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China building troops along LAC in Himachal districts: Police report

It would suck to be Indian. Every so often their is a reoccurring dream, the Chinese are coming lol well deserved. Lol wait till they take over Mumbai
90% of PDF Pakistanis do not understand this...

China could become neutral against India in the future...
Look there are just two possibilities, either India stands up to China or not. If India stands up, it would get a beating, if it doesnt China would construe it as Indias' weakness. In either case, Pakistan would be happy simply because India would never be the net security provider in the region no more and that suits us. India just has to accept the reality that it wont be calling shots in this region anymore, the earlier India does so, the less will the costs for her.
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I don't see it happening, in foreseeable future. Geopolitical disputes are, sometimes, more intense than territorial ones. Predominant collective psyche of the elite Hindus, which fundamentally governs the Indian politics, wouldn't allow it. Both countries have huge trust deficit, and, now, in the past about 3 years, things have gone too far.
I think the only thing that wouldn't allow it is the USA. Neither side wants conflict or war, not China or India. t's generally much easier to sort out geopolitical issues than territorial claims that both sides have firm claims on, that almost always leads to war.
I think the only thing that wouldn't allow it is the USA. Neither side wants conflict or war, not China or India. t's generally much easier to sort out geopolitical issues than territorial claims that both sides have firm claims on, that almost always leads to war.

My two bit assessment: From Chinese perspective, two issues are at core. 1) Regional hegemony and supremacy 2) China's thinking that India is part and parcel of US setup to contain China.

No resolution seems to be in offing. So a simmering conflict is bound to stay; but a full-scale war is not probable, at least, in near future, because India is not in a position to and China doesn't need it.
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