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China captured 5 to 4 km of "indian territory" beyond Chinese claimed territory (Gulwam valley).

this is failed ???????? wow fool someone else you guys lost more then half kashmir already to pakistan and china
Kashmir was Independent when pakistan attacked and you ended up giving India a decent chunk of it forever . It had a muslim majority . If pakistan would have calmly waited , kashmir would have naturally joined pakistan, or atleast would have been puppet of pakistan , but now pakistan will never be able to have the kashmir which India controls.
Only you are fooling yourself here.
No because we are weaker than china . We cannot go into a fight which we are certain to lose . You really think we should escalate things with the chinese at this point in time ? Use arms and ammunitions ? Big No No simply cannot afford it .
Today is not the end of the world . We will have our chance sometime in the future , when we will be able to respond to china accordingly .

Using of arms and ammunitions is not the only strategy. But if they are capturing territory, even if it's no man's land then something needs to be done. This current approach will hurt India in the short and long run.
Indian's perspective
Chinese crossed over LAC and captured 5 km of Indian's territory.

Chinese's perspective
We do not consider this Indian's side of LAC. We actually do not consider any border between India and China in Kashmir and whatever India has is actually Indian occupied territory of Ladakh.

Here you are parroting Chinese perspective to hide your humiliation.
Epic fail.
Even Chinese Foreign Ministry has been forced to admit that Indian troops have entered Chinese territory and built military facilities inside China:

@Indus Pakistan @Baghial @Imran Khan @ARMalik
India will receive support from the US, EU, Japan, South America, Bangladesh and Taiwan when the war begins
The Chinese navy has little effect in its battle with India. China could not move all ground and air forces to the Indian border at the time of the war. Turkey and Mongolia (with support from Russia) may suddenly attack China.
The response by India has been truly shocking. Pakistan is 7x smaller than india with an economy that is 10x smaller than India, but Pakistan is prepared to respond to India militarily if India tries something like this.

China is the same population as India(roughly) and China economy is only 4x bigger than India's yet, India's response to China has been pathetic. Shows you what cowards the Indians are when they are forced to deal with someone their own size!!!
Classic bully behaviour.
Eager to play Billy Big Bollocks against the smaller nations but shit their pants when confronted by someone their own size.
wikipedia is massive under indians spam they edit day night every page .

this is failed ???????? wow fool someone else you guys lost more then half kashmir already to pakistan and china

You captured tis territory when Kashmir was independent state. When the Indian army arrived after after the Maharaja's request your troops/mujahideen were swiftly pushed back. Resultantly you hold a third of a Muslim majority region which ideally should have belonged to you in full.

India holds the majority. You tried twice to take it by force in 65 and 99 and failed badly both times. Had to end up defending Lahore instead in 1965.
Using of arms and ammunitions is not the only strategy. But if they are capturing territory, even if it's no man's land then something needs to be done. This current approach will hurt India in the short and long run.
Yes lets hope army is taking note . Talks can help
You captured tis territory when Kashmir was independent state. When the Indian army arrived after after the Maharaja's request your troops/mujahideen were swiftly pushed back. Resultantly you hold a third of a Muslim majority region which ideally should have belonged to you in full.

India holds the majority. You tried twice to take it by force in 65 and 99 and failed badly both times. Had to end up defending Lahore instead in 1965.
what majority india holds ??????? cant you see map ? india lost majority of area already
Why almost all bharati forces are deployed against much smaller Pakistan and not against potentially bigger enemy like China?

Maybe its bcoz of Chinese passiveness, cowardice or whatever, Why India feel secure with much more occupied Chinese territory. Why China is not forcing India to spend much more on its defense rather then spending on higher growth? for me this all China India thing is huge drama. If China consider India a threat or enemy, it would have done what India is doing to Pakistan, like deploying maximum forces against India, forcing them to spend huge sum on defense etc.

If China create pressure all across LAC with multiple intrusions, Pakistan and China can gain advantage, maybe only China will gain advantage but who knows if Pakistan also get its hand somewhere.
Epic fail.
Even Chinese Foreign Ministry has been forced to admit that Indian troops have entered Chinese territory and built military facilities inside China:

@Indus Pakistan @Baghial @Imran Khan @ARMalik
this is how diplomacy worked . do you think china will openly claim we captured indian area ??????? :lol::lol:

As per China it is India which is doing Napak sajish by crossing into Chinese territory
no country will say we are aggressors openly even when USA invade a country they said its self defense act .
This is massive. Official Chinese military website says India crossed into Chinese territory and built defensive fortifications and obstacles against Chinese patrols
Since early May, India has been crossing the boundary line in the Galwan Valley region and entering Chinese territory. The Indian side built defense fortifications and obstacles to disrupt Chinese border defense troops' normal patrol activities, purposefully instigated conflicts and attempted to unilaterally change the current border control situation, said the military source

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