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China Blames 54 Officials for Bullet Train Crash (design flaws)

One thing is there that Chinese have actually gone ahead and caught those guys. That is a lot better than scamming ministers who are caught after 10 years of the crime, case runs on them for 40 years and finally before they are sentenced, they die off their own natural death.

I prefer this method. For this, we must admit that Chinese solution is more rational than our pathetic system.

End result
Quite amused how you throw the word chini this and chini that especially since you use it in a manner most discerning, its very similar to the word cina used for the chinese community in South East Asia, there is another word used to describe Indians in this region which is a lot more offensive then the word cina. Coming from a multi cultural region I choose not to use it as respect to the Indian community here and the ones on this forum, sometimes I wonder why people like yourself cannot show the same respect while asking for sensible answers. Unless its only non Chinese answers you seek.

Don't feel offended by it.. If you don't know "Chini" means "Chinese" in whole South Asia; you may consult any Pakistani/Bangladeshi about that.. The equivalent word, that's been used on this forum by almost all Pakistanis and lots of Chinese, is "Bharti". Feel free to use that..

I don't disrespect Chinese people and culture but you can not be saint when somebody is throwing mud at you.. If you notice, all my comments are replies to Chinese trolling posts. So please bear with us when we are replying to some Chinese troll else ask them to earn respect as well.
Götterdämmerung;2440075 said:
Only the naive would fall into the trap called IP, because it was made to hinder the stupids to progress. We did steal British inventions (e.g. the Adler locomotive) when we started industrialisation, so did the US and Japan. No wonder that India after 60 years of aping the West is still unable to come out with anything amazing in the industrial sector.

At school you also learn from the ideas of somebody else and change them to something new.

Off all, I am least interested in hearing a view point of a fake German..

The reason being, the real Germans fears Chinese technology theft and in no way try to prove how right that theft is? Only a naive Chinese will do so and think how smartly he is able to fool all? A piece of advise to you - Don't be ashamed of your identity.

German firms fear China technology theft
This is not a professional forum. This is for entertainment. Watching trolls here is cheaper than going to the zoo :P

Sounds so funny coming out of a trolls mouth. Just go back to your post history and check what your valuable contribution to the forum had been a how many times you had been banned for trolling..
One thing is there that Chinese have actually gone ahead and caught those guys. That is a lot better than scamming ministers who are caught after 10 years of the crime, case runs on them for 40 years and finally before they are sentenced, they die off their own natural death.

I prefer this method. For this, we must admit that Chinese solution is more rational than our pathetic system.
The real substance behind the report is that the highest level of the Chinese government is purging the Railway Ministry of corruption and incompetence. It's not easy for governments to take drastic action like this -- usually bureaucracies are lethargic and inefficient. The more critical self-evaluation the Chinese government undertakes, the better the standard of living the citizens will enjoy.
Off all, I am least interested in hearing a view point of a fake German..

The reason being, the real Germans fears Chinese technology theft and in no way try to prove how right that theft is? Only a naive Chinese will do so and think how smartly he is able to fool all? A piece of advise to you - Don't be ashamed of your identity.

German firms fear China technology theft

Oh wow, Germans are now speaking in one voice! And an Indian is speaking on our behalf in an Pakistani forum. India is indeed incredible. :lol:

Here is a respected German forum where people argue about the futility of copyright and how the current copyright is hindering progress. Don't be surprised to find lots of hardcore pro-China Germans like MPolo, aquadrat or Bernd Paysan in there. :D

In an African forum I told them to copy the Chinese or they will never progress. :D
Sounds so funny coming out of a trolls mouth. Just go back to your post history and check what your valuable contribution to the forum had been a how many times you had been banned for trolling..

I have never been banned.
One thing is there that Chinese have actually gone ahead and caught those guys. That is a lot better than scamming ministers who are caught after 10 years of the crime, case runs on them for 40 years and finally before they are sentenced, they die off their own natural death.

I prefer this method. For this, we must admit that Chinese solution is more rational than our pathetic system.

You make me realize that not all of indians on this forum are stupid
Hi those indian
BlaBla bla all are cheap talking, China has 9000 km High speed railway like this, could you do that?

Yeah yeah, everything is based on something else but what matters is how you get that something else? First you steal somebody else's work then you start claiming as it's own.. very nice.. That's a distinctive chini trait nowhere else to be found and see chinis feel proud of the stealing as well.. would like to know how does this distinctive characteristic come to you guys? Is it taught as a child or is it taught in your schools/colleges?
an indian's explaination of innovation and idea, lol its like a clueless 8-years-old talk about space project... 'indians steal' is the phrase i always hear in London from english, chinese and even your own indians. dont you know this is what the world perceive indian in the real world?
Götterdämmerung;2441406 said:
Oh wow, Germans are now speaking in one voice! And an Indian is speaking on our behalf in an Pakistani forum. India is indeed incredible. :lol:

Here is a respected German forum where people argue about the futility of copyright and how the current copyright is hindering progress. Don't be surprised to find lots of hardcore pro-China Germans like MPolo, aquadrat or Bernd Paysan in there. :D

In an African forum I told them to copy the Chinese or they will never progress. :D

I am not speaking on anyone behalf.. I just quoted an article in international media with German firms concerns. Is that tantamount to speaking on their behalf? Oh please, stop kidding ..

I am surprised to see your supporting others to steal German technologies.. Oh man, you are one strange German to come across if you really are.. I doubt that though as your Chinese traits like "justifying IP rights violations" are so so obvious.. Anyways, good luck with your preaching others of IP regulatory violations..
I am not speaking on anyone behalf.. I just quoted an article in international media with German firms concerns. Is that tantamount to speaking on their behalf? Oh please, stop kidding ..

I am surprised to see your supporting others to steal German technologies.. Oh man, you are one strange German to come across if you really are.. I doubt that though as your Chinese traits like "justifying IP rights violations" are so so obvious.. Anyways, good luck with your preaching others of IP regulatory violations..

Too bad that you just speak Englsih and Indian languages that nobody cares. Otherwise my German link would widen your horizon. Yes, a lot of progressive thinking and fair minded Germans are against the current form of IPR as it hinders true innovation and progress as it perpetuates the inequality of the world, denying developing countries access to technology and to ever play on the same level. This is one of the fundamental reason I support China's conduct.

All you Indians can do is parroting the ruling class of your former colonial master and at the same time being the laughing stock of the people you parrot.
Götterdämmerung;2445424 said:
Too bad that you just speak Englsih and Indian languages that nobody cares. Otherwise my German link would widen your horizon. Yes, a lot of progressive thinking and fair minded Germans are against the current form of IPR as it hinders true innovation and progress as it perpetuates the inequality of the world, denying developing countries access to technology and to ever play on the same level. This is one of the fundamental reason I support China's conduct.

All you Indians can do is parroting the ruling class of your former colonial master and at the same time being the laughing stock of the people you parrot.

Oh please cut your stupid crap.. Nothing better can be expected from the people hiding behind the veils.. the very same people who are ashamed of their ethnicity.. And half the world does not know how to speak German/Chinese I think that makes it peace of crap.. Isn't it ?? What a genius we have trolling amongst us??

Man, how shameful it is to register in a forum with false flags so that one can bash ? It's an amazing sight to see to what level you Chini can fall? Shameless is the small word to define you..
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