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China and Vietnam have a shared future and are “comrades and brothers",President Xi Jinping says in Lunar New Year note to fellow communist leader

yeah, thats why the festival practice has Chinese features such as red envelope, Chinese scripts everywhere, Im convinced... :)
What do you mean ?
Here is envelops in Vietnam.



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What do you mean ?
Here is envelops in Vietnam.


Yes, it is totally original and independent and has nothing to do with Chinese culture, I am convinced.
Your ancestors must be roflmao in the grave seeing how hard you are trying on PDF to get rid of all Chinese elements.

I am fucking ded. This is the future of China? A bunch of angry little pinks with C+ gpa :rofl:



And some dumb pinks thought I was making clone accounts pretending to be Chinese to humiliate Chinese people.
China and Vietnam are naturally allies as long as they are both communist states, cause the west and US ultimate goal is to kill both of them and whiteys will pull out all stops trying to dominate the east Asians forever.
You don't know Vietnamese. They would rather give up communism ideology than become China's ally. Samely for China, seeing Vietnam as a brother country like in 1950-1970 is long gone. And will never happen again.
I know what the CCP planted in your mind a fantasy of the "united Asia", but don't even think for a second that it's possible to replace the US here. Be it military, culture, technology, philosophy, there's nothing of China that you can not find outside of China, and anyone can do the same thing, if not, better than China. Furthermore, China's economic and political models are fundamentally different from Vietnam, just solely based on the level of taxation accountability. For example, Chinese government fails to secure funding through the extraction of direct tax (like Personal income tax (PIT) or property tax) because they lack consent-based legitimacy. States that raise significant revenue from income taxation (like Vietnam in recent years, and traditionally, Western countries) face strong demands for accountability. This is not the case with China. Chinese people don't trust the government with their saving. The PRC has a total disregard of taxation on non-state sectors because it prefers total control over accountability. This model is high-cost and requires long-term commitment. That's why it's absorbing its own private sector. Applying coercive methods and to force compliance is never gonna be successful in the long run, no matter how effective the extraction capability is, because it requires high administrative cost and demotivates productivity. Chinese government is sacrificing their low and middle class, and attacking its private sector on a massive scale for a greater control over economic resources. Vietnam, on the other hand, is democratizing. We can prove to you that we can be better at being communist than China.

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Again, PRC is a regime that still mainly prioritizes high efficiency and totalitarian approaches to impose involuntary compliance, that's not much different from how it operated thousands of years ago, in other words, inferior to the Western models. Western countries can exert control and innovate without silencing its citizens. That state of flexibility is unprecedented in the human history. If you notice, most of our new public policy and management schools are helped built by the US, not China. We do learn from China's failures, but not your successes.

You should worry about yourselves first before worrying about us. Make sure you unify your country before facing the US.
If u are real vietnamese, u shall move back and see the real Vietnam rather than staying in Australia and become a servant to the white who's aim is to ensure white only global domination continue.

You don't know Vietnamese. They would rather give up communism ideology than become China's ally. Samely for China, seeing Vietnam as a brother country like in 1950-1970 is long gone. And will never happen again.
No, the pivot has come. The vietnamese pivot are for their own good. But they need to treat Chinese as partner and friend first.

They know that. They block US aircraft carrier visit on Vietnam in jul 2022. They also stop all drilling in disputed sea with China. They know many of their sub components are source or benefit from the close proximity with China. Their fate is tied with CPC. The current US has not stopped sponsor south Vietnam regime leftover reside in USA. They are highly anti VCP.

Don't be fooled by a few overseas vietnamese troll who are working against the VCP.
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Vietnamese economy depends on Chinese technology and component inputs. Vietnamese watch Chinese movies, listen to Chinese music, on Chinese apps, run on Chinese phones. They line up at the border waiting to get into China. In fact they make videos about how excited they are to go to China. Vietnam is run by CPV that moves in near lockstep with China.
If only if it is that simple, but since it is not that simple, you resorted to war, or at least a border dispute, and found yourselves wanting. Now, all you have to do is try maybe harder to convince the Viets that their country is a Chinese state. Can you do that without resorting to violence?

