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China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

This isn't pride talking, there is very little for me to be proud of when it comes to Pakistan, what I'm mentioning is reality. China already benefits from Karachi port, and within a few years, Gwadar is going to be practically in China's hands. China is investing heavily in this project, why? Because China sees the future potential, and the income it could bring into China. It would increase Chinese exports and imports by two fold,and save China massive shipping costs.

Turkey and Singapore (along with Japan) has been fighting tooth and nail against China to get those projects, don't insult Pakistanis by saying that it is alone in the world, and China is it's only friend willing to help. Pakistan isn't the DPRK, Pakistan does have other allies in the world other than China.
you can really delusion yourself. Check the number of the annual FDI you get each year. People rushing to invest in your country? Don't make me laugh, and for your information,we are non-aligned country, we don't have ally.
lol i got plenty of kazaki friends n TBH they are just muslims by name..they cant even pray namaz properly as USSR pretty much barred them from going to masjids so their young generation think of themselves ultra nationalists..n even chinese hate them for their uncivilized n stupid behaviour..i believe in pan islamism not by violence but thru peace,,we all muslims are brothers to each other n thats a fact you or any kazakhi(lol) can never get
Yes,the Kazakhs of Kazakhstan are just muslims by name,the Kazakhs in China are not better,Kurman is a Chinese Kazakh,and they cover the largest part of central asia and northern Xinjiang,pan-Islamism can't get them
Also even the real muslims,let's say Arabs,when the Ottoman sultan was their Caliph,what they did in WW I,and what the modern Arabs commets of the great Arab revolt?When south Asian muslims felt sad of the abolish of caliph system,what the Arabs thought?
We believe very human beings are brothers and sisters,but people are divided by clans,tribes and ethnics,and can not disapeared
Banning long beards? Is this news even true? Ancient Chinese poets used to have long beards.
The trouble is that nowadays beards are associated with terrorism. Osama started the trend and it's become a fashion statement.

But what China has done is unacceptable. A classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Yes,the Kazakhs of Kazakhstan are just muslims by name,the Kazakhs in China are not better,Kurman is a Chinese Kazakh,and they cover the largest part of central asia and northern Xinjiang,pan-Islamism can't get them
Also even the real muslims,let's say Arabs,when the Ottoman sultan was their Caliph,what they did in WW I,and what the modern Arabs commets of the great Arab revolt?When south Asian muslims felt sad of the abolish of caliph system,what the Arabs thought?
We believe very human beings are brothers and sisters,but people are divided by clans,tribes and ethnics,and can not disapeared

Your points are valid n i pretty much agree with them. Muslims themselves are nuisance to Islam..i lived my whole life in Saudi Arabia n Saudis dont represent Islam..most of them show no tolerance towards their own muslim migrants n thn i came to china for studies n i received so much love n respect from these non muslims i felt overwhelmed..Muslims do need alot of schooling but Islam doesnt..it is perfect .its just most of us
(even i m) are not following it properly.
Civilians are not meant to be targeted. The modern day wars are NOT Jihad. these are merely fightings for monopoly.

1. whats wrong in advocating decency ? after all you cant run naked even in the United States. Its not allowed. In Islam Muslim men are also asked to cover up their tool. its not that they can roam naked.

2. As far as polyandry is not allowed in Islam is a right thing to do because you can not deprive a child of his identity i.e it has been in place to protect the paternity of child for we have seen in many non-Muslim states when a woman has physical sexual relation with many men at a time at the end they all have dispute with regard to the paternity of the child.

on the other hand there should be a difference between a wife and prostitute. Why you want to make a woman a prostitute by marrying her off to dozen men at a time.

Again there is no restriction on a woman to marry as many times as she wants after divorcing here current husband.


Dont mention it. And no need for apology . You have all the rights to ask harsh questions. Islam gives this right to question :)

I told you that if any act that harms the society and disturbed public order is punishable. If such a wrong interpretation leads to killing of anyone that is punishable. You should be punished.
Well, we all know that most western countries' women are not naked in the public. Or you think a woman who is not wearing robes and veils as naked? And we are talking about freedom here, not whether decent or not cuz there are different standards in different culture on decency. So what if a Muslim woman do not want to wear robes or veils, but only shirts and jeans? Is she banned to do that because of being viewed as "naked"? And I think there are also more restrictions for women to get employed. Personally, I don't often judge a foreign culture or tradition, but to be honest there are practical benefits to improve women rights. There used to be bigger inequality between men and women in China in the past, and when we free them out of those old traditions, we got doubled our labor resources, which was a key element of building industry.
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Your points are valid n i pretty much agree with them. Muslims themselves are nuisance to Islam..i lived my whole life in Saudi Arabia n Saudis dont represent Islam..most of them show no tolerance towards their own muslim migrants n thn i came to china for studies n i received so much love n respect from these non muslims i felt overwhelmed..Muslims do need alot of schooling but Islam doesnt..it is perfect .its just most of us
(even i m) are not following it properly.
Yes, China is always welcoming international friends around the world who obey our laws and most Chinese people are very friendly. I am personally glad that you have a great experience in China.:china::pakistan:
Yes, China is always welcoming international friends around the world who obey our laws and most Chinese people are very friendly. I am personally glad that you have a great experience in China.:china::pakistan:
its been more thn 4 years now..n everytime i went back for vacations after sometime i badly start missing China..here nobody pokes his nose in ur business..people are busy doing their own thing. n yeah freedom is a factor too :cheers:
The trouble is that nowadays beards are associated with terrorism. Osama started the trend and it's become a fashion statement.

