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China 'colonising' terror-supporting Pak - EFSAS

indians need to be happy for this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 front war will become 1 front war ………………….

instead of thanking Pakistan they are crying like randis , lol

Stop worrying about Pakistan , Be very careful about your own land .

But but the Modi toadies sincerely care very much for Pakistan's well-being.

Too many stupid people here. The report is from Netherlands, not India.

LOL Sure and this Indian guy heading the brothel is also Dutch LOL

Thanks, at-least for once you agreed that a Kashmiri guy is an Indian. :enjoy:

LOL You can have a million "Kashmiri" animals like that on your side. If that guy is a Kashmiri I am 007.
LOL You can have a million "Kashmiri" animals like that on your side. If that guy is a Kashmiri I am 007.

Seriously, then I would be very jealous about you. :p:
suddenly every India have not only heard of EFSAS but know how credible their studies are


my question to poster, how long did it take you to find this noble organization and their hard work
EU can have our middle finger . they are the one whom colonies the world and destroyed asia africa not china .
This EFSAS is a cheap, two bit "think tank" that uses the title "European" to gain respectability and a address in Netherlands for show. It's just a front for anti Pakistan bile probably financed by Indian intelligence. Here is the so called offices of EFSAS. I have seen brothels with better frontages ...

This EFSAS is a cheap, two bit "think tank" that uses the title "European" to gain respectability and a address in Netherlands for show. It's just a front for anti Pakistan bile probably financed by Indian intelligence. Here is the so called offices of EFSAS. I have seen brothels with better frontages ...


It looked cleaner when it was a brothel:

Lanna Thai Massage

  • Adres: Rijnsburgstraat 54
  • Postcode: 1059 AX
  • Plaats: Amsterdam
  • Regio: Noord-Holland
  • Telefoon: 0659048420
  • Prijs per uur: € 75
These guys here are so permanently confused.

All the Research Fellows are non-Indians, including one from Muzaffarabad. Then there's this Muslim guy from Srinagar, who is apparently "Indian" or "non-Indian" or "Kashmiri" or "Pakistani" whenever the situation suits their agenda.

So people should make up their minds.

Kill the messenger, not the message. And let's kill logic at the same time too.
ANI | Amsterdam [Netherlands]

China is taking advantage of Pakistan being isolated by the international community post allegations of it sponsoring terrorism and is fully aware that its patronising attitude will eventually turn Islamabad into a colony dependent on China for day-to-day survival, a Netherlands-based think tank has said.

The Amsterdam-based European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) said, "As long as Pakistan operates in the shadow of another East India Company (i.e. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor or CPEC project) and does not realize the importance of protecting its national interests, which in essence are the people of Pakistan, any attempts for national development will transform into national calamity."

The EFSAS article further goes on to state, "The Chinese master plan conceives (of) a picture where the majority of Pakistani socio-economic sectors are deeply penetrated by Chinese companies and Chinese culture; thus, Islamabad puts itself at risk of facing its finances and societal structure experiencing a colossal wreck. The combination of high upfront tariffs, interest rates and surcharges will complicate Pakistan's efforts to repay its loans, forcing the state to increase its domestic and export prices, making it difficult to compete with neighbouring and other countries which maintain lower prices. The borrower is always servant to the lender. The 15-year (CPEC) mega project illuminates how Pakistan voluntarily is becoming progressively subjugated by China and its terms and conditions."

Though China has always called Pakistan as its friend also reflected in the statement by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his maiden visit to Pakistan in 2015 but this friendship has been always proven to be a burden for Pakistan due to the mounting debt on it by China.

The CPEC is proving to be an unfair deal for Pakistan which will lead to unending sufferings for it, the EFSAS article predicts.

If Pakistan does not weigh the pros and cons of each CPEC-related project wisely, it will always remain a win-win situation for China. This can be seen in the case of the Gwadar Port where profits generated via the trade route will be 91 percent in favour of China in the following 40 years.

As per the interests rates charged by the China Development Bank and the China EXIM Bank, China could recover its investment in less than three years, but for Pakistan, it could take another 25 years.

