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China announces naval drills in Western Pacific

But that won't happen, because Japan is enslaved by white Americans right now and we are militarily stronger than they are.

Besides, we did blame our government, and the result is that the KMT was kicked out to Taiwan.

It is questionable if the people the PLA killed were even civilians, since many times a "civilian" is actually a soldier wearing street clothes in violation of the rules of war. So we have no choice, because many times Chinese were ambushed by "civilians" with machine guns.

The white Americans used Agent Orange and machine guns to kill 4 million Vietnamese civilians, and you are now going with a begging bowl to them. You must be crazy. After 4 million dead to achieve independence, now you are inviting the white Americans back to use you like a cheap tool. Nothing wrong with that for us, if you like to embrace the killer and rapist, then that's OK.

Your post presented you are low educated or arogant, absent minded in nature.
Without victory of USA and Soviet Union in WWII, china is still enslaving by Japan.

We are Vietnamese has been facing with USA enemy, overcame all difficulties (include batrayal of chinese, begged USA to discussion in back of Vietnam 1972 and robbed our Islands 1974) and finally we successfully gained our independent.

To day USA admitted his failure and has been paid for clearance Orange agent used area. USA is more fair and civilized than chinese, even they was enemy of Vietnam. You are dirty neigbours, uncivilized nation when you could laughing on killing of innocent Vietnamese by chinese murder.
Your post presented you are low educated or arogant, absent minded in nature.
Without victory of USA and Soviet Union in WWII, china is still enslaving by Japan.

We are Vietnamese has been facing with USA enemy, overcame all difficulties (include batrayal of chinese, begged USA to discussion in back of Vietnam 1972 and robbed our Islands 1974) and finally we successfully gained our independent.

To day USA admitted his failure and has been paid for clearance Orange agent used area. USA is more fair and civilized than chinese, even they was enemy of Vietnam. You are dirty neigbours, uncivilized nation when you could laughing on killing of innocent Vietnamese by chinese murder.

no, what? USA does not accept any responsibility for agent orange.

U.S. still refuses Agent Orange responsibility | Video | Reuters.com

US refuses to compensate Agent Orange victims - informationliberation

It does not even accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing white Americans, why would it accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing Vietnamese?

Feds Refuse To Cleanup Buried Agent Orange That Is Kiling Gainesville Florida Residents
no, what? USA does not accept any responsibility for agent orange.

U.S. still refuses Agent Orange responsibility | Video | Reuters.com

US refuses to compensate Agent Orange victims - informationliberation

It does not even accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing white Americans, why would it accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing Vietnamese?

Feds Refuse To Cleanup Buried Agent Orange That Is Kiling Gainesville Florida Residents
At least US help VN to clean Agent Orange damage
Vietnam and US in joint venture to clean up Agent Orange damage
Countries work together for first time to tackle contamination caused by wartime spraying of chemical defoliant

Vietnam started the first phase of a joint plan with the US on Friday to clean up environmental damage caused by the chemical defoliant Agent Orange, a lasting legacy of the Vietnam war.

The work concentrates on a former US military base in central Vietnam, where the defoliant was stored during the war that ended more than three decades ago.

It is the first time the two sides have worked together on the ground to clean up contamination.

A statement by the US embassy in Hanoi said Vietnam's ministry of defence will begin sweeping areas near the Da Nang airport for unexploded ordnance. It will then work with the US Agency for International Development to remove dioxin – a chemical used in Agent Orange – from soil and sediment at the site. This action is expected to begin early next year.

US aircraft sprayed millions of gallons of the chemical over South Vietnam during the war to destroy guerrilla fighters' jungle cover.

Contamination from dioxin which has been linked to cancers and birth defects – has remained a thorny topic between the former foes. Washington was slow to respond to the issue, arguing for years that more research was needed to show that the wartime spraying caused health problems and disabilities among Vietnamese.

Virginia Palmer, the US embassy chargé d'affaires, said: "As secretary of state Hillary Clinton remarked while visiting Vietnam last October, the dioxin in the ground here is 'a legacy of the painful past we share', but the project we will undertake here, as our two nations work hand-in-hand to clean up this site, is a sign of the hopeful future we are building together."

The $32m (£19.7m) project will remove dioxin from 29 hectares (71 acres) of land at the Da Nang site. A 2009 study of the area by the Canadian environmental firm Hatfield Consultants found chemical levels that were 300 to 400 times higher than international limits.
Vietnam and US in joint venture to clean up Agent Orange damage | World news | The Guardian

But China still not admit the atroctity in 1979 to VN women and children and help VN Nothing.
no, what? USA does not accept any responsibility for agent orange.

U.S. still refuses Agent Orange responsibility | Video | Reuters.com

US refuses to compensate Agent Orange victims - informationliberation

It does not even accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing white Americans, why would it accept responsibility for Agent Orange killing Vietnamese?

