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China becomes an urban nation at breakneck speed


Type Nr.
Building Nr.

Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines 4 1
Nuclear Attack Submarines 6 X
Conventional Ballistic Missile Submarines 1 X
Conventional Attack Submarines 52 X
Total Submarines 63 1
In the short-term urbanisation creates demand for infrastructure and property; in the longer run, urbanites consume vastly more than rural dwellers.

Does this not concern anyone?

In the USA, the race to the cities happened post WW2. But city life can be noisy, dirty, grinding, and unpleasant. Thus, suburbs blossomed, combining a bit of rural with the convenience of cities. Some people hate suburbs, but the reality is, suburbs are probably a good compromise.

A nation should have a balance of urban vs. rural.
Does this not concern anyone?

In the USA, the race to the cities happened post WW2. But city life can be noisy, dirty, grinding, and unpleasant. Thus, suburbs blossomed, combining a bit of rural with the convenience of cities. Some people hate suburbs, but the reality is, suburbs are probably a good compromise.

A nation should have a balance of urban vs. rural.

Suburbs are the most energy intensive form of living there is. The average commute in the US is 30 minutes. This is 1 hour per day, multiplied by 200 work days, multiplied by 300 million people. Then multiply that by 2 gallons of petrol per trip. That is mind boggling inefficiency and waste.

In China, let me just put it this way: my sister rides an electric motorcycle with 0 emissions for 15 minutes to work, because we live in the big city. There are more public transportation which is profitable with a high density.
Does this not concern anyone?

In the USA, the race to the cities happened post WW2. But city life can be noisy, dirty, grinding, and unpleasant. Thus, suburbs blossomed, combining a bit of rural with the convenience of cities. Some people hate suburbs, but the reality is, suburbs are probably a good compromise.

A nation should have a balance of urban vs. rural.

You are seeing this from a US perspective. Take a look outside your country, e.g. Europe and East Asia. Paris, London, Hongkong and Tokio are fine examples how urban life can be vibrant and full of culture. Many US cities are dead in the centre and life in the suburbs are just bloody boring with long driving and little culture, because there is too little critical mass. Suburb living is wasteful and unsustainable as it uses too much land and resources. China doesn't have enough arable land for this kind of decadent lifestyle.
Götterdämmerung;2333077 said:
You are seeing this from a US perspective. Take a look outside your country, e.g. Europe and East Asia. Paris, London, Hongkong and Tokio are fine examples how urban life can be vibrant and full of culture. Many US cities are dead in the centre and life in the suburbs are just bloody boring with long driving and little culture, because there is too little critical mass. Suburb living is wasteful and unsustainable as it uses too much land and resources. China doesn't have enough arable land for this kind of decadent lifestyle.

Once peak oil hits, the majority of Americans will be imprisoned in their suburban homes due to high petrol prices, and unable to even feed themselves because the stores are too far away. The stores themeselves would go out of business as the cost of transporting vegetables by truck skyrocket.

Everywhere else, there's another 200 year old piece of high tech: the railroad. In even poorer places, there's the trusty donkey cart. How many Americans ride the train or know how to handle a donkey cart?
Götterdämmerung;2331912 said:
Looking at your German, you know scheiß about Germany. You cannot even speak proper German, not to speak of knowing all 82 million Germans' mind.

May I correct your German: Ich war in Deutschland gewesen.

Hey, You are Chinese or foreigner in Deutschland, man can using of both grammatically, however it's depending on expression idea. You have to contact more with people there, to know what does umgang spreche mean.
Hey, You are Chinese or foreigner in Deutschland, man can using of both grammatically, however it's depending on expression idea. You have to contact more with people there, to know what does umgang spreche mean.

Now, this is hilarious. A Viet guy teaching a German Umgangsprache (colloquial language). Now, let me teach you some Umgangsprache: Ey Digga, wenn du mit mir schnacken willst, dann mach das auch korrekt, alter. Sonst ist ruckzuck Blut spuck, Fetti.

I made sure in my sentence that google cannot translate it properly. ;)

BTW, there is no such thing as Umgang sprechen, you can only speak a Umgangsprache. It's a non that cannot be split. German gramma 101 free for you :lol:.
Götterdämmerung;2333314 said:
Now, this is hilarious. A Viet guy teaching a German Umgangsprache (colloquial language). Now, let me teach you some Umgangsprache: Ey Digga, wenn du mit mir schnacken willst, dann mach das auch korrekt, alter. Sonst ist ruckzuck Blut spuck, Fetti.

I made sure in my sentence that google cannot translate it properly. ;)

the test was ok. You showed your chinese mentality. Why don't you use chine flag ?:rofl:

BTW, there is no such thing as Umgang sprechen, you can only speak a Umgangsprache. It's a non that cannot be split. German gramma 101 free for you :lol:.

the test is ok, your post whowed your chinese mentality.
Why you don't use chinese flag ?:P
the test is ok, your post whowed your chinese mentality.
Why you don't use chinese flag ?:P

Tell us, what did I write. What is the Chinese mentality?

Is Vietnamese mentality to teach a German his mother tongue?
Götterdämmerung;2333520 said:
Tell us, what did I write. What is the Chinese mentality?

Is Vietnamese mentality to teach a German his mother tongue?

Germany people don't think, write and talk as you made here, you didn't understand general meaning of word umgang sprache, It's nothing related to what you are talking to prostitution girls on street.:undecided:
Germany people don't think, write and talk as you made here, you didn't understand general meaning of word umgang sprache, It's nothing related to what you are talking to prostitution girls on street.:undecided:

Wow, I've never seen such people who make grave gramma mistakes and tries to coin it as colloquial speech. I mean having the face to teach a native speaker.
No wonder, you country is in such a state. With experts like you, there is lots of hope for your country's future. :lol:

BTW, Umgangsprache is written in one word.
Götterdämmerung;2334447 said:
Wow, I've never seen such people who make grave gramma mistakes and tries to coin it as colloquial speech. I mean tell acing the face to tell to a native speaker.
No wonder, you country is in such a state. With experts like you, there is lots of hope for your country's future. :lol:

BTW, Umgangsprache is written in one word.

I'm no expert bro... he he, :P
You didn't answer may question, why you don't use chinese flag ? :P
I'm no expert bro... he he, :P
You didn't answer may question, why you don't use chinese flag ? :P

What's wrong with you?

The dude is an ethnic German, and you Viets should stop this clownish behavior, otherwise everyone would look down at you.

Look how much of delusional crap nonsense you guys have spread in this forum so far?

Here is not your personal playground!!!

An underdog country, who doesn't happen to understand her exact position, is not funny at all.
Hongkong development belongs to UK :lol:

---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

Götterdämmerung;2334447 said:
Wow, I've never seen such people who make grave gramma mistakes and tries to coin it as colloquial speech. I mean having the face to teach a native speaker.
No wonder, you country is in such a state. With experts like you, there is lots of hope for your country's future. :lol:

BTW, Umgangsprache is written in one word.

Topic diverted ;) for trolling :rofl:
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