kind of test. why today?
On web ,there are lots of witnesses and pics from people living in westen China.

To be similar to US's GBI or NMD,That is far more advanced and complicated than terminal stage interception. It has more than 200KM vertical reach usually,and use KKV interceptor technology.
But China has no global fleet, Sea-base midcourse interception is still not appeared.






China carries out land-based mid-course missile interception test
Xinhua | January 27, 2013 23:38

China again carried out a land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory Sunday.

Xinhua learned the news from the Information Bureau of China's Defense Ministry.

"The test has reached the preset goal," an official with the bureau said.

"The test is defensive in nature and targets no other country," he said.

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This test also appears to be exoatmospheric like I have quoted on another thread that this is another testing that we have achieved successfully about 3 years ago:

Development of midcourse ABM in China

The technology and experience from the successful anti-satellite test using a ground-launched interceptor during January 2007 was immediately applied to current ABM efforts and development.

China carried out a land-based anti-ballistic missile test on 11 January 2010. The test was exoatmospheric and done in midcourse phase and with a kinetic kill vehicle. China is the second country after US that demonstrated intercepting ballistic missile with a kinetic kill vehicle, the interceptor missile was a SC-19. The sources suggest the system is not operationally deployed as of 2010.
Rumored midcourse missiles:
Anti-ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, if the interception of a NUKE in exoatmosphere , then something disastrous will surely happen to the orbiting satellites , space stations and other flying objects.
I want to see a mid-course missile interception from the type 052D. Why haven't we done such a test yet?
As far as I know, the SM-3 can ONLY intercept missiles in the mid-course. We have already done mid-course interception from land in 2010, I was hoping this time it will be sea-based interception.
Some videos taken from civilians...

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it is weired that China and USA test missile interception at same day.
and it is not the first time we make this kind of test. why today?

I want to see a mid-course missile interception from the type 052D. Why haven't we done such a test yet?
As far as I know, the SM-3 can ONLY intercept missiles in the mid-course. We have already done mid-course interception from land in 2010, I was hoping this time it will be sea-based interception.

Over these 2 days. US has tested its land base interceptor; japan launched its spy satellite; we tested our land based interceptor and india has test-launched its 1.5k km-range ballistic missile from sea ( the missiles are to be deployed on the russian submarine)!
I want to see a mid-course missile interception from the type 052D. Why haven't we done such a test yet?
As far as I know, the SM-3 can ONLY intercept missiles in the mid-course. We have already done mid-course interception from land in 2010, I was hoping this time it will be sea-based interception.

If you want to see a shipborne mid-course interceptor, then you need to build a nuclear cruiser of around 30,000 tons, since the current Aegis DDGs aren't big enough to handle this. :coffee:
How safe and effective with mid-course intercept missile against NUKE?

Depending on how far it is you want to keep it away over the pacific, shuttler explained it well.

Also, if the interception of a NUKE in exoatmosphere , then something disastrous will surely happen to the orbiting satellites , space stations and other flying objects.

The Emp would destroy what is within the range I would say satellites more then anything, if were intercepted over a city or something it would cripple that area.

Everyone do not miss this awesome live video !!!

2013.1.27 China successfully conducted a ground-based midcourse missile interception technology
test, 2x live videos of China anti-missile in XinJiang sky:
China anti-missile live video

Live video 1:

Live video 2:

Thanks looks like the spiral that happened over Norway.
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