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China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

Uighur Muslims are linked with TTP. That's why.

What a gross generalization. Really, the entirety of the Uighur Muslim population is responsible for and linked with TTP? It is their Etim that is linked with TTP and this group should not represent the ground realities of Uighurs in China.
Has China ever criticized us? No. So there is no need to interfere in their internal affairs.

To get technical, yes they have, the article below is my proof. While being veiled in their own efforts, we are told to tackle militancy because FATA is the only master haven for Etim. Not the case as we blew away their leader since 2003. But this thread is not a tit for tat, or an opportunity to screw up an important alliance between Pak and China and I would never cross that line because it also negates the point of this discussion. I am however not amused by people turning a blind eye to a real problem in China, and for the betterment of our ally we should not be quiet about the suppression of religious minorities in China to an extent that it affects the average person and belittles are own stances.

China orders Pak to tackle militancy
I am however not amused by people turning a blind eye to a real problem in China, and for the betterment of our ally we should not be quiet about the suppression of religious minorities in China to an extent that it affects the average person and belittles are own stances.

You're right, it is in everyone's interests to make sure that religious minorities don't face problems and persecution because of the actions of a few.

It is certainly a VERY important issue that should not be brushed aside.

Although as a side note, it's more about separatism than religion, since the largest group of Chinese Muslims (the Hui) do not face these restrictions. The main issue here is Uyghur separatist movements. However that is still no excuse for imposing restrictions on the entire Uyghur community for the actions of a few.

An interesting page to read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_China
In the USSR in the areas I visited, people were discouraged from attending churchs,, mosques or places of worship...not only were there the Society of the Godless, which all members of the youth movement Konsomol were obliged to join It was made illegal to teach religion to children. At the same time the state schools taught that religion was ignorant superstition.

Entry to Higher Education depended on recommendation through the Communist Party and the Konsomol league, therefore anyone who openly declared their religious belief was barred from Higher Education.

When you teach a kid in school every day that religion is ignorant superstition hes pretty well brain washed by the time he is an adult. I expect its the same in China.
Freedom of religion is not freedom to be a terrorist. This article itself is fake. Do you think that posting several more articles will make it less fake?

Do you think that denial and defense of the party line will fool people? Chinese persecution of of all religious groups has been well documented for decades. The reason is the Communist party fears what it can't control. And it especially fears religion since it controls the hearts of men.
In the USSR in the areas I visited, people were discouraged from attending churchs,, mosques or places of worship...not only were there the Society of the Godless, which all members of the youth movement Konsomol were obliged to join It was made illegal to teach religion to children. At the same time the state schools taught that religion was ignorant superstition.

Entry to Higher Education depended on recommendation through the Communist Party and the Konsomol league, therefore anyone who openly declared their religious belief was barred from Higher Education.

When you teach a kid in school every day that religion is ignorant superstition hes pretty well brain washed by the time he is an adult. I expect its the same in China.

Entry to higher education in China is based around a comprehensive test in Chinese, English and Math and a selection of either social science (political science, history, geography) or physical science (physics, chemistry, biology). Only half of the students (those going into social science) are tested on politics, and it accounts for only 1/6 of the total grade.

Entry to higher education in the US, on the other hand, is subject to a racist test that discriminates against blacks and mexicans and an admission system biased towards upper class whites because it takes into account things other than test scores (already biased) and grades, such as extracurricular activities that minorities cannot afford. Of course, we also must note that US Politics is a required class in US high schools, while Chinese Politics is not required for those on the physical sciences track. Thus, the US is not only racist but also engages in more political indoctrination.
Entry to higher education in China is based around a comprehensive test in Chinese, English and Math and a selection of either social science (political science, history, geography) or physical science (physics, chemistry, biology). Only half of the students (those going into social science) are tested on politics, and it accounts for only 1/6 of the total grade.

Entry to higher education in the US, on the other hand, is subject to a racist test that discriminates against blacks and mexicans and an admission system biased towards upper class whites because it takes into account things other than test scores (already biased) and grades, such as extracurricular activities that minorities cannot afford. Of course, we also must note that US Politics is a required class in US high schools, while Chinese Politics is not required for those on the physical sciences track. Thus, the US is not only racist but also engages in more political indoctrination.

Tested on poltics in China and if you fail you dont get a higher education. That figures, it was about the same in the USSR.
Most extracurricular activities in the USA are free, normally there is no charge.. if you ever saw a high school basketball, foot ball baseball or band in the USA you would know that many many blacks an spanish are involved in extracurricular activities. Fail in China and you dont go on to school in the USA the goverment does not get to decide whom gets a higher education and who doesnt. The schools might have individual requirements but its at a local level, not federal.

US Goverment is a required class not US Politics. In a democracy its important to know how the goverment works and the history of the US but a teacher would be unprofessional is they were to teach their poltical or religious view point.

Lot of people that dont do all that well on tests go on to a higher education and do quite well in life.

