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China announces naval drills in Western Pacific

Average Vietnamese IQ has been reported to be 99 in one study, as many of them genetically descend from South Chinese people. Vietnam and the Vietnamese had both belonged to China, and the Vietnamese were Chinese (sinitized) as well. Vietnam remained mostly under Chinese rule for a thousand years.
Under China rule ??I'm tired to type again and again that stupid fake history from Chinese already. Tell me where were China during Mongol invasion ??why Chinese fled to VN and beg for protection ??

And in Quing dynasty our emperor even demanded to take back Guangxi and Guangdong and if he didn't pass away too soon, Guangxi and Guangdong belong to VietNam already.
Nguyễn Huệ wanted more than just the containment of China, he also aimed to retake the provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong (Quảng Tây and Quảng Đông). In ancient times, Guangxi and Guangdong were part of Vietnam. However, the Han Dynasty captured these provinces during their invasion of Nam-Viet. For this reason, Emperor Quang Trung was determined to take them back.

..Using his diplomats, Nguyễn Huệ demanded the Qing return these provinces, and that failure to comply would result in the invasion of China by the army of Vietnam. Fearing further conflicts with the Vietnamese Emperor, the Qing Dynasty reluctantly accepted. With his plans in motion, the future looked bright for Vietnam. In four years of his reign, Vietnam was starting its transition from a medieval kingdom into a powerful modern state. However, before Quang Trung could complete his ambitious goals, tragedy struck.
The Incredible. The Unbeatable. Nguy
No matter what Chinese Armour is China can't and couldn't beat fighter Viets. Merging Taiwan is a sour dream due to big brother USA. And repeating 1962 with India? I am speechless. :D
C'mon, people, argue sanely and provide reasonable arguments.

As a major player in Northeast Asian, China's launching regular naval drills in Western Pacific is natural as some kind response or signal to U.S.A-Japan alliance.
Under China rule ??I'm tired to type again and again that stupid fake history from Chinese already. Tell me where were China during Mongol invasion ??why Chinese fled to VN and beg for protection ??
Get the facts straight instead of denying your country's history.

History of Vietnam

Chinese Colonization (200BC - 938AD)

From 200 BC to 100AD, many changes took place throughout China, northern Vietnam, and Southeast Asia as peoples migrated, and bases of power shifted and expanded. In China, as the Qin Dynasty lost power to the Han Dynasty in 206 BC, deposed members of the military and government began to trickle into Vietnam's Tonkin or Red River Delta. The people who arrived in this area brought their technology, language, and culture, beginning the Sinicization of Northern Vietnam which continued into the 20th century.

Northern Vietnam was officially annexed and colonized in 111BC by the Han Dynasty. Chinese historians described the Vietnamese people they encountered as barbarian and uncivilized. The Chinese colonists set out to reform Vietnamese culture along Chinese lines but village life did not change substantially. At first, the Chinese only established trading centers so they could conduct business from the coast of Vietnam. In about 100BC two Chinese-run prefectures, Giao Chi and Cuu Chan, were established in the Au Lac Kingdom in the Tonkin Delta.

The aristocracy of the Au Lac kingdom, the Lac Lords, initially accepted the Chinese and worked with them. They looked to the Chinese to help them in maintaining power over their own kingdoms. Chinese colonization and pressure increased with the collapse of the Western Han Dynasty in 9AD which caused a large migration of Chinese aristocrats into Southern China and later into Vietnam. There was a massive immigration of scholars, officers, and wealthy Chinese and many local rulers were replaced by Chinese officials. Some of these officials married into the Vietnamese aristocracy, creating what became a major force in Vietnam-an educated class of Sino-Vietnamese, or people of mixed Chinese and Vietnamese origin. Chinese immigrants built schools and temples, and ordered the construction of major networks of canals, dikes, road ways, and bridges to facilitate the production of rice and the movement of people and natural resources. Gradually the Chinese population of the Tonkin Delta grew, and the two original prefectures were divided into seven, with Chinese prefects appointed for each area. In addition, soldiers from the Han Dynasty were granted land by the Chinese government and began to take up farming in Vietnamese villages... Eager Chinese immigrants were happy to buy up land.

Windows on Asia
The facts was chinese invaders are punished and run away from Vietnam.

Really? Last I remember, you were crying how Chinese were slaughtering Vietnamese civilians. How was China punished? You said we killed your civilians with axes and hammers right? Why did your government fail to protect them? Why did Vietnamese soldiers never even get to see a Chinese civilian?

I like Vietnamese, but you are changing my view of them. It seems like Vietnamese have a severe inferiority complex towards Chinese.
Really? Last I remember, you were crying how Chinese were slaughtering Vietnamese civilians. How was China punished? You said we killed your civilians with axes and hammers right? Why did your government fail to protect them? Why did Vietnamese soldiers never even get to see a Chinese civilian?

I like Vietnamese, but you are changing my view of them. It seems like Vietnamese have a severe inferiority complex towards Chinese.

Chinese invaders was punished in Vietnam, recently 1979. How many chinese soldiers was killed by Vietnamese local military ? you are brazenly talking about killing innocent civilians Vietnamese, dirty chinese.
Chinese invaders was punished in Vietnam, recently 1979. How many chinese soldiers was killed by Vietnamese local military ? you are brazenly talking about killing innocent civilians Vietnamese, dirty chinese.

10 times less than we killed of Vietnamese civilians.

Don't blame us, blame your government for being too weak.
10 times less than we killed of Vietnamese civilians.

Don't blame us, blame your government for being too weak.

Let Japan one more again enslaving you, and more Nanking's massacre to let you understand what was barbarian aggressors done to chinese. Chinese civilians was same fate in the past.
Why chinese guys like you become shamelessly ?
Let Japan one more again enslaving you, and more Nanking's massacre to let you understand what was barbarian aggressors done to chinese. Chinese civilians was same fate in the past.
Why chinese guys like you become shamelessly ?

But that won't happen, because Japan is enslaved by white Americans right now and we are militarily stronger than they are.

Besides, we did blame our government, and the result is that the KMT was kicked out to Taiwan.

It is questionable if the people the PLA killed were even civilians, since many times a "civilian" is actually a soldier wearing street clothes in violation of the rules of war. So we have no choice, because many times Chinese were ambushed by "civilians" with machine guns.

The white Americans used Agent Orange and machine guns to kill 4 million Vietnamese civilians, and you are now going with a begging bowl to them. You must be crazy. After 4 million dead to achieve independence, now you are inviting the white Americans back to use you like a cheap tool. Nothing wrong with that for us, if you like to embrace the killer and rapist, then that's OK.
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