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China Civil Aviation, AVIC (MA600) & COMAC (ARJ21/C919/C929)

C919 jumbo jet expected to be powered by homemade engine: expert
By Liu Caiyu Source:Global Times Published: 2017/9/10 23:28:39
China's domestically developed jumbo jet C919 is expected to be equipped with homemade engines that feature light metal material, a Chinese expert said on Saturday.

Domestically made Changjiang-1000 engine (CJ-1000) that may be used to power the C919 is under development and will replace imported foreign engines in future on the jet, according to Cao Chunxiao, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher with Aero Engine Corporation of China Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, said on Saturday.

Nearly 23 percent of the CJ-1000 engine will probably be titanium alloy, which has higher density than iron and will help reduce the weight of the jet, Cao said during the 2017 China's Top 500 Enterprises Summit Forum on Saturday in Jiangxi, thepaper.cn reported.

The C919 made a successful maiden flight on May 5 this year. It was powered by LEAP-1C engine developed by CFM International, a 50-50 joint venture between France's Safran Aircraft Engines and GE of the US.

"It's quite competitive to have 23 percent titanium alloy on the CJ-1000. The mainstream civil engines in the world contain similar quantity of light materials," Wang Yanan, chief editor of the Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times on Sunday.

The homemade engine is expected to make breakthroughs in its main parts - turbine, fan and blades, Wang added.

"The first CJ-1000 engine is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 and a series of intensive tests are planned when it is mounted on an airplane," Feng Jinzhang, general manager at AECC Commercial Aircraft Engines Co, said at a forum on August 26.

"The CJ-1000 is not just a homemade product. If the CJ -1000 engine is tested successfully and is able to power aircraft, it will mark the evolution of China's aerospace industry from manufacturing mature military products to delivering civil products," Wang said.

"China owns very competitive aircraft engine manufacturing technology but it is mainly used in military," he explained.

Feng said that the C919 with homemade CJ-1000A engine will finish its assembly within this year, and the wide-body passenger jet C929 with the engine CJ-2000 is undergoing testing.

The market of engines for commercial aircraft is promising, which Feng estimated in the next two decades to hit 80,000 worldwide, with the market value reaching $1 trillion.

The CJ-1000 is designed for C919, but is expected to power either Boeing 737 or Airbus 320 or a similar newly built aircraft in the world market by 2025, Wang said.

The engines, as one of high-end products in aviation industry, will then become a pioneer of China's overall manufacturing industry, he added.
Its not a jumbo jet, not even close.
More compareable to the airbus A320/321.
These two points, if true, would be stunning:

"Feng said that the C919 with homemade CJ-1000A engine will finish its assembly within this year."

"The CJ-1000 is designed for C919, but is expected to power either Boeing 737 orAirbus 320 or a similar newly built aircraft in the world market by 2025, Wang said."

The implication is that if a Chinese engine can power Airbus and Boeing then it must be close or on par with with Western engines. And this technology is close enough at hand that they might be building one for testing on the C919 by years end.

Single isle seating system with 168 PAX capacity can not be in the category of Jumbo jet.

Single isle seating system with 168 PAX capacity can not be in the category of Jumbo jet.
It's probably just a terminology issue ... I always thought a 737 was also in the category of a "jumbo jet". Guess I was wrong LOL
These two points, if true, would be stunning:

"Feng said that the C919 with homemade CJ-1000A engine will finish its assembly within this year."

"The CJ-1000 is designed for C919, but is expected to power either Boeing 737 orAirbus 320 or a similar newly built aircraft in the world market by 2025, Wang said."

The implication is that if a Chinese engine can power Airbus and Boeing then it must be close or on par with with Western engines. And this technology is close enough at hand that they might be building one for testing on the C919 by years end.
In fact most of us here don't expect the China's domestically developed engine for the passenger aircraft does progress so quickly.

When the COMAC C919 did its maiden flight in the early of MAY 2017, all the news pointed to a big potential market for the LEAP-1C engine developed by CFM International, a 50-50 joint venture between France's Safran Aircraft Engines and GE of the US... back then we had no idea at all that China's own engine was so close to the existence. Previously I did not read any news or learned any indication or hint by any PDF member about such possibility.