You just cant quite comprehend what its like to live in country where the goverment does not get to make all or even many of the decisions for an individual
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It's offtopic but What i realise from this thread is that all the ummah love expressed by pakistani members in various threads about indian muslims was just to divide hindus and muslims in india!If it was in india that government banned muslims under 18 from entering mosques(which i dont think is a bad thing) these pakistanis would be jumping with ummah love,where are they now?when it comes to china as mehru said it is just "china's internal matter",when it comes to india it's the matter of "ummah"beyond all evil things like nationality!I have seen many pakistanis in this forum saying indian muslims should not be loyal to hindu india,but when it comes to china anyone(say uighur)who is not loyal to non muslim china is a terrorist.When people use religion and conveniently forgets it whenever each of it suit their agenda,they are gonna reap big time for what they have sowed.
I don't think the Chinese authorities has problems with any religion except perhaps Catholicism.

Generally speaking Chinese propaganda works outside big cities are so laughably unsophisticated only people with the crudest sensitivity can survive in local propaganda departments without going mad. And sometimes it shows.
So easy to call others terrorists. I wonder what argument you will use to justify Kashmiri freedom struggle but call Uighur Muslims terrorists for saying China interferes too much in religion.
The Kashmiris are muslims and are not anti-pakistan. The Ughairs on other side have open hostility towards Pakistan, thanks to ummah politics mentality. Secondly Ughairs have their own made up sect where they openly consumate alcohol and pork. The "muslim" status of Ughairs at best is suspected much like those of Ahmedis and Qadianiys. We need to calm down emotionalism and see the real picture. A large part of Muslim world does not recocnize Ughairs as muslims and side with Chinese policy on Xinjiang.

Chinese government interferes too much with religion. It is the useless and often suppressive communist cloak that is hindering their overall progress. That is a valid and fair criticism from a Pakistani.
While religious supression does run in China so does in USA, Europe and even Saudi Arabia. Most of the countries are not content with mullahs callin on youth to overthrow government, promote sepratism, enforcing made up medival laws under banner of "sharia" etc etc..we had experience in northern Pak. Whooo let the mullahs out??

When comes to china some people things its 100% ok what they do.

No matter china don't allow Muslims to read holy Quran or go for Haj pilgrimage.

Seriously?? So what is Chinese hajj mission doing in KSA??
????? ??????? ???????? - ???

Thousands of pilgrims come from China each year for Hajj and Umrah. And guess what?? They are one of the most organised, puntual and well planned hajjis around.

Uighur Muslims are linked with TTP. That's why.
Many Ughairs were arrested from TTP camps and handed back to China. Some of them were also involved in bombing targets inside Pakistan.
Tested on poltics in China and if you fail you dont get a higher education. That figures, it was about the same in the USSR.
Most extracurricular activities in the USA are free, normally there is no charge.. if you ever saw a high school basketball, foot ball baseball or band in the USA you would know that many many blacks an spanish are involved in extracurricular activities. Fail in China and you dont go on to school in the USA the goverment does not get to decide whom gets a higher education and who doesnt. The schools might have individual requirements but its at a local level, not federal.

US Goverment is a required class not US Politics. In a democracy its important to know how the goverment works and the history of the US but a teacher would be unprofessional is they were to teach their poltical or religious view point.

Lot of people that dont do all that well on tests go on to a higher education and do quite well in life.

You just cant quite comprehend what its like to live in country where the goverment does not get to make all or even many of the decisions for an individual

I don't think you understand how to read english. please go back and read it again, if you want to understand. Politics isn't even a required class for half the school (unlike US where everyone has to take US politics).
It may be fake news, but it's a real problem.

The Uyghurs have valid complaints, and we should listen to them.

The riots were finished, more than a year ago. The restrictions should be lifted.

No, it is not that valid as to a genuine religious complain.

Out of all the Muslims in China, why Uyghurs are the only one who are causing all those commotion. When is the last time you heard that Hui Muslim people had any those problem. It is more political motivated than religious one.
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I don't think the Chinese authorities has problems with any religion except perhaps Catholicism.
Generally speaking Chinese propaganda works outside big cities are so laughably unsophisticated only people with the crudest sensitivity can survive in local propaganda departments without going mad. And sometimes it shows.

Because it is stupid.

Why do people want to take orders from someone from thousands kilometers away who is not even Chinese?
No, it is not that valid as to a genuine religious complain.

Out of all the Muslims in China, why Uyghurs are the only one who are causing all those commotion. When is the last time you heard that Hui people had any those problem. It is more political motivated than religious one.

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be fair, Hui has some problems too, although they're mostly on the receiving end. Tibetans hate them with a passion, boycotting their business and burning down their mosques.

You won't hear it often on the news though, as Chinese government censors it to preserve 'social harmony' and international news outlets generally get Tibetan news from the exiles and the exiles suppress such news to protect their image as peaceful and tolerant.
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