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History of Pakistan starts from 1947. The name Pakistan was itself coined in 1930's

History of Republic of India starts in 47 as well. What's your point?
The people and the land of Pakistan have a history going back thousands of years, Pakistanis are what we are called now.

When there is no name called 'Pakistan' before 1930's. What is this 'land of Pakistan' before 1947?

Pakicetus is a genus of extinct terrestrial carnivorous mammal of the family Pakicetidae which was endemic to Pakistan from the Eocene (48–49 Ma).[1] Many paleontologists regard it as a close relative to the direct ancestors of modern day whales.

Pakistan came to exists after 1947........... and India exists before...... as you guys saying there is no India before 1947..... from where did British INDIA came from.................... IVC got nothing to do with pakistan.... Islam came to exists after Invasion of muslim rulers ...... that too way after IVC era........ before that Hinduism,etc are existed ..........funny claim by RAFI.........Pakistan never separated according Land but religion........
What we are, is our concern - the fact is the largest IVC cities are in our beautiful and pleasant land, and have nothing to do with india. Respect ancient Pakistan.


Deal with it sonny. :pakistan:
There was no such thing as Pakistan till 1947.......Even the idea originated only in 1930's..........
Before that the whole region was india. Even now, it is the Indian Subcontinent, not the Pakistan and Indian subcontinent.
On the other hand India was always there since it's roots, the IVC, took place............there are records, memoirs and histories to prove it.It was fractured for most of it's history, but the idea was always there in the minds and the cultures of the people.............
History of Republic of India starts in 47 as well. What's your point?

So are you saying that History of People's Republic of China also started in the year 1949? CD might have objections.
History of Republic of India starts in 47 as well. What's your point?
If there was no India before 47 than why the hell world named Indian Ocean and what the hell Columbus was looking for?

Pakicetus is a genus of extinct terrestrial carnivorous mammal of the family Pakicetidae which was endemic to Pakistan from the Eocene (48–49 Ma).[1] Many paleontologists regard it as a close relative to the direct ancestors of modern day whales.


Ancient Pakistan is a reality, no-one can deny.
So are you saying that History of People's Republic of China also started in the year 1949? CD might have objections.
The People Republic of China gained control of China in 49, this is a fact. It is also irrelevant to the topic.

Why do you people have such difficult time comprehending simple facts?
What do they teach you people in school?
This is basic stuff.

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