Claims by China that the CPEC will provide jobs for Pakistanis appear to be going up in smoke, giving way to public resentment and suspicion.

The China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has only seen several job opportunities moving from Pakistan to China, leading to a economic crisis in the country.

The construction of the CPEC has led to rising concerns of land grabbing in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Apart from the Chinese financial invasion, which constitutes securing jobs for its workers at the expense of locals, and flooding the market with cheap goods, which suffocates the domestic business, the adverse dimensions of the cultural exchange between the two countries should also be considered, says EFSAS.

It claims that Pakistanis are getting increasingly worried and wary about a cultural invasion by the Chinese.

In July-August 2015, a group of Pakistani teachers took part in a 15-day Chinese language training programme. The rising numbers of Pakistani students going to China for higher education is another area of concern. Pakistani students are now being sponsored for studies in China not just by the Chinese government, but also by Chinese companies. In 2017, around 2,500 Pakistani students were enrolled in different Chinese universities, bringing the total number of Pakistani students in China to 22,000. China has now become the largest destination for Pakistani students seeking overseas studies.

According to statistics from 2016 released by the Chinese Ministry of Education, more than 200,000 students from 64 countries along the Belt and Road Initiative were studying in China. The number of students studying in China from countries along the Silk Road project has increased greatly under a series of preferential policies and scholarships.

This is seen in Pakistan as a calculative move by China.

The CPEC will ensure that there are a sufficient number of Chinese living in Pakistan, which in the long run, might trigger off cultural friction.

Although China advertises Pakistan as its brother and 'all-weather friend', the truth is that their 'friendship' has always had an embedded enduring imbalance; Pakistan is in China's debt and the debt will only deepen.

CPEC 2018 Summit: A policy for success

By Dr Aynul Hassan

In Dr Aynul Hassan's opinion, CPEC may well reshape the future.

PEOPLE have often raised concerns about the CPEC being the next East India Company. But, much to their dismay, they have been proven wrong time and again. We now live in a globalised world where the countries are interdependent to fulfil their needs. Gone are the days when the foreigners would step on a land for the sole purpose of invasion and colonisation. They don’t set up their military bases now in foreign lands, but they are rather interested in setting up their businesses overseas. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is based on the win-win philosophy of Confucius.

With the successful execution of CPEC, both Pakistan and China are going to reshape the future of the economic world. China will have all that it needs at the moment to make its presence felt in every corner of the world; more seaports and direct routes to connect with different parts of the world, cutting down the shipping costs etc. Pakistan will see phenomenal growth in its infrastructure, energy and telecommunication sectors.

BRI bids to enhance regional connectivity and cooperation and to address the Infrastructural Gap of 68 countries across the Asia Pacific area and Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Thus, it has the potential to accelerate the economic growth. BRI has some of the largest infrastructure and investment projects in history, covering 65pc of the world’s population and 40pc of the global GDP as of 2017.

CPEC is a 3,218-km route, mainly consisting of, but not limited to, highways, railways, pipelines and energy projects. The project that had initially started off with a $46bn budget may now witness an increase which might take it to $75bn. Out of the total amount, a whopping $33bn will be for used for energy projects alone which will help Pakistan with its prevalent energy crises.

For China, its north-western landlocked region will become land and sea-linked through Kashgar, Gwadar and beyond. Its import cost of crude oil will decline significantly. More importantly, China’s further expansion of longterm trade with the West through Gwadar could be safe and secure as opposed to routes through the South China Sea or the Malacca Strait.

For many, CPEC is the gamechanger for Pakistan. Such are the expectations from the project on this side of the border. There is absolutely no doubt that it will help Pakistani traders get access to huge Chinese market that remains untapped to so many businesses in Pakistan.

With CPEC in place, one hopes that the large deposits of mineral resources will be extracted and made the most of. The tourism industry is also set to get a boost because of the opportunities that the CPEC brings with itself. Most of all, it will help create hundreds and thousands of jobs in Pakistan, resulting in significantly cutting down the problem of unemployment.

