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China captured 5 to 4 km of "indian territory" beyond Chinese claimed territory (Gulwam valley).

There is nothing new in what China has been doing. They have been bullying us and propping up India's neighbors against India, since Independence.
To be honest all your neighbors hate you.
Apart from Pak and China you even interfere in domestic politics of smaller countries.

You created terror groups, uprisings, illegal occupation, blockades and so on.
Even a pro india Hindu state like Nepal, is now showing delhi, a middle finger.

Ever wonder where india went wrong?

Alleged chinese construction going on in Ladakh:

To be honest all your neighbors hate you.
Apart from Pak and China you even interfere in domestic politics of smaller countries.

You created terror groups, uprisings, illegal occupation, blockades and so on.
Even a pro india Hindu state like Nepal, is now showing delhi, a middle finger.

Ever wonder where india went wrong?

India has always been a soft and docile state which has been a punching bag for all her neighbors.

I am okay with India continuing that way.
I would like India to have nuclear weapons testing :D
India has always been a soft and docile state which has been a punching bag for all her neighbors.

I am okay with India continuing that way.
Tell that to Sri lankans who faced LTTE, whose politics you interfere in.

Ask Nepalis about maoists (yes they were supported by your govt/they even accuse india for the royal massacre), ask them about Madhesis and indian blockade & now occupation of nepalese territory.

As BD for your once upon a time love affair with chakmas.

Ask us about BLA/Sindhudesh,Pashtunistan.

Docile my arse.
Fine then just let them walk all over us. Forget all about national pride and sentiments.

I am pretty sure radical China loving and West hating commies like @Nilgiri would enjoy that too. Talking about West in a thread which has nothing to do with it. The West doesn't enroach upon India's territory today the way China does or hurt India with unconditional support of Pakistan and Pakistan based terror groups the way China does.

Gandhi would never accuse Pakistan of terrorism

India has always been a soft and docile state which has been a punching bag for all her neighbors.

I am okay with India continuing that way.

Nobody believes this.

All you have done is engulfed the region with your Chanakiya doctrine.

Road to peace goes through Kashmir. I guess now its a trilateral issue between Pakistan, India and China?
last time i heard, area is measured in sq meters or sq. kms.
i wonder why china captured a single "line" of 5kms.
when you cant confront . play dumb :-) . to be honest its the only option vedic hanuman sena have .
by 5 km they mean to say that Chinese military set up their camps 5 km in indian territory beyond galwam lake . :) .

Wrong. This territory is in Chinese side of Lac. We have already captured Chinese territory and build camps there. Chinese state media has admitted we have entered into Chinese territory this month.
he knows more then ajay shukla ( a prominent defence analyst of india ) :lol:
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that tea seller is small man with small brain .remember he said there was clouds so i order to attack pakistan because pakistani radar will not see indian fighters throw clouds . it will help indian air force :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Really? If this is true then God help India as a nation. :rofl: :rofl:
Gandhi would never accuse Pakistan of terrorism

Nobody believes this.

All you have done is engulfed the region with your Chanakiya doctrine.

Road to peace goes through Kashmir. I guess now its a trilateral issue between Pakistan, India and China?

Tri what? It's just unilateral issue now. Our internal matter :lol:

I am sorry. But this is hilarious. OMG, and they have him as a PM?
@Nilgiri what is Modi thinking?

I understand it's hard to believe for people living under communist dictatorship like you. But we have a system called democracy here. Send my regards to your emperor pingpong in case you really are a Chinese
Tri what? It's just unilateral issue now. Our internal matter :lol:

I understand it's hard to believe for people living under communist dictatorship like you. But we have a system called democracy here. Send my regards to your emperor pingpong in case you really are a Chinese
Lol, good post. Shows your intelligence level. Thank you. :D

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