This is indeed a pleasant surprise and very encouraging news, with far reaching ramification effects! And if the engine proceeds on smoothly on schedule as the article said, even at a moderate 6-month delay, it indeed tells us how China is still full of developmental surprises until today :laugh:

Do not underestimate the achievements of the Middle Kingdom and its capabilities or get the feel of knowing exactly her full state... :argh::blah:

Aero-engine is said to be one of the crown jewels in technological achievements. Only a handful of nation have the capability to conduct own independent R&D in this field.

Thanks for the good post :enjoy:

Source: http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1065763.shtml
Crossposted at: http://en.people.cn/n3/2017/0911/c90000-9267207.html
COMAC eyes 750 orders for C919 jet

2017-09-16 11:15

China Daily Editor: Li Yahui


C919 lands safely at Shanghai Pudong International Airport after its maiden flight at around 3.20 pm, May 5, 2017. (Gao Erqiang/China Daily)

Orders for the C919, the first large passenger aircraft produced in China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations, are expected to reach 750 by year's end, corporate officials told China Daily.

"We expect to receive more than 100 new orders for the C919 from some Chinese companies in the coming months," said Xu Pei, deputy chief of the marketing division of Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, the plane's Shanghai-based manufacturer.

The C919, which made its maiden flight on May 5, has a standard range of 4,075 kilometers, making it comparable to the updated Airbus 320 and Boeing's new-generation 737 planes.

The C919 has secured 600 orders from 24 customers both domestic and foreign. COMAC has received 34 orders from GE Capital Aviation Services, the largest commercial airline leasing company in the world, German start-up Puren Airlines, and City Airways of Thailand.

Boeing and Airbus have long dominated the passenger aircraft market, and the C919 is not meant to compete head-to-head with them in fully developed, mature markets.

"Our marketing team is focusing on three major target markets, which are our home market, Africa, and Southeast Asian countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative," Xu said.

Hu Shuangqian, 57, who was a member of the manufacturing team for the Y-10, the nation's first locally made passenger aircraft, is now leading a team working on computerized controls at COMAC. He said he was lucky to be part of the project.

"Since the (Y-10) project was suspended in the 1980s due to various reasons, many of my former colleagues had been dreaming of another chance to build Chinese planes. They did not see that day before their retirement," said Hu.

Since its establishment in 2008, COMAC has worked on the regional jetliner ARJ21, the C919 and a wide-body aircraft to be jointly developed by China and Russia.

In November, COMAC published a report about the global passenger aircraft market between 2016 and 2035, predicting that a total of 39,948 aircraft with a value of $5.23 trillion will be needed in the coming two decades. China alone will need 6,865 passenger aircraft, 65.5 percent of which would be single-aisle planes, 21.2 percent wide-body jets, and 13.3 percent regional jets.



Single isle seating system with 168 PAX capacity can not be in the category of Jumbo jet.
I can bet with you in 5 years, most of those parts will be made locally, nothing is really complex except for the engines. It has got more to do with certifications rather than technology.
So there were indeed issues ...

BEIJING—The Comac C919 will probably make its second test flight in October, five months after it first flew. The program has had many issues since the May 5 first flight, says Comac Chief Designer Wu Guanghui. None of these has been the result of some fault on Comac’s part, Wu says, declining to give details. Meanwhile, ground tests are underway on the second of the six flight-test aircraft, says a spokesperson for the state company. ...

Model of "929" 280 seats class wide body passenger plane unveiled
全球航班信息数据应用Flightradar24显示,登记号为B-001A的国产C919客机首架原型机今天上午7:23从浦东国际机场起飞,开始进行第二次试飞。飞机起飞后先后飞越横沙岛、崇明岛和启东市上空,并在如东县以东海面上空折返。 下一步,C919要完成近1400公里的空中航程,转场
The global flight information data with Flightradar24 display, registration number B-001A made the first prototype C919 aircraft 7:23 this morning from Pudong International Airport, began the second test flight. After takeoff has flew over the city of Qidong and Hengsha Island, Chongming Island, and Rudong County in the east of the sea over the back. The next step, C919 to complete nearly 1400 kilometer flight, transition


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