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China bans Muslim children from Quran classes-

From Chinese perspective, all children should dedicate all their time studying science, mathematics, literature and art and all should work their way to higher education. Religious text simply has no place in the modern education system. I believe this is common practice in every advanced countries.

From a national perspective, having their citizens highly educated and equipped with modern knowledge is fundamental element to a strong and prosperous country. China is currently in a full front race with the developed countries in the fields of science and technology. Being so backward for so long means every citizen in China should focus on productive activities.

It is hard to understand why people from a LDC country spend time criticizing China’s policy, rather than working towards improving their own country and wellbeing of their own people.

I expect you know how to read your own chart, which shows China has the highest positive view on Pakistan in the world.

Studying own religion don't stop anyone from learning science or arts. You can't stop people from their rights to learn or observing his or her believe . China must stop interfering personal life and give freedom of thinking .
They are giving them quality education. What is wrong with that? And yes they [athiest Chinese] are our [Pakistan] ironclad brothers. But what would a citizen from a country [Bangla] born in the womb of Hindu plot know?

Please stop trying to strain the Pak-China strategic alliance. No amount of grade A 'Muslim' opium is going to undo it.
more than 30k Pakistanis are in china and none faced any religious restrictions.
It is hard to understand why people from a LDC country spend time criticizing China’s policy, rather than working towards improving their own country and wellbeing of their own people.

Because there is more to life that what you are told to believe. Freedom, choice, liberty, all matter more than GDP.

All totalitarian societies are destroyed. The USSR thought it was invincible too, in the end, the resentment within it and it's own mistakes led to it's downfall. That downfall would not have happened had the people had the freedom to express a different opinion than the states, it might have seen it's own flaws and weaknesses and amended them. Instead it curbed pluralism and bought about it's downfall.

You and I won't live to see this day, this is China's time, where it will rise and rise, for maybe hundreds of years it will rise, but totalitarianism cannot survive forever.

Western society is quite totaliarian too, but they create the perception of freedom. This false perception is essential in controlling the people, by letting them think they are the masters of their own destiny.

You deny the uighur people the right to worship their religion. If you truly feel their god is false, why do you fear their worship of a false diety? It's because your society is totalitarian. It cannot tolerate a difference of opinion, let alone a different religion. Your strength is through blind and total obedience.
Personally, I don't recommend children who are not yet 16 years old to study religions. Such a practice is often utilized by religious leaders to strengthen their influence, instead of spreading the truth.
Because there is more to life that what you are told to believe. Freedom, choice, liberty, all matter more than GDP.
While there is more to life then economic wellbeing but the raw truth is the draw of money is amongst [note 'amongst'] the strongest in the human condition. Often those who are well fed and secure are the ones who take the high seat and cough out cliches like "money ain't everything".

Thre truth is. And you and I are living exhibit of that. Our parents left and migrated half way across the globe. They left behind all their loved ones. Many would never see their parents again or if it was, it was once every half a decade. They moved to a rabidly secular, sexually explicit, homosexually accepting, alcohol friendly with undertones of racism country with sense of white supremacy to take place as a underclass working in terrible conditions. They certainly did not make this migration to a alien country for Islam, piety, freedom etc but money, money, money.

We hear it often said "people vote with their feet". Well our parents certainly did. Actions speak louder then words. and when I look at outside of the window I am reminded I live in UK. I suspect if you look out of the window you will draw the same conclusion.

All totalitarian societies are destroyed. The USSR thought it was invincible too
No. Far from it. USA was a totalitarian state as well in it's formative phase until it evolved although there still is strong undercurrent of that in American DNA.

And any student of Soviet Union will know it collapsed not because of lack of 'freedom' but because of failed economic policies and it's failure to keep up with the Western military threat which exhausted it. Soviet Union was bled white by failed economic management.

The Chinese have learn't that lesson and have placed economy at the forefront of socialism and you can see that in consumer heavens like Shanghai, Shenzhen etc.

For Chinese it is money, money, money and then socialism. And that appears to be winning formula and has the entire west terrified at the 'rise of the Dragon'.

It is hard to understand why people from a LDC country spend time criticizing China’s policy, rather than working towards improving their own country and wellbeing of their own people.
The answer to the question you posit is implicit in your post. Could it be many of these LDC's countries like Pakistan are often embroiled in such nonsense or issues relating to god and get detracted from the very real problem in the hereto.
Actually an atheist can be a brother....