But what China has done is unacceptable. A classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
You could have your own opinion upon this issue, but we really do not need you and any foreigners to accept it.

its been more thn 4 years now..n everytime i went back for vacations after sometime i badly start missing China..here nobody pokes his nose in ur business..people are busy doing their own thing. n yeah freedom is a factor too :cheers:
In which city and province you are living in China?
I think it is best not to tell others what they should do when you yourself are not experienced enough in the following topic of Islam. And from the 3 points you mentioned here shows your inexperience and lack of knowledge over the religion.
1. A clear Definition is given. For example if I tell you 2 + 2 = 4 .. It is up to you if you would take this fact in and understand being a logical person. Or if you would like to be illogical you would refute my statement and try to create another logical explanation to your wrong doing. No matter what you would do the fact that 2 + 2 = 4 will not change. What is happening here is there is indeed a clear statement of Jihad which is a fact and should not be manipulated by some redheads to help them in there personal gain. Only one thing can solve this issue. Education for the most part. Education to understand Koran. And if a person is logical he will indeed accept what the Koran has to say since it supports logic and is the most compatible religion with our society today. It is a fact that 80% of Koran has been proven correct by Science and the other 20% neither proven correct nor proven wrong. Being a person who believes in Science and logic. If 80 % out of 100% in Koran is proven correct and not even 1% of the ambiguous 20% is proven wrong.. It is pretty logical to consider this to be the word of Allah the mighty.
2. Islam uplifts the women. It does not oppress it. You should not look at a non-practicer of Islam as the Role-models. I will give you an example: Is it logical of me to look at a Chinese criminal who does not abide by the laws in China as a Role-Model of the country and start boasting it how inhumane Chinese people are? No it is not logical of me to do that. Rather I should look at some one who does abide by all Laws of the country and is a good Chinese and consider him a Role-Model instead. Yes now this is logical for me to do. What you are doing is.. looking at the criminals of Islam who do not abide by the law and are miss-representing. Now if you intend to reply to me saying we should stop that as muslims we should not let that happen. Should do something about it.. Hmm If you can stop every Chinese in China from committing a crime I will make sure no Muslim in the world commits a single crime and misinterprets the religion. Do we have a deal? Lets be logical brother
3. No one is stopping there offspring to marry a non-muslim. They are more then welcome to marry any one they wish to marry as long as the couple both Husband and Wife convert to Islam. This is to save there future off spring. A true Muslim is some one who works for his after life. Indeed if the couple love each other they will meet each other in the Heaven with eternal life once they earn it by practicing the Deen, Religion in the world. The world is temporary. A Muslim believes the amount of life time we have is the Exam time. No one can enter medical college without giving an exam.
The 3 points you mentioned I just answered so conclusion is that no reforming needed other then both yours and my research. Also ofcourse it is your freedom of speech.
And I also hope you are not one of those people who think: where when a non-muslim tells a muslim to do something because it doesnt seem to make sense is Freedom of Speech.. like yourself. But When a Muslim tells a non-muslim something instead of keeping the ideology Vice-Versa it becomes how the Muslims are forcing there beliefs on Non-Muslims and OH MY GAWD world is ending Media Headlines all over. And Muslims do not fall under the Freedom of speech category for somereason. Lol If you dont seem to be a Non-Muslim of such type I apologize but believe me man there are people like this. Possibly on this thread aswell and reading this post .
Also about women rights in Islam: There is much to say regarding them and Koran is really uplifting them in some aspects more then men and men in some aspects more then women. I found you a short version in English.
/ w a t c h ? v = W d 7 c 4 O P i _ U Y
Since I am a noob I can not post links just yet but.. Thats the youtube link above feel free to copy paste in your youtube link and without spaces xD
I think ur following Zakir Naik or Zakir Naik following you, Both using each other Arguments :p:

But if someone lies and because of that society is destroyed, then what is the punishment ? Is it different for muslims or non muslims ? For example suppose I am a mullah and I interpreted some verses wrongly so that some of my followers killed some non-muslims . Should I be punished or should I be left for the judgement day ?
We've some Unfortunate examples like above....
But most the time those Political Chaos suits them and Radicalisation keeps them in Momentum for their Gains, and they all do this by declaring Old Schools of thoughts Kafirs, and that able them to fulfill their own FATWA dreams
You could have your own opinion upon this issue, but we really do not need you and any foreigners to accept it.

In which city and province you are living in China?

its been more thn 4 years now..n everytime i went back for vacations after sometime i badly start missing China..here nobody pokes his nose in ur business..people are busy doing their own thing. n yeah freedom is a factor too :cheers:
I'm glad you enjoy your life in China,and I wish all international friends have good memories in China,this is the way we treat the guests
Like the Confucius said:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎How happy we are, To meet friends from afar!
I think there r a number of Muslims living there,most of them are Hui's, though still minority compared to the whole population. And do you like the food there? What is your favorite?
I'm glad you enjoy your life in China,and I wish all international friends have good memories in China,this is the way we treat the guests
Like the Confucius said:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎How happy we are, To meet friends from afar!
Thanks brother n if i ever came across with Chinese in my country or any other country i will treat them the same as they deserve it.
All human rights violations . Not their country not their rules.

And Kashmir is a disputed territorial issue

French Burqa Ban is human rights violation?
I think there r a number of Muslims living there,most of them are Hui's, though still minority compared to the whole population. And do you like the food there? What is your favorite?
chaomian,jiaozi,tofu,nvrou bing,pao mo, huo guo and kao rou.

I think there r a number of Muslims living there,most of them are Hui's, though still minority compared to the whole population. And do you like the food there? What is your favorite?
yes there are alot of Muslims here majority are Hui n thn Ughurs..there is a whole street near zhonglou where they reside n its called muslim street..famous for food n thousand years old mosque
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