Basically, during the Cold War, China had a racist program in appealing to ethnic Chinese in other Asian countries fomenting communist revolutions. The plan failed mainly because despite genetic ties, other Asians felt they owe China shit. Nothing wrong with keeping Chinese heritage while keeping away from China. From my mother's side, I have Chinese and Indian. I owe either country nothing.
That is a SILLY thing for someone ignorant of the situation in our region to say.

During the early years after independence, many Chinese and Indians are just here to earn enough money return, more so for the Indians. Pity that many Indians left and did not buy Singapore property because of this. Those who stayed took awhile for the idea of their new citizenship to take root.
It is only in recent times that all local Chinese do not identify themselves as Chinese from China.
Developing our Singapore identity is still an ongoing process.
The local Chinese were fighting the local Indians when there was a border war in 1962.

You are free to forget your ROOTs, while we would like to cherish ours, and the land of our ancestors.
Don't make stupid comments outside your Google Search expertise.
If u are real vietnamese, u shall move back and see the real Vietnam rather than staying in Australia and become a servant to the white who's aim is to ensure white only global domination continue.

No, the pivot has come. The vietnamese pivot are for their own good. But they need to treat Chinese as partner and friend first.

They know that. They block US aircraft carrier visit on Vietnam in jul 2022. They also stop all drilling in disputed sea with China. They know many of their sub components are source or benefit from the close proximity with China. Their fate is tied with CPC. The current US has not stopped sponsor south Vietnam regime leftover reside in USA. They are highly anti VCP.

Don't be fooled by a few overseas vietnamese troll who are working against the VCP.
I am not from Southern Vietnam or South Vietnam regime for that matter.
Yes, it is totally original and independent and has nothing to do with Chinese culture, I am convinced.
Your ancestors must be roflmao in the grave seeing how hard you are trying on PDF to get rid of all Chinese elements.

The Lunar year festival belong to Bai Yue 百越/百粵 peoples, from longe time before Jin 秦始皇 invaded to East mainland China. When you are from Wo Yue, Min Yue ... and have regained independency from China, you will do the same ás we do now in Lunar Year Festival.
That is a SILLY thing for someone ignorant of the situation in our region to say.

During the early years after independence, many Chinese and Indians are just here to earn enough money return, more so for the Indians. Pity that many Indians left and did not buy Singapore property because of this. Those who stayed took awhile for the idea of their new citizenship to take root.
It is only in recent times that all local Chinese do not identify themselves as Chinese from China.
Developing our Singapore identity is still an ongoing process.
The local Chinese were fighting the local Indians when there was a border war in 1962.

You are free to forget your ROOTs, while we would like to cherish ours, and the land of our ancestors.
Don't make stupid comments outside your Google Search expertise.
You should know by now that if I quoted a book, it means I literally have the book in my home library. Do you dispute what Lee said about China? Is YOUR identity Chinese or Singaporean?
The Lunar year festival belong to Bai Yue 百越/百粵 peoples, from longe time before Jin 秦始皇 invaded to East mainland China. When you are from Wo Yue, Min Yue ... and have regained independency from China, you will do the same ás we do now in Lunar Year Festival.
Ancient Chinese called all tribes living on the south of their kingdoms as "Bai Yue". This is like Romans called all people outside Rome as "Savages". No matter they were Gauls or Germans. You Vietnamese have nothing to do with most Baiyue tribes.
Ancient Chinese called all tribes living on the south of their kingdoms as "Bai Yue". This is like Romans called all people outside Rome as "Savages". No matter they were Gauls or Germans. You Vietnamese have nothing to do with most Baiyue tribes.
You guys need to make up your collective mind, or call the CPC for further instructions. Are Vietnamese part of Chinese? Or not? :rolleyes:
You guys need to make up your collective mind, or call the CPC for further instructions. Are Vietnamese part of Chinese? Or not? :rolleyes:
No. Vietnam is not part of China. So I said most Baiyue tribes had nothing to do with Vietnamese.
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