Feds Refuse To Cleanup Buried Agent Orange That Is Kiling Gainesville Florida Residents

Other than no scientific evident to confirm effect of orange agent, but USA paid for clearance.
When china pay for damages to six provinces of Vietnam was destroyed by chinese by war 1979 ?
But that won't happen, because Japan is enslaved by white Americans right now and we are militarily stronger than they are.

Besides, we did blame our government, and the result is that the KMT was kicked out to Taiwan.

It is questionable if the people the PLA killed were even civilians, since many times a "civilian" is actually a soldier wearing street clothes in violation of the rules of war. So we have no choice, because many times Chinese were ambushed by "civilians" with machine guns.

The white Americans used Agent Orange and machine guns to kill 4 million Vietnamese civilians, and you are now going with a begging bowl to them. You must be crazy. After 4 million dead to achieve independence, now you are inviting the white Americans back to use you like a cheap tool. Nothing wrong with that for us, if you like to embrace the killer and rapist, then that's OK.
Yep, Nothing wrong with you, that why we would like to help US to invade China , help US and native ASEAN people to kill all Chinese in ASEAN like killing them in Indonesia , Phillipine, Thailand if they want , and don't blame Thailand -Indonesia-Phillipine for killing some bad guy like your fellow :cool:
Yep, Nothing wrong with you, that why we would like to help US to invade China , help US and native ASEAN people to kill all Chinese in ASEAN like killing them in Indonesia , Phillipine, Thailand if they want , and don't blame Thailand -Indonesia-Phillipine for killing some bad guy like your fellow :cool:

The US has already done that. They sponsored military dictators in Indonesia and Philippines to kill Chinese. The difference is, we did not forget about their aggression, and did not go to them with a begging bowl.

US cleanup of Agent Orange will take decades. China has already helped Vietnam during the Vietnam War, don't you think you are being greedy by asking for even more aid?
The US has already done that. They sponsored military dictators in Indonesia and Philippines to kill Chinese. The difference is, we did not forget about their aggression, and did not go to them with a begging bowl.

US cleanup of Agent Orange will take decades. China has already helped Vietnam during the Vietnam War, don't you think you are being greedy by asking for even more aid?
We just milk whoever when can, like we're losing anything.
Then China can milk whoever she can. lol Even at your expense.
Don't butthurt because we don't give a xhit about what you guys say about us, we'll continue to milk anyone that we can, talk is cheap. Money talk bullxhit walks. Heh, Russia has agree to lend us $9 billion dollars and we "promise" to pay back in 28 years. People like you will never be able to milk anyone, only people come and milk you for good, like we did with you guys in the Viet Nam war LOL
Yep, Nothing wrong with you, that why we would like to help US to invade China , help US and native ASEAN people to kill all Chinese in ASEAN like killing them in Indonesia , Phillipine, Thailand if they want , and don't blame Thailand -Indonesia-Phillipine for killing some bad guy like your fellow :cool:

Hahaha Mentality of napalm agent affected person, your assss talking again? hehe for your info thailand indonesia philipine leaders and including vietnam to a certain extend is either chinese related or controll by chinese migrants in those countries.
Don't butthurt because we don't give a xhit about what you guys say about us, we'll continue to milk anyone that we can, talk is cheap. Money talk bullxhit walks. Heh, Russia has agree to lend us $9 billion dollars and we "promise" to pay back in 28 years. People like you will never be able to milk anyone, only people come and milk you for good, like we did with you guys in the Viet Nam war LOL

What a load of bull again gosh i will win the lottery if one day i can see viet tolls here coming out with a credible post,bact to topic , the only one you can milk is your own mother, you retard just dont know every one is using you guys including china too:rofl: LOL your foolishness is beyond cure that s why you called getting a loan from russia to buy weapons from russia is miliking the russian omg i just couldnt stop laughing:rofl:
So what's the big deal? China like any other country has the right to conduct exercises in INTERNATIONAL waters. Nothing to get queasy about. Move on...
What a load of bull again gosh i will win the lottery if one day i can see viet tolls here coming out with a credible post,bact to topic , the only one you can milk is your own mother, you retard just dont know every one is using you guys including china too:rofl: LOL your foolishness is beyond cure that s why you called getting a loan from russia to buy weapons from russia is miliking the russian omg i just couldnt stop laughing:rofl:
Butthurt much heh? LOL We get the hardware first, that's what it matters, we don't have to pay cash for it FIRST. We would never loan anyone anything first in advance because of the possibility of not getting the loan back 100%; there is a reason why some people are "shy" away from doing business with us. Explaining this concept to a bunch of retards can be troublesome.

But it's hard talking to a bunch of fools that we used them in the past. LOL
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