Thats the point brother...

Do you prefer the Mughal made border system? Or the Marathi made border system? Or the Khilafa made border system??

Nope .all credits goes to THE BRITISH :) Just last 97 years We are in a jail.
Military strategy is different thing - China is doing business. China isn't political state. Its A economical DRAGON state. And do you think- they will opprase muslims. And Just for military statistics. you will give them madel ?

I think you are unable to understand his sarcasm.
@Indus Pakistan

Brother- ONe hadit for you- RAsul (saw) said said muslim ummah just a aone human body if a part get pain whole body response. Got the theme ? You are just last 97 years - facing the jail border system.
all the uk bengalis all you lot are HET or al qaida or isis who you guys are loyal with ??? .. traitor to your motherland , traitor to Uk who gave your parents asylum what the fck you guys want from us ? your countrymen decided to part ways and form their own land and now this new fckd up confused desi bengali fcks like you and some others are here to confuse the holistanis .. too late your stupid propaganda wont work any more so try your luck on mozambique defence forums or similar
all the uk bengalis all you lot are HET or al qaida or isis who you guys are loyal with ??? .. traitor to your motherland , traitor to Uk who gave your parents asylum what the fck you guys want from us ? your countrymen decided to part ways and form their own land and now this new fckd up confused desi bengali fcks like you and some others are here to confuse the holistanis .. too late your stupid propaganda wont work any more so try your luck on mozambique defence forums or similar

I am loyal to the muslims not to the westerns. Some people by bron slave or like to slavery , BCz of lack of personality and self- confidence. It's Natural. When Statement is clear then - Picking false point is called stupidity. I think -
BD has a luxury that Pakistan does not have it..That is enemity with India....If you will be in the situation like Pakistan where it is sorrounded by India, Afganistan and Iran...then you do not much choice rather than turning a blind eye about China's realtion with Ughigurs...
Enmity with India is ok but why with Afghanistan and Iran. Aren't they brotherly nations?
I am loyal to the muslims not to the westerns. Some people by bron slave or like to slavery , BCz of lack of personality and self- confidence. It's Natural. When Statement is clear then - Picking false point is called stupidity. I think -
All that crap whilst living in a western country .. lol .. you are just another brain washed isis ,aq ,het ,deashi ,jihadi confused bengali
Because there is more to life that what you are told to believe. Freedom, choice, liberty, all matter more than GDP.

All totalitarian societies are destroyed. The USSR thought it was invincible too, in the end, the resentment within it and it's own mistakes led to it's downfall. That downfall would not have happened had the people had the freedom to express a different opinion than the states, it might have seen it's own flaws and weaknesses and amended them. Instead it curbed pluralism and bought about it's downfall.

You and I won't live to see this day, this is China's time, where it will rise and rise, for maybe hundreds of years it will rise, but totalitarianism cannot survive forever.

Western society is quite totaliarian too, but they create the perception of freedom. This false perception is essential in controlling the people, by letting them think they are the masters of their own destiny.

You deny the uighur people the right to worship their religion. If you truly feel their god is false, why do you fear their worship of a false diety? It's because your society is totalitarian. It cannot tolerate a difference of opinion, let alone a different religion. Your strength is through blind and total obedience.
You know what else gets destroyed over time? Religion.
People don't worship Ra, Aunbis or Zeus anymore...
Chinese are right to focus on science.
In fact, there is no state that cares about the Uighurs... Who want to exert pressure on China through the Uighurs , They dont have any aim about welfare of the Uighur Turks. There are only political goals about theirs interests , not for oppressed nation. As long as this is continuous , China will continue to harden. Sadly, Uighurs are only grass under the elephants. This story is actually a lesson for every nation.


We were young when we started our journey,
Now our grand-children are able to ride on horses.
We were very few when started our journey,
Now we´re advancing and left traces on the desert.
Our traces are in the deserts and in the valleys,
There are many heroes buried in the desert with no grave.
Don´t say they were left without graves,
Their graves covered with flowers in the Spring.
Left the crowd, left the scene, they are all faraway,
Wind blows, sand moves, yet our trace never disappears.
The caravan never stops even our horses become thin,
Our grand-children or great-grand-children will one day find those traces.
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