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China captured 5 to 4 km of "indian territory" beyond Chinese claimed territory (Gulwam valley).

According Chinese state run media it is India who has entered into Chinese territory and constructed military camps there. Even Chinese state run media has admitted that:


Whereas Indian media is saying the exact opposite.

This is because China views all Indian activities in those areas as Indian intrusion into Chinese territory and similarly India views all Chinese activities in those areas as Chinese intrusion into Indian territory.
Fact is, it is a no-mans land with no permanent presence by either side so both sides sent patrols there and set up tents.

This seems to be correct.
According Chinese state run media it is India who has entered into Chinese territory and constructed military camps there. Even Chinese state run media has admitted that:


Whereas Indian media is saying the exact opposite.

This is because China views all Indian activities in those areas as Indian intrusion into Chinese territory and similarly India views all Chinese activities in those areas as Chinese intrusion into Indian territory.
Fact is, it is a no-mans land with no permanent presence by either side so both sides sent patrols there and set up tents.

China also consider Aurnachal Perdesh its territory. So tomorrow China capture a part of Aurnachal Perdesh, would you be satisfied that Chinese claiming that Indians are capturing other parts of her territory.

Chinese has captured 5 km of territory which was in Indian custody while Indians didn't capture an inch of territory which is in Chinese custody. This is the difference.
India takes 1 step back and moves 3 steps. First, there are some border conflicts, followed by Indian agents that will incite demonstrations and violence in Tibet, eventually India will adopt tactics similar to Blitzkrieg and repeat. war scenario of 1971. This would be a heavy loss for China when Tibet declared its independence with India's patronage.

If China is not alert, it will repeat the mistake of Pakistan
As in any war u cannot ignore Geography . Kindly first compare geography of Pakistan and Bangladesh (1971 ) and Tibet (China and India ) that even didn't happened in Kashmir from almost 72 years between same Pakistan and India because of geography . If Bangladesh didn't born in 1971 it would have been later i.e either 2071 or 2171 , It was impossible for Pakistan to defend it , Check India and Bangladesh land border length and then check Present Pakistan and Bangladesh distance from each other , no land border and air and sea crossing through India . China is not a child . Comparision should be realistic atleast .
This is the problem with Modi.

He will hurt the country just to look strong in front of his electorate.

He will jump on the first opportunity to attack Pakistan verbally or otherwise but becomes a bheegi billi in front of China. We need a better leader.
he said - BHUT BARI QEEMAT CHUKANI PARY GI PAKISTAN KO ...................!!!!!!


6 indian command center were bombed

indian pilot was captured and indian jet was shotdown

and indians killed own mi-17 with 6 onboard


itni bari qeemat chukai hai pakistan ne . since that day we never see modi barking pakistan :rofl:
This is happening because Narendra Modi's father, Shri Donald Trump, has abandoned his muhbola beta. Modi-chee is now an international pariah, and his image is firmly that of a fascist. As a result, no country will put pressure on China anymore on India's behalf.

Of course there is the military option and Indian troops can fight off the Chinese intruders. But it will not happen because Narendra Modi has no balls. No leader of RSS has any balls either. Also their fathers had no balls, and their fathers before them. He is only capable of fake Bollywood style surgical strikes to help him win an election.

The clear fact is only someone from Gandhi family can resolve border issues with China without having a single shot fired. Sonia Gandhi has excellent diplomatic clout with the decision-makers in China, not to mention in the USA and all other countries as well. They only need to make a few phone calls for this thing to be resolved in India's favor. But today's generation of Indians blinded by RSS poison and Muslim hatred are too stupid to realize the biggest "trump" card we have. LOL, even I'm capable of puns.
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he said - BHUT BARI QEEMAT CHUKANI PARY GI PAKISTAN KO ...................!!!!!!


6 indian command center were bombed

indian pilot was captured and indian jet was shotdown

and indians killed own mi-17 with 6 onboard


itni bari qeemat chukai hai pakistan ne . since that day we never see modi barking pakistan :rofl:

You are forgetting the Qatl ki raat statement. And he did threaten Pakistani actually with missile strikes after this as was acknowledged by your government. De-escalation happened after Abhinandan was returned.

Anyway, that's completely off-topic.
You are forgetting the Qatl ki raat statement. And he did threaten Pakistani actually with missile strikes after this as was acknowledged by your government. De-escalation happened after Abhinandan was returned.

Anyway, that's completely off-topic.
yes when pakistan said we will attack with 21 missiles on india if india fired 7 missiles on us :lol::lol::lol:

just one day ago we beat you guys but you stand and say AB KE TO MAR AB KE TO MAR :D
China also consider Aurnachal Perdesh its territory. So tomorrow China capture a part of Aurnachal Perdesh, would you be satisfied that Chinese claiming that Indians are capturing other parts of her territory.

Chinese has captured 5 km of territory which was in Indian custody while Indians didn't capture an inch of territory which is in Chinese custody. This is the difference.
Compeletely wrong. India never had custody of this territory and neither does China. It was patrolled by both sides before as both used to claim it to belong their side of LAC. Now both have set up tents their.

China also consider Aurnachal Perdesh its territory. So tomorrow China capture a part of Aurnachal Perdesh, would you be satisfied that Chinese claiming that Indians are capturing other parts of her territory.

Chinese has captured 5 km of territory which was in Indian custody while Indians didn't capture an inch of territory which is in Chinese custody. This is the difference.
Compeletely wrong. India never had custody of this territory and neither does China. It was patrolled by both sides before as both used to claim it to belong their side of LAC. Now both have set up tents their.
he said - BHUT BARI QEEMAT CHUKANI PARY GI PAKISTAN KO ...................!!!!!!


6 indian command center were bombed

indian pilot was captured and indian jet was shotdown

and indians killed own mi-17 with 6 onboard


itni bari qeemat chukai hai pakistan ne . since that day we never see modi barking pakistan :rofl:
EYxdo6iXsAAhcd_ indian.jpg
This is the problem with Modi.

He will hurt the country just to look strong in front of his electorate.

He will jump on the first opportunity to attack Pakistan verbally or otherwise but becomes a bheegi billi in front of China. We need a better leader.

You need a statesman who will not play for the galley.
Compeletely wrong. India never had custody of this territory and neither does China. It was patrolled by both sides before as both used to claim it to belong their side of LAC. Now both have set up tents their.

Wrong. This territory is considered to be in Indian's side of LAC. Why you don't try to capture a territory which is in Chinese side of LAC. Chinese keep taking territories across LAC by salami slicing and make it then no mans land. In this way India has lost hundreds of sq miles of territory which once used to be in Indian side of LAC.
last time i heard, area is measured in sq meters or sq. kms.
i wonder why china captured a single "line" of 5kms.
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