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China Asks Pakistan to Mend Its Fences with Neighbours

Yes, there is a sea change in the Pakistani thinking and the post-OBL events have opened any closed eyes in Pakistan vis a vis American presence in this area. One of the items before the recent joint session of Parliament in Pakistan was India. It could be either a rejoinder to India over the threat made by the Indian Army Chief. Or it could have been a shift to make peace with India. At least 'shelve' the Kashmir issue. Not sure how much India was discussed. They should have. The current Parliament of Pakistan is unique in the sense that there are all kind of parties represented. Same is with the provincial assemblies of Pakistan. The military top brass was also inside Pakistan. Pakistani parliament should have extended an olive branch to India to shelve the disputes then.
Anyway, I hope China can influence that. This topic is about that.

Several points:

- why does being anti-America equate to being pro-India?

- why do you think China can influence India in any way?

- as much as I would like peace with India eventually -- and we have much in common -- the fact is that they are causing trouble in Baluchistan and elsewhere. This is not idle conspiracy theory; it is a realistic assessment based on India's past activity in Sri Lanka, East Pakistan, Sikkim, Nepal, etc, etc. I am not saying Pakistan has been innocent in all this, but all governments do dirty dealings, and India is no exception. I can understand many people in Pakistan are upset at the security establishment, but these matters should not be decided while one is reeling from emotional rebound.
I think Aid is not a solution for us, and its good that chinese don't give aid to our corrupt leaders.

I am very glad to see this attitude from the Pakistani members here. :cheers:

Aid is a crutch, that just weakens the person receiving it.

China grew the most, when we were being sanctioned by the outside world. The Tiananmen incident occured in 1989, after which we were heavily sanctioned by the international community.

It was at that point, when we started doing everything by ourselves, that our economic boom truly started. Even today, we are still are under an "Arms embargo" from the West, yet we are currently developing our own indigenous 5th generation jet fighters.
Well that is what Pakistan has been trying to do for the past decades, many diplomatic overtures have been made. Recently, Sir Creek issue has apparently been resolved by supporting a joint-administration over Sir Creek... Kashmir is clearly more high stakes...China understands this.
A very sensible message from China and a king refusal to begging bowl taken by Gilani. Hu Jintao clearly said that China cannot hand out cash loans and as a Pakistani i am very grateful that atleast somebody understand the zardari character of current government.
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