To implement CPEC in an optimal fashion, we need a development policy which ensures that peace, security and stability of the region are not compromised and there is scope for an average educated, healthy and disciplined workforce to perform duties on a mass scale. It should be ensured that the rule of law, accountability, meritocracy, transparency, good governance and business-friendly policies are in place for the successful execution of CPEC.

Once the aforementioned objectives are guaranteed, the work should be done to make the infrastructure better than ever because the CPEC will continue to play a critical role in the development of infrastructure across Pakistan.

The writer is Former Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, United Nations.

This article is part of the CPEC 2018 summit supplement. To read more from the supplement, visit the archive.

This EFSAS is a cheap, two bit "think tank" that uses the title "European" to gain respectability and a address in Netherlands for show. It's just a front for anti Pakistan bile probably financed by Indian intelligence. Here is the so called offices of EFSAS. I have seen brothels with better frontages ...


Looks like a massage parlor entrance. We have many over here in The Netherlands.

CPEC 2018 Summit: A policy for success

By Dr Aynul Hassan

In Dr Aynul Hassan's opinion, CPEC may well reshape the future.

PEOPLE have often raised concerns about the CPEC being the next East India Company. But, much to their dismay, they have been proven wrong time and again. We now live in a globalised world where the countries are interdependent to fulfil their needs. Gone are the days when the foreigners would step on a land for the sole purpose of invasion and colonisation. They don’t set up their military bases now in foreign lands, but they are rather interested in setting up their businesses overseas. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is based on the win-win philosophy of Confucius.

With the successful execution of CPEC, both Pakistan and China are going to reshape the future of the economic world. China will have all that it needs at the moment to make its presence felt in every corner of the world; more seaports and direct routes to connect with different parts of the world, cutting down the shipping costs etc. Pakistan will see phenomenal growth in its infrastructure, energy and telecommunication sectors.

BRI bids to enhance regional connectivity and cooperation and to address the Infrastructural Gap of 68 countries across the Asia Pacific area and Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Thus, it has the potential to accelerate the economic growth. BRI has some of the largest infrastructure and investment projects in history, covering 65pc of the world’s population and 40pc of the global GDP as of 2017.

CPEC is a 3,218-km route, mainly consisting of, but not limited to, highways, railways, pipelines and energy projects. The project that had initially started off with a $46bn budget may now witness an increase which might take it to $75bn. Out of the total amount, a whopping $33bn will be for used for energy projects alone which will help Pakistan with its prevalent energy crises.

For China, its north-western landlocked region will become land and sea-linked through Kashgar, Gwadar and beyond. Its import cost of crude oil will decline significantly. More importantly, China’s further expansion of longterm trade with the West through Gwadar could be safe and secure as opposed to routes through the South China Sea or the Malacca Strait.

For many, CPEC is the gamechanger for Pakistan. Such are the expectations from the project on this side of the border. There is absolutely no doubt that it will help Pakistani traders get access to huge Chinese market that remains untapped to so many businesses in Pakistan.

With CPEC in place, one hopes that the large deposits of mineral resources will be extracted and made the most of. The tourism industry is also set to get a boost because of the opportunities that the CPEC brings with itself. Most of all, it will help create hundreds and thousands of jobs in Pakistan, resulting in significantly cutting down the problem of unemployment.

To implement CPEC in an optimal fashion, we need a development policy which ensures that peace, security and stability of the region are not compromised and there is scope for an average educated, healthy and disciplined workforce to perform duties on a mass scale. It should be ensured that the rule of law, accountability, meritocracy, transparency, good governance and business-friendly policies are in place for the successful execution of CPEC.

Once the aforementioned objectives are guaranteed, the work should be done to make the infrastructure better than ever because the CPEC will continue to play a critical role in the development of infrastructure across Pakistan.

The writer is Former Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, United Nations.

This article is part of the CPEC 2018 summit supplement. To read more from the supplement, visit the archive.

Please abandon CPEC. All these projects won't benefit Pakistan. Chinese roads are hazardous for Pakistani health. Chinese energy projects are disastrous for the people of Pakistan. Chinese investment is evil. Please don't cooperate with China at any level.

Please keep taking WB/IMF loans. Please keep taking US aid/loans. IMF and US loans are halal. US and IMF aid only brings joy.

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